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Interesting facts

Posted on Sat May 16th, 2020 @ 2:03pm by Lieutenant General Jewel 'M'lara' Dartt & Lieutenant Commander Ariana Monroe-Wayne

799 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Episode 106 – Stalemate
Location: USS Kearsarge
Timeline: MD3 1700h


Ariana made her way across to the Kearsarge, she’d heard an interesting rumor with regards to General Dartt that she wanted to speak to her about. As she materialized on the transporter PADD she stepped down and made her way to the bridge.

Jewel just got done meeting with Lennox in her office, once he left she started going over reports and such. She had a lot of things she needed to get through. Mike made the decision based on what General Ross wanted. She needed to structure things the way she needed them and to be ready for what came their way.

Arriving at Dartt’s Office Ariana pressed the chime and waited for an answer before walking politely inside. “General Dartt, I’m Ariana Monroe. Please forgive my intrusion, I believe we have something in common...General Hurd.”

She looked at her and shuttered at the name, she took a deep breathe before she did something she would regret. "How can I help you? I am rather busy and would rather not talk about him." Jewel replied as she looked back at her reports.

“Actually...long story very short, he’s my father.” Ariana waited for a response.

She instantly looked up, raising an eyebrow. "How..." Jewel replied as she just looked at her with confusion in her face. He had lied to her yet again, which wasn't surprising. Getting up she walked over to the window and sighed, "Maybe I don't want to know..." Jewel replied softly, "He was always hiding something from me and lying to me." Jewel added as she looked out the window.

“No, he didn’t know about me until recently. I didn’t know about my father either to start with.” Ariana paused. “When he was part of section 31 he was sent back in time, he met my mother and fell in love. That one night resulted in me. Turned out it was all part of a plan by section 31 to create a child from Hurd, one they could use against him. That’s why he’s not here, he’s gone off on some crazy revenge plan leaving his pregnant wife to hunt for him.” She sighed. “I’m sorry if I bring back bad memories, I was hoping to get to know more about him from you.”

She looked at her, "Didn't waste any time after the divorce to get remarried now huh," she said with a sigh looking at her. "I am beginning to wonder if I ever really knew him." She added as she sat down on the couch.

“I wish I’d had more chance to get to know him” Ariana sighed and sat down in a seat. “My step-mother is pregnant. I never got chance to meet David Jr. either.”

She sighed as she probably didn't know the truth to him either, "Jr is a clone." Jewel replied as she looked at him, "nothing but a clone." She said as she sighed, as she walked up to her. "But, you can meet your other two siblings, Daniel and Alena" Jewel replied as she might not care for David but she wasn't going to robe Ariana of that chance to know her brother and sister.

“I have more siblings!?” Ariana smiled warmly as she looked at Jewel. “I don’t remember dad telling me about them!” She paused. “I’d love to meet them, thank you.”

She nodded, "Once everything is over and we return to Starbase 400 you can. Right now they’re on Earth with my father and step-mother along with my oldest twins who are in Starfleet Academy. But those are from a previous marriage years ago." Jewel replied as she sat there.

Ariana nodded. “They can meet their niece as well, my daughter Stacie. I’m also pregnant so that’ll be another little one to add to the family.”

"Congratulations," Jewel replied looking at her. She didn't know what else to say, so many things going through her head she wasn't sure how to deal with.

“Thank you” Ariana smiled. “I’m sorry I know this is awkward. I just...I was curious and I wanted to get to know you. Perhaps we could meet for lunch one day? Just as friends, no more talk of my father unless you want to.”

Jewel nodded, "Sounds good." she replied as she looked at her. "Now, not to sound rude but have a lot of work that needs to be done if you don't mind?" She asked looking at her.

“Of course” Ariana smiled. “I’ll be in touch about that lunch.” She nodded politely and headed on her way.

Tag: (OOC: Think we can wrap this up, but were not posting it until after my JP with Lennox (mike) is posted)


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