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Now you’re talking...

Posted on Sat May 16th, 2020 @ 12:29pm by Lieutenant Commander Carolyn Corrigan MD

546 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Episode 106 – Stalemate
Location: SB23, Promenade
Timeline: MD4, 0730

"Kitty, you shouldn't have..."

Ignoring the protests, Kitty O'Shea set down a small box on the table and smiled warmly as she gestured for her breakfast companion to open her gift. Sipping her tea, she was somewhat impatient as the wrapping paper was carefully peeled away as if it were a surgical procedure. Perhaps it was a force of habit.

"I don't intend to use that wrapping again dear," she pointed out with an amused smile. "No need to worry about tearing it. It's been waiting to be opened for a few days now."

Pausing, Carolyn Corrigan flashed her friend an apologetic smile. "I am so sorry about cancelling our dinner plans."

"You apologised plenty already," Kitty pointed out, although her eyes burned with curiosity. "And I'm sure that you didn't intend to spend your birthday in work!"

"At least I had some incredible cake to make amends," she grinned as she went back to work. Taking her time in part because she could tell Kitty was itching for her to finally get to open her present. One she had not expected at all. "It was soooo good. Thank you."

Kitty beamed at the compliment. "Well, I have been known to work some magic in a kitchen in my time."

Carolyn grinned, nodding. "That you have. Between you and me," she confided in a whisper, "this place has nothing on your breakfasts."

"I know," Kitty whispered back before erupting in her trademark laugh, which seemed to start at the tip of her toes. "Oh, I cannot wait to get back to our little corner of the promenade. Or for you to open that present!"

Carolyn rolled her eyes and finally unveiled a smaller box, one that was clearly intended to hold jewellery of some kind. Curious herself now, she opened the lid, shaking her head in disbelief as she saw what was inside. A tiny bracelet, clearly intended for a baby. "You know?"

It wasn’t so much a question as a statement.

"What does Kitty not know in this universe?" Kitty smiled kindly, giving her hand a squeeze. "When you have picked a name, I'll have it properly engraved for you. In exchange for many cuddles of course! But don't worry, my lips are sealed."

Carolyn smiled at her, blinking away the sudden tears in her eyes. Hormones... "It's beautiful, thank you Kitty," she said with a warm smile. "And Jimmy of course."

"Oh, this is all me. I haven't let him pick a gift since we started dating and I realised his idea of a romantic gift was to upgrade a replicator to give you an extra flavour of ice cream. Why I put up with him..." she smiled fondly. "Come here you."

And with that she was enveloped in one of the woman's equally trademarked hugs. Typically not one for hugs like this, Carolyn had long since learned to just go with it when it came to Kitty. And she hugged back.

“It is such wonderful news,” Kitty smiled as she retook her seat. “I also brought these...” from her pocket she produced two packets of what looked like candy. “Wonderful for morning sickness.”

Carolyn grinned as she took the sweets, each one individually wrapped in pink foil. “Now you’re taking!”


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