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By the Night's Cool Glades

Posted on Sat Apr 11th, 2020 @ 1:02pm by Lieutenant JG Matthew Plumeri
Edited on on Sat Apr 11th, 2020 @ 1:08pm

1,737 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Episode 106 – Stalemate
Location: Starbase 23 - Arboretum
Timeline: MD02 - 2230


"What was your favorite dance from tonight? Did you have one?", Possenta asked as she squeezed Dan's arm.

Dan smiled as he pondered the question, "I believe it was called '"All of Me,"' but holding you was the best part." It had been quite a while since he had allowed himself to become so enamored in a woman's beauty.

"Which one was your favorite," he asked looking into her eyes.

"Yes, that was a good one!" She looked away a moment, blushed and said, "Promise not to laugh? I liked the 'raptor dance' at the end. Of course, I loved all the dance songs too. The slow ones, the elegant ones, the fast ones and the fun ones. Oh....I guess that was all of them then. But the 'raptor dance' was my favorite." There was a small stream here. The Spanish moss hung down like a green curtain from the tree that overlooked the bank on one end. The little bridge was small and was made of redwood. The dim, warm yellow light from the lamp cast wavy reflective lines in the water as it streamed slowly by. There was a hairpin, a broach, that gathered her red hair at the nape of her neck. From there, in the style of a French braid it went down to the small of her back. It shone in the night light. Daniel took in a breath and raised his hand to touch her red locks, "such beautiful hair, you know my hair used to be as long as yours."

She cocked her head slightly to look at him and said, "You still have a full head of hair too. You had to cut it to be regulation? They make you do that. Starfleet, I mean?" She appreciated his touch and his attention. The place was so new, and the people here were new...different. Strange in some ways. Remarkable in others. Possenta wanted to get to know them all. She was fascinated by other alien cultures.

"Yes," Dan said softly, "yes they do”. He looked into her eyes as he answered, "but if they hadn’t, I would have never met you."

He paused for a moment then continued, "So. I’ve never met a girl like you. Quite like you. I’ve never even heard of your home world and yet…I feel like I’ve known you for years. Tell me of your world Possenta, I imagine it is as beautiful as you?"

She smiled, "Thank you! You say such kind things. Dan....I like that name. What shall I tell you about? I have never been off world before. So, anything I say you will think me foolish? Do you like the mountains? Or the seas? Do you like forest? So immense and so deep and so very old that they cover an entire continent? I can tell you places on my world where magic is still real, where immense solitude still exists and all nature is still new to art."

"Tell me about it all," he said with a smile, "and nothing you say could be foolish." He smiled at this gorgeous, red haired lady and gazed into her eyes, "it sounds so wonderful you should never feel ashamed of it."

She smiled back and felt hot. She looked at him again, this handsome Starfleet man, and she stepped a little closer and said, "Alright, give me your hand?" She took his hand and turned it over. Dan’s hands were strong and sensual at the same time. She pushed back the uniform sleeve and then turned his hands over. She said, "I will take you there. But you must close your eyes and not open them again until I say. And you mustn't laugh at me...I'll know." She smiled and kissed his cheek ever so quickly as a comforting assurance. "Now, close your eyes and take a deep breath and listen to my voice and I will take you far and away across the galaxy to a wonderful place..."

* * * * *

Possenta said, "Take a deep breath. That’s it….let it our slowly. And come and dream with me...of something wonderful. A place that is like no other. Far away from here, beyond these stars. Beyond stars that you know or can recognize there is a place. A cluster of stars in the darkness of space. Their blue and yellow light are the only light for many light years amid a great ocean of darkness. We Fontalans call it the Agrippa star cluster. And in the star cluster are two suns that forever are locked in struggle with each other. So strong is their battle that they have drawn about them twelve planets. There is a big blue one, a water world, we call it Navicella and there sea creatures that live in the deep waters are the likes that none have seen anywhere else in the galaxy."

She took Dan's open palm and with her fingers she touched it lightly and drew along his wrist to his sexy fingers very slowly as she spoke. Her touch was light and cool. She continued to draw on his hand the images she spoke, "But further in there is a large blue-green world. It has two moons and it is the gem of the whole solar system. It is so beautiful that after the gods made it, they came there they designed to live there and call it home. They named it, Fontalis, because from it, the fount of Life may be found. On the northern continent is a great city, so large that from end to end one could not travel it in a whole week. That is Serse, the City of Kings. Further up the coast, where the trees grow big and tall and as round as a pillar of marble, there are golden fields. And in them, along an old road and a pleasant stream is a little house. There is a barn there and the fields are full of wheat and the trees with nuts and seeds that feed the animals, the birds of the air and the people."

She touched the bottom of his hand, which was the top of his, and caressed it lightly, "There, in the yellow house with the red barn lived a girl and her parents. They called the girl Possenta, which means, 'gift of Possiamo'. And the girl heard about all the wonders of the place she lived. The great forests that were so large it was doubted that anyone had explored them all. The caverns deep and dark, where the foul Deimo were cast away and which we should never seek. The rocky coasts of the north, the sandy beaches of the hot south. The great waterfalls of the mountains, the hot, steamy mineral vents of the islands. And so, one day, the girl bade her parents goodbye and went to see the places and the sights of all the places on her world. For four years, she travelled the known world and explored all that she could see. She stayed with kind people, generous people. She met lots of people. She fell in love with a few. Her heart was big enough to do that. And then, one day, she turned her gaze upwards to the stars. She realized that if this world was so rich, how much richer could the galaxy be? She returned to her home.”

Possenta stroked each of his fingers with hers feeling the meat of his palm and tracing the veins of the top of his hand with her fingers. All the while, her voice was soft and whispering now, as a brook of water on cool polished stones, "Years passed and the girl grew very fond of home. She missed the simple plains, the trees that loved to hold her in their strong branches, the birds - all of them knew her name. She longed for a simpler time. But that would never be again. She wanted to see even more. And so, she took the ferry boat to Cavilaari da Appoggio; the city that floats. She studied hard and put herself through university and got her degree so that she could travel and see all the wonderful places ‘out there’, out among the stars.” One day, she graduated and went straight to the great steps of the Temple of Possiamo in the capital. She pledged herself to doing good works and prayed that she would know what to do next. Then, a day came when she was offered a job in a place that she never thought she would ever see. Far away from the beautiful place she loved. To a people she did not know; but that she knew were friends. After a while, after what seemed to her such a long while, she was accepted and put to work in the Diplomatic Corps.

“It was everything she hoped for. Except, she still missed one thing. There, she met a handsome man. From another world that she never heard of before. He is tall and strong. he has dark hair and a handsome face. His hands are those of a healer and protector, but his heart is gold and runs pure. He does right by his people, and he helps those who are hurting, or have lost their way and need a guide. He is a hero; for all heroes kindle a great light in the world, they raise that light high and in so doing, chase out the darkness." She held his hand now, "And the girl realized that her prayer to the gods had been answered."

Dan listened to her and loved her. It was only their third date, but he knew there was something special about Possenta. They walked quietly in the Arboretum, the night was warm and the glow of the lamps on the bridge over the stream was an ideal setting. Daniel told her all about life on Terra Nova and they talked like that long into the evening. Finding a park bench, they sat down and he took her in his arms to cuddle as he lay her head on his shoulder.


Possenta Maestosi
Starbase 23
Diplomatic Attaché to
The United Federation of Planets for
The Imperial Republic of Fontalis
(PNPC - Plumeri)


Ensign Daniel Mason
Starbase 23
(PNPC - Plumer)


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