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Knowing Thy Teacher

Posted on Sat May 16th, 2020 @ 2:05pm by Lieutenant General Jewel 'M'lara' Dartt & Brigadier General Kaden Ross

1,011 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Episode 106 – Stalemate
Location: USS Kearsage, Ready Room
Timeline: MD3 1730h

Kaden approached Dartt's office but found the door opened a large mess was around her desk but seemed his superior herself was missing until he heard grumbling. "Uh, Jewel?, you in here?" He asked.

She bumbed her head on the desk at the sound of her name, "ouch..." she said as she rubbed her head and stood up looking straight up at Kaden. "Uh.." looking around thrown off as she wasn't expecting anyone. "Hello, can I help you?" She asked as was a bit surprised at the sudden visit.

Kaden looked around taking note of the amount of unpacked items in her office it didn't take a genius to figure out she was resettling in. "Is...this a bad time? I can come back later if you so wish." He said.

"No no, it's fine you can stay." She said with a smile and motioned for him to take a seat. "After an interesting meeting with Colonel Lennox and then Commander Monroe just trying to get settled." She said as she walked over to the replicator. "Care for something to drink?" Jewel asked as she ordered herself a cup of coffee.

"Tea with cream and three sugars." Kaden said taking a seat across from the desk.

Getting his drink she brought it over to him and sat down, " long have you been on Starbase 400?" She asked breaking the ice as they say.

Kaden set his cane to the side taking the tea in hand. "I had shortly arrived before you had departed on your temporary reassignment." He replied taking a sip of his tea.

She nodded, "It was more of a retirement." Jewel replied as she looked at him. "Sorry for the mess, trying to get things settled" She added as she looked around the room, "I am usually more organized then this." she added.

"Retirement? A woman of your skills? You are far too valuable of a officer to lose." Kaden said as he took another sip. "Sorry, you will have to forgive me I did some reading on your record after our introduction by the Admiral."

"It was for some personal reasons that I will not discuss," she said as she looked at him.

Kaden's brow creased seemed the general was a bit on edge and she shouldn't need to be with him. He never thought of the idea of asking any sort of questions if it meant prying too much. "Look, I had no plans of doing such a thing your reasons are your own and I respect that."

"Sorry, have had a lot of people ask me that lately." She said as she sighed, "So much going on and so much to do to get this Division back to hundred percent to win this war." She said as she took a sip of her coffee.

Kaden frowned slouching in his chair a little before thinking of his own issues. "The division right..." He said clearly in a troubled tone. Kaden wasn't exactly certain if he should bring up the matter on his mind as he was here at this very moment trying to know his superior.

She raised an eyebrow, "What's on your mind?" Jewel asked as she can tell there was something clearly bothering him.

"I, um..." Kaden began before looking down at his leg then his cane. "Something has been bothering me as of late and I am not certain what I should do about it."

"Care to talk about it?" She asked looking at him, "If not it's no big deal, won't pressure you." She added.

"Are there times you wonder if you chose the wrong path in life such as being in Starfleet?" Kaden asked.

She thought for a moment on that question, it had never crossed her mind. She had retired a few times, one for medical reason and one time for personal reasons. But she never thought about it being the wrong path. "I can't say that I have." Jewel honestly said as she looked at him.

"I think I have at times I joined out of love for a woman who later left me and I am basically still here for the current woman I am with." Kaden set his tea down on the table next to him. "The recent battle left me wondering if I made the right choice."

"Oh I see," Jewel replied as she wasn't sure what she could say that would be of help. She was never good about this kind of thing. One thing she struggled with, "I read your record, and from what Mike has told me you are a good marine. Trust me when I say war is never easy, I been through the Dominion War I know what it can do to a person." Jewel replied as she looked on.

"Things can be confusing, especially in these times but we move on. We will win this war, with the fire Mike has we have no other choice." Jewel replied with a sigh as she missed her sister, she was better at talking to people then she was. "I am sorry my sister was better at this then I am..." She said looking down for a moment. "What I can suggest is maybe going to the counselor, that is not your wife." Jewel replied.

Kaden rubbed his head in agony. "As has everyone else which I had and trust me not much was offered on what to do." He took another drink of his tea. "I was hoping talking to others would help maybe open ideas on what I should do."

With a long drawn out sigh all Kaden could do was slouch in his chair a little. "I am just hoping that someone or something would give a sign what to do." Kaden shook his head slowly running his tounge along his bottom teeth. "Or that maybe I am having jitters from my near death experience."

They continued to talk for awhile before Jewel stayed that she needed to get some rest, that they will talk more in the morning.


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