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Bridge test

Posted on Sun May 31st, 2020 @ 3:05pm by Lieutenant Commander Ariana Monroe-Wayne & Commander Hades,MD

1,768 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Episode 106 – Stalemate
Location: Various
Timeline: MD5 1145 hrs


Ariana arrived outside Hades Quarters, She was a few minutes early for her bridge test, she hoped he wouldn’t mind her dropping by to meet him. She pressed the chime and waited for an answer.

Hades had just finished getting ready when the door chimed. Kalani had taken Skye shopping and he had just finished cleaning up breakfast and changed. "Enter." He called out.

Walking inside Ariana offered a warm smile. “Good morning! I hope you don’t mind me dropping by early?”

He shook his head. "Not at all. I'm just preparing myself. How are you doing?"

“Okay I guess. It’s a full time job caring for Stacie after work, she tends to sleep longer hours at night now and Cameron is a huge help with her as well. I’ve kind of gotten used to managing morning sickness sickness now. Tiredness is a different kettle of fish but I’ll manage.”

"That is a positive. Are you ready for the test today?"

Ariana nodded. “As ready as I’ll ever be!” She smiled. “I’m nervous but I’m aiming to do you proud Hades.”

"I am sure you will." He looked around. "Well clean for now. At least until Kalani and Skye get back."

“Skye?” Ariana looked at Hades curiously. “That’s not a name I’ve heard before. Is she new?”

He sighed. "She is my daughter."

Ariana looked at Hades in surprise. “Your daughter?” She smiled. “In that case I’m very much looking forward to meeting her sometime. I get the feeling that you’re finding it difficult?”

"In some ways." He sad. "I haven't see her since she was small. I have been looking for her for years with no luck and then she just drops into my sickbay." He shrugged. "It has been...I can't even explain how I feel," he said honestly.

Ariana nodded. “As a parent I can totally understand, spending time at home with Stacie after work is precious in ways I can’t even put into words! I can only imagine how you must have felt when you first saw her, and how awkward it must be now for both of you.” She offered an understanding smile. “If there’s anything I can do to make it easier for either of you just call.”

"Frankly I think she's a bit disappointed in me." He shrugged. "I should have found her sooner. If Cassia hadn't." He shook his head. "Never mind that. She's on her way to the First Federation. The Dassik will handle her."

“Is that really necessary?” Ariana looked at Hades. “Cassia is still your daughter’s mother.”

"Oh it's necessary." Hades shrugged. "The place she's going to makes Rura Penthe look like a spa resort." He snorted. "The Klingons have a saying. Revenge is a dish best served cold."

“Is that your thinking too?” Ariana gave Hades a glance that said what she was thinking. “What would your daughter say about something happening to her mother? Don’t you think she’d hate you for that?”

He said nothing. "Don't worry I've made sure she will live a long life. She'll just spend it on the prison planet."

Ariana shook her head. “I just hope it doesn’t come back to bite you in the ass!”

He waved his hand. "Being first Monarch has it's privileges." He said. He rubbed his hands together "Now let's go to your test."

Ariana nodded. “You know being first monarch may have its privileges, but it doesn’t mean you have to use them for revenge. You’ve never put me in mind that you’re a man who does something like that.”

"She stole my daughter from me. Not only that when she married another man she tossed that daughter aside and do you know what my daughter now has?"

Ariana shook her head. “No I ... don’t.”

"The same mark Kalani has." He sighed. "We're done talking about this Ariana." He said in his my decision is final tone.

“Wait ... what mark?” Ariana looked at Hades concernedly.

"Subject closed" He said as they arrived at the test site. "Alright." He said pointing to the holodeck. "The simulation will begin when you enter. I will be your XO you will be the CO." He motioned for the door.

Ariana took a deep breath. “Hades ... I’m sorry.” With that she headed on into the holodeck.

Hades took his seat. "Ready to start?" He wasn't mad at her. He understood she wanted to help but this was all new to him.

Ariana took a deep breath and nodded. “As ready as I’ll ever be.”

"Computer begin."

The bridge of the holo ship began to hum with activities. "Sir," said a holo ensign. "We're coming up on the nebula now. Your orders?"

Ariana walked over to the centre seat and sat down. “Take us to the edge of the nebula Ensign, but do not enter.” She relaxed into the seat. “I want a full readout on the nebula before we proceed inside.”

There was a voice from tactical, "Aya captain. We have a probe ready to launch at your word."

“Launch probe. Relay the results to the viewscreen, let’s all see what the results are.” She couldn’t help but feel that this was going to be anything but an easy test.

"Probe launched." There was about a half hour of blissful silence and then, "Sir, I'm getting some readings from the probe."

“Relay to the viewscreen and tell us what we’re looking at.” Ariana looked at the screen waiting for the probe data to be relayed.

"We're reading a ship." The view screen lit up with what looked like a Starfleet ship listing to the side. "I'm reading power is low, life support almost gone. There are life signs."

Ariana sighed. “Any ideas why she’s listing? Is there anything in the composition of the nebula that could have caused the ship any damage?” She looked to Hades, it felt strange to be consulting him as her XO. “Any signs of any other ships in the area?”

"None at this time. No knowledge as to why she's down." He paused and then purposefully gave her wrong advice to see if she'd listen or follow regulation. "I recommend that we keep scanning the surrounding are. If they are a Starfleet crew they should be taking to escape pods."

Ariana nodded. “Your suggestion is noted Commander, but what I’d like to know is why there aren’t escape pods already in the surrounding area. Plus a Starfleet ship would be sending out a distress beacon, unless of course ...” She paused. “Any signs of power fluctuations or is she totally adrift?”

"No power, life support failing," came the response from tactical.

Ariana sighed. “Then that leaves us no choice, yellow alert. Raise shields, we’re going in there.”

"Shields are up," Hades confirmed. The yellow alert klaxons sounded along with an all hands to station request. "Moving in on low impulse on your mark Captain."

“Take us in” Ariana couldn’t help but wonder if she should have chosen red alert but then there was always that option if the ship came under attack. “I want to know what effect this nebula has on our shields, is it safe to fire weapons in here? I don’t want be hitting any pockets of anything explosive.”

A panicked call from Tactical came in. "Three ships decloaking off the port side!"

“Red Alert!” Ariana headed across to her seat from where she’d been standing. “Do we have an identification? Any hails?”

"None their weapons are charged. The...Starfleet ship we are getting the distress call now on full. Captain Rogers says...their life support is almost gone."

Ariana had to think quickly. “Put us in as close to the Fleet ship as you can and extend shields.” She looked to Hades. “I want those people transported out of there as soon as possible!”

"Transporter's standing by." The ship was rocked by fire from the three ships.

"We cannot extend shields!" Tactical called.

"Transporters down." Hades said.

Ariana was beginning to feel like she’d already been defeated. “Open fire onnthe enemy ships! How long until we get transporters back?”

"One hour." Hades reported.

Tactical fired. "Direct hits no effect."

Suddenly coms cut in. "This is Engineering. Captain that last hit took out warp drive. Our coils are out of alignment and our shields are at 82 percent."

“Options?” Ariana looked at Hades, as her XO he was there to advise.

"We can make a retreat with impulse engines however....I think I may know what they want. I pulled up the schematics for the ship. It's a prototype. It's under a special order. Federation cloak. The ship can't fall into their hands." He paused. He wondered if she'd caught the bit about the coils being out of alignment. Restoring them would give the ship a fighting chance.

Ariana nodded. “Get onto Engineering I want those coils realigned, if we have any weapons to fire then fire then keep firing! We may find a weak spot.”

"There is a problem."

Ariana sighed. “Another one? What problem?”

"The coils cannot be restored via computer. Only manually."

This was the moment Ariana had been waiting for, the inevitable choice between one life against hundreds or thousands. Even though it was a simulation it didn’t make the choice any easier. “Chances of someone surviving that?”

Hades looked up. "Zero."

She nodded and bit her lip. “I need those coils realigned, it’s the only hope we have.” She hung her head.

Hades waited. She'd have to give the order as to who went in. Would she do it?

Ariana sighed it was always the no win situation. “Commander ... get yourself down there. Make sure those coils get realigned.”

The holo program ended. "Pass." He said.

Ariana looked at Hades relieved but troubled all at the same time. “So the no win situation! I send you to your untimely death and I pass the test.” She shook her head. “This trust stinks!”

"It does but it is necessary. As a Starship commander you will face those choices and have seconds to make decisions."

Ariana nodded. “What’s important is I did you proud.” She smiled. “Now I can stop stressing.” She looked at her chrono. “I’d best be heading back I’ve got a meeting in a few minutes. Thank you for all your help Hades.” She offered a brief impromptu hug before happily heading on her way.



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