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A little alone time

Posted on Sat Apr 11th, 2020 @ 4:55pm by Ensign Aria Davis

372 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Episode 106 – Stalemate
Location: Holodeck, USS Pegasus
Timeline: MD2 1000 hours

There was something so peaceful about being underwater... With the sounds of the world beyond muted, Aria waited until the burning ache for oxygen could be ignored no longer before she abandoned her little sanctuary. Surfacing a short distance away from the beach she took in a welcome lungful of air before she began to swim ashore, the golden sand pleasantly warm under her feet when she emerged onto the long stretch of beach.

Sweeping her wet hair away from her face with both hands she sank down onto the beach towel and for a moment just enjoyed the warmth of the sun against her skin. How good it would be if it was real

Refusing to let such thoughts dampen her mood she lay back, using her kit bag for a makeshift pillow. She should be good and go for a run or something but she was quite content to just relax. And with the holodeck to herself for at least another hour, she would have plenty of time to do just that.

Not that being assigned to the medical team aboard the Pegasus was a bad thing. In comparison to some of her colleagues, they had it relatively easy. All of the seriously wounded were on the Mercy, or aboard the starbase, leaving them with follow up work on those allowed to return to duty even if it was in a limited capacity. While a fresh faced graduate, it was not especially difficult and now the hardest task fell on the counselling staff.

Which reminded her. She hadn't replied to Lieutenant Rol's query about setting up an appointment with the counsellors. His message had assured her it was advisory, not mandatory - although Doctor Reid had hinted more than once that she should read nothing into that and go along anyway. Aria wasn't so sure so had filed it under the 'think about later' column.

It was a pretty big list already and that particular item was unlucky number thirteen.

Now that she thought about it, she should have maybe skipped having a number thirteen on the list at all... Oh well, done now. Shrugging the thought off she closed her eyes and within seconds was fast asleep.


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