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Arrival on FreeCloud

Posted on Fri Apr 10th, 2020 @ 5:09pm by Tom Vercetti & Vito Russo & Hexx & Camron Wayne & Splendora Sage

579 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Episode 106 – Stalemate
Location: SS Dakota/FreeCloud
Timeline: MD2 1505hrs


The Dakota approached FreeCloud.

Tom and Vito stood on the Bridge near the back wall.

"Welcome to FreeCloud. "Your friendly non-aligned Crypto Libertarian Pseudorepublic on the border of Federation and Romulan space." Vito said.

"That's odd." Tom added a moment later.

"What's odd?" Vox asked.

"Well, usually when entering orbit of FreeCloud a ship is bombarded by advertisement communications, especially from Stardust City. The Red Bolian, different bars and restaurants, ship repair and upgrade facilities. There's none." Tom explained.

"Maybe they have them offline due to the war?" Vito guessed.

Tom nodded. There's a landing area on the far side of "Gambler's Bay that's not too expensive." Tom said a moment later.

"Yeah, if you don't mind paying a little extra for Bjayzl's thugs to leave your ship alone." Hexx added as he too walked in.

Vito exhaled and rolled his eyes.

"I guess we can set down there." Vox added.

Splendora and Nivar walked in. "Hey! We're here!" She walked over to Tom and Vito. "I can't wait to see this."

Tom smirked. A minute later he and Vito returned to the aft section.

Cameron rolled out of the small berth area wearing what would amount to a high dollar armani suit complete with a stetson hat and what looked like very dark shades. He knew enough about places like this to know that if you wanted to get a seat at the tables he wanted you had to not only look the part which he now did but you had to have the latnium to back your play which again he knew he did.

"Thanks for the lift vox. You have a great little ship and I hope I can return the favor if this trip goes the way I want it to. If not well I will still need a ride back home either way I hope to come out ahead." Said Cameron calmly as he watched the ship decend to the planet.

" Its no trouble. " Vox replied. "Where shall we start? " He asked.

Splendora looked at Nivar. "How about we all meet for dinner. Nivar and Hexx and I have something to take care of."

"Sounds great to me. "Vox replied. He left the bridge and headed for his quarters to get changed.

Tom and Vito walked back in from the aft area, they had changed clothes. Vito was in his white suit with black shirt, Tom was in a black suit with a bright blue shirt. "Vito and I have some business, I can't promise we'll be finished by tonight." Tom added.

"You gotta look sharp on when going to Stardust City." Vito said with a smirk, even though he still hated the white suit.

Vox arrived back on the bridge wearing a purple suit with black trim around the ends of the sleeves and lapels of the jacket. Under the jacket was a shiny silver shirt with a rounded neck and its buttons hidden by a strip down the middle. To top off the outfit he had a Fedora hat on which matched being in purple with black trim.

"Is this sharp enough" he asked.

Splendora rolled her eyes. "You all look like old Earth pimps." She was happy with her leather attire. "Aright let's get going. Hexx Nivar won't make it to dinner and since everyone seems busy might only be you and I for dinner," she said knowing that Tom would now do what he could to be there.



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