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Sedaria, Part One

Posted on Sun May 17th, 2020 @ 1:24am by Lieutenant JG Matthew Plumeri

2,925 words; about a 15 minute read

Mission: Episode 106 – Stalemate
Location: USS Endeavor - Junior Officers Quarters
Timeline: MD04 - 0700


USS Endeavor - Junior Officer’s Shared Quarters

“How do I look?”, her roommate asked.

Tahna looked up from her PADD at Matthew. He was wearing his new uniform. The teal of the Science department gave a splash of color on his collar encircling his neck and across the upper part of his chest. The new style communicator pin stood put prominently against the dark grey of his uniform.

She smirked, “That must have been a special order? How else could they manage to fit all of your ego into a single uniform?”

Matthew feigned injury, “OOooo…SNAP!” but her words didn’t bother him. “Say what you want Tahna…but you know I look good.”

“Hmph!” she replied.

“Tahna, Face it. Your powers are useless against me – we’re both on shore leave now. So what’s on your plan for tonight?” he asked her as he closed the door to the mirror.

“Not much…some of us like the down time and don’t need to fill every minute of it you know?” she said.

Plumeri jumped over the back of the couch and landed on the seat cushions, “YOU’ve been hanging around Seran too much. Come on with us to the Promenade? Me and some of the peeps I’ve met from our new Starbase? There’s lots of stuff to do and to see. Lots of bars and coffee places. You’d be welcome to tag along. Join us for a beer or two?”

“Ha! With you? That’ll be the day. No thanks. Beer isn’t really my thing” she replied.

“Ah, you say that now. Wait until you try what I will brew up. I’m thinking to start my own small, y’know brewery. Right here for starters” Matt said as he indicated their shared quarters.

“I can’t believe that you have roped anyone else into your…crack-pot scheme.”

He rested his head on the back of the sofa as he placed his feet on the coffee table, “It’s not a ‘scheme’…its called a plan and it’ll work. And I haven’t roped anyone into it. Yet. You could be the first you know? Get in on the Plumeri Brewery on the ground floor?””

“How can you be so sure. Have you ever brewed beer before in your life?” Tahna asked.

He grinned back at her and shook his head, “Nope!” She shook her head, “Unbeliveable.” She saw his foot on the table and glared at him, “MATT! I swear…”

He took his foot off and laughed, “OK, ok…look I took it off.”

“Hey, there’s lots of stuff I do every day that I don’t know how to do. And I do it anyway. It’s called ‘living’. Try it sometime. If you come with you might get…lucky.” Matt winked.

“Ha! I don’t need you to help in my love life thank you very much. Just stay out of my love-life. I’m not going to take advice from you. By the prophets you’re worse than my brother!” Tahna said with annoyance. “Just go OK? Have fun. And thank you for the offer Matt.”

He stood up, “OK…have it your way. But you’re missing out.”

She looked up at him, “I went skydiving just three days ago. I think I have a pretty good grasp of life and social activities.”

He unbuttoned the uniform to change out of it, “You could always do more. Live while we’re young Lieutenant. Savor the small things, always. You might look back later and realize they were the big things.”

He went into the room to change and came back out in civilian clothing. “Here. Catch!”

He tossed her an isolinear optical data chip. “What’s this?”

“Hm? A little something from home. Remember? I said that my mom was sending me a care package from home? Well, it finally arrived and she sent me twenty-four holo-novels.”

Tahna sat up and set the PADD down now very interested, “Is one of them?”


She gasped, “Sedaria?!”

He winked and smiled, “Oh hell’s yes! It’s both the story so you can play along and you can switch back and forth between the music and some of the famous arias. 2265 performance based on Curfall’s reconstruction of the third act. Perform’d most excellently by the Academy of Ancient Music and the title role…is yours to play.”

“You mean, the user can play the title role?”

“Uh-huh? Wouldn’t be much fun without it. You can play Sedaria, or Florek or the Starfleet Marine character. But the best part, my favorite, is the third act. Sedaria’s last aria. After she finds Florek and gets him out of the Cardassian prison? They used Curfall’s reconstruction and set it to Metastasio’s music. The recording is the one everybody knows, performed on Fontalis. It’s freak-in-amazing!” He handed her the chip.

She held the optical data chip in her hand and gleefully laughed.

“You’re welcome” he said as he started to leave.

She turned and stood up as he started to leave, “You’re still an annoying, messy, irritating ass Lieutenant.”

He stopped at the door and said, “The best roommate you have ever had?”

She laughed, “I’ll see you later. Hey? Matt?” Tahna called after him.

He stopped, “Yeah?”

“Thanks” Tahna said genuinely.

“Welcome. I want it back. Don’t go wrecking my holo-novel”. He said as he smiled and playfully left to meet his new friends.

The doors closed and Tahna said, “Yes!” Then she went and changed into costume.

=== DECK 17 – HOLODECK #3 ===

Tahna Meru stood outside of Holodeck #3. She opened the programmer’s interface and slid the optical data chip into an open slot. The chip was scanned and downloaded.

“Computer? Verify the contents of the program in slot number one?”

=A= Working…program verified. The holo-novel contained here is entitled ‘Sedaria’ and it was originally authored by Fortunata D’Arrotta. Music was later added by the Fontalan composer Metastasio. A further reconstruction of the third act by Curfall has been added to complete the work. The holographic images were scanned by the Mark Four...=A=

“Stop. What is the running time of the program in slot number 1”

=A= The holo program in slot number one has an approximate running time of three hours twenty-two minutes. =A=

Tahna typed into the program the variables that she wanted and then assigned herself as the title character.

=A= Program complete. Enter when ready. =A=

She closed her eyes. Took a breath. And stepped inside.

She was now…Sedaria.


In 2085, the Fontalan poet Forunato D’Arrotta wrote the adventure poem “Sedaria”. The music was written one-hundred years later by the celebrated Fontalan composer Metastasio. The work was first performed at the Temple Theatre in the Grand City of Serse, Fontalis and was an immediate success enjoying over two dozen performances and numerous revivals. In 2290, ‘Sedaria’ enjoyed a second success when the United Federation of Planets made first contact with the Fontalan people. ‘Sedaria’ is set in Cardassian space and with Cardassian characters. Heroic characters are represented by Federation officers and in particular Starfleet Marines. By the 2290’s the work had become a classic. In particular, the Federation Cultural Arts Council helped reconstruct what is most likely the complete third-act of the play. Because the play is of a political nature and highly critical of authoritarian power, represented by the Cardassians, it proved controversial and efforts were made to suppress the work and halt performances. In 2310, a revolt in the capital against the Federation by a small group of xenophobic persons succeeded in burning down the Temple Theatre where the work was originally performed. Later that year, a professional singer, in defense of immigrants from the United Federation of Planets took the last aria from the work and sang it in the monumental Temple Square in the capitol. From that moment on, the character of Sedaria and her swan song at the end of the play came to represent the embracing of the future and the goodwill needed to work with the new people from the Federation. The aria itself came to represent the song of the people. Today, ‘Sedaria’ has been scanned and digitized for a whole new generation. Wherever and whenever this work is performed it is a testament to the willpower and hope of not just the title character, but of a people yearning to breathe free. Final note, the recording, should you choose to play it, for Sedaria’s last song is a holographic recording of the 2363 performance by the Academy of Ancient Music. The title role of Sedaria is played by the Lady Amia Constanza in her thrilling and historic performance. Please enjoy this timeless tale of Life and Love in speaking truth to power.

~~ L'Accademia di storia musicale di Fontalis ~~


For three years prior, the civilian members of the Detapa Council have been trying to expose a covert military coup by the Cardassian military, Florek has exposed or attempted to expose certain crimes of the civilian controlled government. In revenge and object retribution, a high ranking member of the Detapa Council, regional governor Zelik, with substantial sums of money tied to the military, has secretly kidnapped, tortured and imprisoned Florek in a prison over which Zelik is master.

The jailer of the prison, Marzek, unknowingly hired Florek’s wife, Sedaria, when she discovered where they had been keeping their “undesireables” such as her husband Florek. Selling everything she had, facing certain death if she was discovered. Living from hand to mouth for month. Ridiculed and derided by all who knew her for her husband’s faults, Sedaria has come to Marzek’s door seeking employment, and he hired her on the spot. Now that Sedaria has gained access to the prison, she has begun her search. She has just learned that on orders from Zelik, the rations are to be cut even further for all political prisoners including those that were already cut to Florek, although at this point, she does not know for certain that he is here…or even…alive.


Now, disguised as a Cardassian prison guard, she has volunteered for the much harder and toilsome tasks in the prison. Although the rest of the guards had praised her for her determination and dedication to, "the cause" she garnered no pleasure from their praise. As she slopped the oily white goo onto the pans for the prisoners, Marzek continued his general adoration of "the cause" saying that the Federation was to blame for the bombs, the plague and a whole litany of other "crimes" against the Cardassian people. He went on and on about how
the day of vengeance was at hand and they were being spared this disease because of their commitment to Cardassia and "the cause". At one time, her husband talked very much in the same way. His speeches would go on for hours at their home during the Dominion, "alliance". Florek, her husband, called them open and honest discussions. Sedaria knew better, and wishing that she was not always right, three years ago Dominion soldiers and Cardassian troops stormed their house, hauled Florek away and that was the last she saw of him. That was three years ago.

Florek had "progressive" ideas and while he had no love for the Federation, he did not blame it for everything. He was an influential member of the Ministry of Infrastructure and as such had occasion and ability to meet with many important members of the sub-ordinate governmental agencies under the control of the Detapa council. Of course, that was just a puppet-head council. The real power allied with the military and, ultimately, with the Dominion. When they hauled Florek away on that cold evening three years ago, Sedaria had argued with him to disband the Cardassian Freedom Movement or CFM. She knew that no dictator wants to have a rival and with the situation on Cardassia being what it was - he should disband it and change things from within the system. Her pleas fell on deaf ears. She was a faithful, loyal and devoted wife. And when she heard the news that Florek was killed on that very same night three years ago; she was crushed. Not defeated, not hopeless - only crushed. For weeks she sought proof of his death and didn't get it. Eventually her suspicions grew into more than just
hunches, more than just theories. They were facts. She refused to believe that he was dead. She was right. He was not dead - but he often wished that he was.

In the end, when all her friends and the so called "fighters for freedom" fell away it was she and she alone who refused to believe that Florek was dead. Six months ago, she narrowed her search to the dreadful prison and gulag they called "Gaoler". It was located in the hills just outside of a city in the Northern Provinces known as Sevae. When the Cardassians asked for Federation assistance one, Commander Lisa Oxford was all too eager to help. Since the site was close to the city of Sevae *AND* a proposed power construction site for the Northern Provinces Commander Oxford seemed like a logical and welcome choice. Sedaria told Lisa Oxford everything she wanted to know about the CFM, the Dominion and even which people who still wanted to see Cardassia for Cardassians again. All this information Oxford tucked away. Like a snake in the grass, Oxford made innocent suggestions, and calculated moves to manipulate and bend people, especially, Captain Chambers, to her own twisted desires. Not just hers - but those who wanted to see Starfleet a mighty power once again and very quickly too after the devastating Dominion War. Then, just one month ago Oxford contacted Sedaria with a plan.

Gaoler was, long ago, a place of great misery and torture. Used for its remote and desolate location it was perfect for dealing with undesirable elements that threatened the stability of whatever government was in power at the time. When the Dominion alliance had been announced it was converted, rather quickly, to a great castle that housed priceless works of art for the Cardassian Cultural Division. When Cardassia failed to "be all that she could be", it took up its former nightmarish purposes and was back in business. Commander Lisa Oxford devised a plan whereby Sedaria secretly posed as a guard in order to get her into the prison. She was to make contact with her husband, Florek and then at a pre-arranged time that they would discuss Sedaria was to liberate the prisoners by her own hand. Sedaria could not have known that this was the furthest thing from the truth. If Oxfords' plan had been carried out, it would look like a military coup - at worst, or a prison break, at best.

After some months serving as “just” an employee Sedaria learned the routines of the guards and how tightly was the grip of Zelik the military governor of the prison inside Gaoler. With Oxford's "kind" assistance she was dressed to look like a Cardassian male, and assumed the role of one of the guards. Sedaria, now disguised as “Liek” had access to places within the prison that she did not have access to before.

Tahna was getting used to this now and she followed the story closely.

"Liek, hurry up! You fool! You can feed the prisoners later - if ever. Didn't you hear what Marzek said?"

"No, I guess not. After a while those speeches begin to sound alike", she said.

"Ha! Well drop what you're doing because it was just announced that our Federation ‘helpers’ have lost one of their own right here in nearby Sevae too! Apparently, there was a Federation plot to overthrow Cardassia while we are still weak."

They move closer to the viewscreen and listen in. Captain Chambers is being interviewed at a new power plant construction site.

An older Starfleet captain is being interviewed " I have said before. This investigation is just beginning, and we have very few leads. Let me assure the Cardassian people and Federation counterparts that this heinous crime will not go unpunished. I have not and did not know of the actions behind my back of Commander Lisa Oxford and I am personally going to see that justice here is served with all of the resources of the Federation. Make no mistake..."

He is interrupted by the overwhelming shouts of an angry crowd and the image is blurred as the camera is tossed about. The room at the Gaoler prison erupts with angry shouts from the guards but they are a million miles away. Sedaria's only hope of getting her husband out alive are dashed to pieces. Oxford was not only a traitor - but she was planning to betray her all along! This discovery hits Sedaria like a ton of bricks and she leaves the room.

In a dark hallway, feeling incredibly alone and lost with no support now to find Florek and get him out - Sedaria weeps.

End part one of three


LTJG. Matthew Plumeri
Science Officer/Historian
USS Endeavor


LTJG. Tahna Meru
OPS – Transporter Specialist
Starbase 400
PNPC - Plumeri


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