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Remembering the past

Posted on Sat May 16th, 2020 @ 7:40pm by Lieutenant Commander Nicholas Coleman

498 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Episode 106 – Stalemate
Location: Operations, SB 23
Timeline: MD4, 1100

The day started out much like any other. Checking on reports, making sure lab space and resources were used and shared equally, and sending in reports to Starfleet Command and Starfleet Sciences. Not only that, but he was also working with other departments to try and figure out a way to retake Starbase 400.

This morning felt different however. Coleman couldn't quite put his finger on it, but he could sense it. His people always had a sixth sense about them and could tell when something was wrong with what his brother called the "Cosmic Order." Coleman tried to push this feeling aside and push through the rest of the day until he could figure out why he was feeling this way.

Coleman was sitting at Science Station Two with the Chief Science Officer for Starbase 23. One of their combined teams had come back from New Providence and found several interesting spores that nobody had seen before. The spores were very advanced for being your basic spores and everybody on the team was having trouble trying to isolate their specific genetic patterns.

Coleman began tapping away at the console in front of him as some of the data came in and scrolled across his screen. Something seemed familiar about it as it was coming in, as though he had seen something similar in years past. He couldn't quite put his finger on it, so he decided to try and do a little bit of digging.

Coleman pressed his combadge and said, "Computer, run a level one search for the following information. Spores, advanced DNA and RNA, and how they relate in Starfleet historical records."

The computer searched with the data Coleman asked for. It took the computer a few moments to gather all the data, but then, the computer froze for a moment before showing a special lock screen. It didn't know anything, but it looked similar to the Omega Protocol for Starfleet Captains and above, but it was different.

Above and below the symbol flashed a singular word, "Vanguard." Coleman thought back for a minute and all he could think about was a Starbase back in the mid 23rd century.

"Computer, search for the following term. Search for Starbase Vanguard," Coleman said and waited on the computer to respond after the search. However, when the computer came back, all the computer said was, "Level 11 command codes or higher required to access data on Starbase Vanguard."

Coleman thought about it for a minute and started to think about why he had a feeling of something foreboding. He remembered a bit about Vanguard, but not enough to begin to try to figure this mystery out. He knew he would need a historian's help, so he knew exactly who to go find for help.

"Coleman to Plumeri. Report to Science Lab One. I need your help on a....History problem," Coleman said as he tapped his combadge and told the CSO of Starbase 23 he needed to go and figure something out.


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