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Posted on Sat May 16th, 2020 @ 12:25pm by Lieutenant Kah'lyn Chiara-Rivers & Lieutenant Commander Croesus
Edited on on Sat May 16th, 2020 @ 12:37pm

1,830 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Episode 106 – Stalemate
Location: Starbase 23
Timeline: MD 04 0800 hrs


Starbase 23 had once been outpost 23, the most strategic port nearest Romulan space. Like most military posts their strategery often blimished as the neutral zone sides changed.

Today Croesus and his trusted assistant had the dubious pleasure of repairing two neutral zone transmitters that had suddenly gone down.

=/\= Croesus to Lt Kah'lyn. I need you to meet me in shuttle bay one.=/\=

Kah’lyn was just finishing up an early inspection of one of the civilian ships in the fleet when Croesus’ voice came over the comms. =/\= On my way Commander. =/\= She was looking forward to spending time with Croesus again, any chance to be together whether personal or professional made her happy.

Croesus was becoming very attached to Kah'lyn but of late he had not been so work minded. He also needed to know she knew her stuff when it come to operations.

Arriving at shuttle bay one Kah’lyn entered with a smile, she couldn’t help it when she was with Croesus he made her feel happy. “Reporting as ordered Sir.”

" We have a big one this time Kah'lyn. Two neutral zone probes are malfunctioning. I borrowed a Gallant class cruiser to make the repairs. We will pull up to them and make our repairs. Any questions?" Croesus professionally reported.

“Gallant Class....Gallant Class...” Kah’lyn paused for a moment trying to recall the class of ship. “Ahh...sometimes referred to as a small defiant class better known as being more of a bug!” She grinned.

" Formidable tool vessel. Ladies first, " he pointed for her to board. Now that you have wings an EVA suit will be nothing." Croesus joked.

“I hate EVA suits! Always have and always will.” She shuddered at the thought. “I’ll do my job but don’t expect me to enjoy it Sir.”

" I will EVA you just maintain umbilical lock on me. Course plotted and laid in, hold on three quarter sublight."

“Aye Sir!” Kah’lyn held on. This little ship wasn’t the greatest she’d ever been in but it was big enough to get the job done they needed to do.

The small skip over towards the neutral zone was not long from Starbase 23 leaving little time to converse so Croesus stayed quiet.

" Entering field of buoy five. It has been totally destroyed, setting course for buoy 6." Croesus reported.

“Destroyed?” Kah’lyn looked at Croesus curiously. “Do we have any idea what caused the destruction?”

" Sensors show disruptor fire. Buoy 6 is still there. We are only kilometers from the NZ, my guess Romulan activity or someone who wants us to think that." Croesus replied.

“Romulans!” Kah’lyn looked at Croesus concernedly. Now she had butterflies, she’d avoided contact with them as much as she could, even though she was half Romulan. She didn’t want to come face to face with any Romulans.

Scanning for tachyon displacements Croesus soon discovered why someone had destroyed buoy 5.

" I have detected two possibly three cloaked items just across the neutral zone. I would venture somebody hoped a Starship would investigate and find themselves in a battle. Fortunately old Gallant class here has cloaking armor."

“So we’re hidden from them.” She looked at Croesus. “I have to be honest, I’ve avoided as much contact as possible with my people she almost spat the words. I’m half Romulan but if I could change that I would.”

" Kah'lyn we are all more than the sum of our parts. Being all or half of something doesn't define you on the whole. There are Klingon things that upset me and human ones too. At the end of the day I am,Croesus, here me roar."

Kah’lyn smiled. “You know I love to hear you roar!” She looked back at the readouts. “I’m not afraid to be me, not when I’m with you.”

" Good cause me and you need to slowly back out of here before we are spotted. I look just enough Klingon to get my ass killed and no telling what they will do to you if we are taken. Reversing course," Croesus smiled and replied.

The Gallant vessel hard about turned and prepared to engage full thrusters when it was suddenly seized by a tractor beam. To their horror no weapons were charged and it would take minutes before defensive weapons came on line.

" Try to hail the station," Croesus yelled.

“Aye Sir!” T’Lanna’s fingers flew over the controls. “They’re jamming the signal, I’ll set it to attempt a continual distress call on a rolling frequency in hopes it’ll get out!” She looked at Croesus. “Incase I don’t get a chance to say this later...I love you Croesus! I have since the first time I laid eyes on you. Whatever happens to us, don’t you dare give up without a fight!!”

" Fighting is my best quality."

Kah’lyn shot a look at Croesus. “What, no I love you too Kah’lyn?!” She shook her head. “That’s the last time I pour my heart out in a crisis!!” She went back to trying to get a distress signal out.

" When they board I will fight. Being half Romulan may save you," Croesus replied . " And yes...."

Suddenly the hatch opened and two bulky Romulans entered the craft, blasting Croesus.

" Stay still woman and you will not be harmed."

“The hell I will.” Kah’lyn leapt to Croesus’ defence striking one of the Romulans in an effort to floor him and get his weapon. “You stay the hell away from him!!”

The other blasted Kah'lyn collapsing her on top of Croesus limp body.

< Detention Cell >

The rank cell had no adornments but a single slab for each to supine on. A roaring hum filled the ship out the corridors of their jail.

" Are you awake Kah'lyn?" Croesus asked.

Kah’lyn stirred at the sound of Croesus’ voice. Her head thumped thanks to the blast that took her out. “Mmmm...I...I’m here.” She slowly sat up and moved across to the bars of the cell, she could see Croesus across the way. “Are you alright?”

" A serious headache and someone kicked my ass. Other than that, great. We are aboard an old Klingon ship. Probably a D-7. Romulans used them a hundred years ago when the two empires were allies. " Croesus replied.

“But why would they risk picking us up? They can see we’re from the Federation!” She rubbed the back of her neck. “They weren’t going to harm me until I tried defending you, it gives me the creeps being here.”

" They could have killed us but didn't, but why? Someone's coming." Croesus replied.

Two different Centurions arrived along with a female dressed in a sub commander uniform.

" Croesus, son of a human male and Klingon female. What is your name child," the Sub Commander asked Kah'lyn.

“My name is Kah’lyn.” She offered no further information. Instead choosing not to grace their captors with even a glance, her eyes rested firmly on Croesus.

" You're affection for this ... Klingon disgusts me. However, you will both be returned to Starbase 23 . Your vessel is being repaired. We are sorry to report your weapons were damaged when you accidentally crossed the Neutral Zone. Your ship damaged the proximity buoy our records show." the Sub Commander replied.

“What?!” Kah’lyn looked up at the Sub Commander. “You seized our vessel, forcibly removed us and put us in these cells ... for what?! And who I choose to care for is certainly no business of yours!!”

" Or your bodies could be found in the wreckage. Either way you are free to leave." Sub Commander replied. " Escort them to their little bug of a ship."

The sonic cell doors opened.

" Let's leave while we can Kah'lyn."

Kah’lyn nodded, she made her way across to Croesus before they were both escorted from their cells. She opened her mouth to speak but decided to wait until they were alone.

Once they were gone a shadow stepped out of the darkness. “The doctor tells me the dna test was a match, and the sub-dermal tracker was implanted as I ordered.” The Commander paced the deck. “My daughter has no idea who she is, thanks to the Federation. That must be changed, and in time it will be.”

" Yes Commander." replied his first officer.

< Gallant >

The little bug quickly returned to the Federation side and wasted no stops.

" We should not be alive Kah'lyn. Clearly they have an agenda and Admiral Bremer needs to be informed of this incursion." Croesus replied.

“Yeah and he’ll automatically assume it’s got something to do with me as to why they let us go!” She sighed. “He’s suspicious of me as it is. He even told me that if I turned out to be Tal’Shiar he’d kill me himself.”

Croesus looked at the chronometer and then the sensor scans revealed the impossible.

" Both buoys 5 and 6 show being fully operational."

“What? That can’t be right!” She checked again. “So what now? All our records will no doubt show that nothing happened. There won’t be any evidence to show the Admiral.”

" One hour til we reach 23. Get some rest I've got this." Croesus replied considering if he trusted her given how this played out,

Kah’lyn got up from her seat but paused to look at Croesus. “You have doubts about me now don’t you?”

" There is always doubt in any unknown situation. That's all I can tell you."

Kah’lyn nodded. “Then I guess that changes us doesn’t it?” She sighed and carried on to try and get some rest.

Croesus said nothing as that was best in any relationship. He did have his doubts but he still couldn't help but feel their closeness slowly being tugged. He remained silent until they reached Starbase 23 moorings.

Kah’lyn was sitting trying to chill out but she hadn’t got much rest, there was too much going round in her mind. Most of all she didn’t want to lose what she had with Croesus, he made her feel special. That’s if he even wanted to be near her anymore.

Croesus fought the urge to go to Kah'lyn as his inner Star Fleet training took hold.

"When we get back a trip to sickbay might be in order,"

“Yes Sir” Kah’lyn nodded as she grabbed what things they needed. “I’ll no doubt need to be checked over to make sure I’m still me!” She hadn’t meant to be snippy but that’s how it came across.

" And Lieutenant, if you need some time off I will understand. Neither of us knows what they did to us." Croesus offered a tender word.

“All I want is...” She stopped herself. “It doesn’t matter what I want.” She gave Croesus a longing look before starting for the shuttle hatch.



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