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Demons of the Past, Part One

Posted on Sat Apr 11th, 2020 @ 10:14pm by Lieutenant Commander Nicholas Coleman & Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer & Lieutenant JG Matthew Plumeri

4,705 words; about a 24 minute read

Mission: Episode 106 – Stalemate
Location: USS Endeavour
Timeline: MD02: 1100


Docking Port 10

Lieutenant JG Matthew Plumeri was just one of the many crew to disembark the Steamrunner-class vessel USS Ijn Merak. The gangway was filled with crew departing and they stepped off the docking port and into the large passenger terminal at Starbase 23. Matt was dressed in uniform, the teal of his Sciences department contrasted neatly with the pips on his collar. The crowd of people pressed against him. In his right-hand was his trumpet case and Parresis Squares ball and uniform in a bag. The bag bore the emblem of the team he used to captain. It was faded from use. The red and black background highlighted the winged dragon on the foreground. It read in bold, fiery letters,

“TITAN DRAGONS. Parresis Squares Champions – Saturn League 2390 – Official Testers of Federation Healthcare since 2281”

In his left hand was his dufflebag. Everything he owned he could carry in two hands. Matt stepped onto the deck of Starbase 23 and couldn’t wait to find his new posting. Transferring from the Planetary Sciences ship USS Galileo to the command of Bravo Fleet Admiral Bremer. In the past week, the bad news about what was happening in this sector of space and to Starbase 400 was troubling to say the least. Matt got out of the flow of the crowd and fished out his transfer orders. He was to report to the USS Endeavour and his immediate CO was Lieutenant Commander Nicholas Coleman. Matt had one of the lectures he gave on Archaeology. Being a Science Officer with a specialization in History and Archaeo-astronomy, Plumeri was looking forward to getting to know and serve with LTCDR. Coleman. There it was! Finally, he fished it out and confirmed what he already knew.

There was a line at the LCARS kiosk. Naturally. If it’s one thing Starfleeters are good at is queuing up. Everyone is an expert. He waited and when it was his turn, he addressed himself to the computer, “Please show me the location of the USS Endeavour.”

The computer whirred and then answered in dulcet tones, =A= There are four starships bearing that name. Please specify by registry number. =A=

Looking at the PaDD in his hand Plumeri read off, “NCC-72802”

The machine whirred and less than a second later it produced a map of how to get to his location saying, =A= USS ENDEAVOUR, NCC 72802 is currently stationed at docking port 17. =A=

Matthew memorized the way and picked up his pack he hurriedly sprinted to his new posting to report for duty.

Meanwhile, not too far away…

Coleman was working on a few reports that had become overdue in the last few days, as everyone was trying to get off the Starbase and recollect their thoughts before making any sort of next move. Coleman didn't know what his next move was exactly, but he knew that all involved would have to make theirs before too long because the enemy was slowly making it for them.

As he was deep in thought, Coleman heard the chime to his ready room ring and he said, "Enter." The doors slid open and Admiral Bremer walked through and Coleman got up and stood at attention.

"As you were." Mike quickly said. "I wanted to see how repairs to the Endeavour were going and how the Science personnel here were holding up, well the ones with us here at SB23."

"The repairs are coming along rather nicely. We let the engineers pick her over here instead of DS6 because we apparently had some science officers to pick up. How is the rest of the fleet doing? Everyone that came from Starbase 400?" Coleman asked, having only seen a few people from the base thus far.

Mike paused a moment before answering. "As well as could be expected. All of our support ships, their crews, and the station's senior staff will remain here for the time being. Most of our engineering and operations crew from the station will remain on DS6 to help them with repairs. Others are being reassigned as needed. All ships are under repairs and we're hoping to have replacement ships assigned soon too to replace the Laffey, Saratoga, and Durga. The Admiral at Vidal Fleet Yards sent me a message and said the ships departed their yesterday, so they should be here soon."

Mike looked around the room for a moment, "Have you heard anything from your brother?"

"The last I heard from him, he was heading out to Klingon Territory to help Chancellor Martok with some of their ships. He requested the SCE to help and make sure that they were up to specs," Coleman said, getting up and walking up to the Replicator and sticking his hand out to offer something to the Admiral.

"No thank you." Mike replied.

Before Mike could say anything else the door chimed.

Outside the Door to Coleman's Quarters

A little nervous, yes. One only gets one chance to make a good impression. Matt ran his fingers through his spikey blond hair. He smoothed his uniform and he reminded himself to speak deliberately and slowly. He didn’t at all much like his Fontalan accent when speaking Federation Standard. He pressed the chime button, picked up his bags and waited.

Coleman had just sat down and looked at Bremer and asked, "Were you expecting someone to come? I wasn't expecting anybody for a few more hours." Mike shook his head in the negative and caused Coleman to be intrigued.

"Enter," Coleman said and allowed the visitor to enter his personal quarters.

The doors parted and Matthew stepped through them. On his right was Fleet Admiral Bremer, "Whoa!" he said. And on his left was Lieutenant Commander Coleman. Matt was only expecting to see Commander Coleman so he was caught off balance when the Admiral was there too. It's not exactly like being "star-struck"; OK a little. The whole reason Plumeri's homeworld appled to the Federation to become a Federation Protectorate was because of the Borg. And here was someone, some very few people at all, who were part pf the Collective and then were recovered. Liberated was a much nicer term. Matt had so many questions. On his left was Commander Coleman. The man looked so young - not a day over two-hundred and fifty! This was the guy that made a keynote lecture at the DTI - the Daystrom Technical Institute! And was at this moment that Plumeri realized he had said something. ~I hope it wasn't 'whoa' ~, he thought.

He set his bags down and addressed himself properly of course. "Lieutenant JG Matthew Plumeri, reporting as ordered."

"Ah, our new Science Officer and Historian. Welcome aboard the Endeavour. This is Commander Coleman, Chief Science Officer and CO of the Endeavour." Mike replied.

"Thank you Fleet Admiral Bremer. Commander Coleman, it is an honor to meet you sir." Matt looked at the El-Aurian Lieutenant Commander but remained more-or-less at attention. He added, "I was a student of Doctor Wach's Archaeo-Astronomy course Commander. Your lecture on the El-Aurian diaspora was one of the first lessons we were required to review. It put us...I mean, it put me in the frame of mind that the study of ancient and archaic civilizations is more than the study of the affects of stars and how they shape a culture. What happens to a people and a culture when they have no home? As you know sir, ever since the displacement of the Romulan people the Federation still struggles with that question." He straightened up more, "Sorry Commander, Admiral. It's just; well, I worked hard to get a posting here. Eager to make a difference is all I guess."

Coleman stood up and chuckled before speaking. "Lieutenant, please come to ease. You're making me uncomfortable with how straight you're standing. But, I do appreciate that. I was born on Earth to a human Father and an El-Aurian Mother during the time of the Eugenics conflicts on Earth. So, I took a lesson from both cultures. But, please come and have a seat, both of you."

Coleman offered both men a seat and he walked back over to the replicator and offered the newest officer something to drink or eat from it.

"Thank you sir" and Matt relaxed his stance some. He was thirsty, his throat felt parched and as he walked over to a chair to take a seat he was grateful for the offer. He wondered if should accept? He decided that the offer was genuine and said, "Thank you, an ice cold Altair water for me please?" The blue, fizzy liquid would quench his thirst right quick.

Plumeri looked over at Bremer and noticed the Klingon baldric that the Admiral wore. Personnel files were restricted so Matthew could only guess at the meaning. The Admiral didn't look particularly Klingon though. Still, Matt tucked it away and would ask him later. It must have some special meaning for the man. However, it would be impolite to ask a superior officer about his uniform. There would be plenty of time for that later.

"Nothing for me, thank you." Mike replied to the offer.

"Glad you made it Lieutenant. With our fall back from Starbase 400, things have been rather...disorganized. Commander Coleman will have someone assign you quarters aboard the Endeavour for now. Maybe even set up a meeting with Lieutenant Matthews as well." Mike couldn't remember that last time he had so many Science Department staffers.

"If you have your transfer orders I'll go ahead and sign off on them." Mike said.

"Yes sir, thank you sir. They're right here" Matthew said as he remembered the PaDD he was holding. He opened up the transfer orders and then handed them over to Bremer. "I heard about what happened at Starbase 400. The FNN version of the events at least. When the Ijn Merak picked us up at Concordia Station it was all over the network. Starfleet's response seems...reserved?" Plumeri chose his words carefully. It wasn't until a decade ago that the Federation had entertained the idea of building a new ship building facility. The contract for one of a dozen new shipyards was being negotiated even now. Matthew's homeworld had offered up the strategic planet in the Agrippa starcluster, Navicella. If the Federation awarded the contract to Universal Spacecraft Systems, the largest shipbuilder by far, to a system controlled by Fontalis, Plumeri's homeworld, then the fortunes of many would change overnight. Most for the good.

As Bremer filled out and signed his portion of the transfer orders, Coleman brought Plumeri his drink and sat down with his own. After taking a sip or two of his own drink, Coleman looked at Matthew and asked, "Wasn't your species just recently admitted to the Federation as a protectorate world?"

Matthew took the blueish, fizzy liquid from Coleman, "Thank you" he said and he took a few gulps of the water. It was so cool, deliciously refreshing. Naturally sweet with a taste like lemon and raspberries he nearly finished the glass. He nooded to Commander Coleman's question, "Mmm...yes sir. 1685 the treaty was signed. I mean...Earth year 2350. We're not...exactly...members yet. Some things yet to be worked out. Perhaps a better word would be 'provisional'?" Matt changed the subject, he hoped non-chalantly, "The last I heard Starbase 400 was being evacuated. We're falling back to this location to regroup. But...we're getting back in the fight yeah?"

Mike handed the signed PADD back, "Yes. I don't like showing the enemy my backside." He paused a moment, "I can't share details right now, but we are going home."

"If you're both excuse me, I'll let the two of you get things settled here. I have another meeting in a few minutes. Welcome aboard Mister Plumeri." Mike gave a respectful nod before walking out of the door.

Matt stood up from his seat but before he could finish the Admiral was gone, "Thank you Admiral. I'm honored to...." and the man was gone. Taking his seat again, Matthew asked, "You and the Admiral were meeting. I apologize for interrupting your meeting. The computer didn't indicate that you were in a meeting. My transfer orders said...'immediately'."

Coleman looked up at Mike as he left his personal quarters and he could tell that Mike was in need of a good talk. Coleman didn't want to just let it go either because he knew how much it could eat away at one's soul. But, for the time being, Coleman had a new historian and science office aboard. So, he wanted to get to meet this new officer.

"So, Lieutenant, tell me more about your own History. Why did you want to join Starfleet," Coleman said, looking at the closed door and was a bit more in his own mind.

Finishing off the Altair water Matt replied, "Just...curious I guess? My mother is Fontalan and my father is Human from Earth. Growing up my brother and sister and I would hear about Earth and what it was like. But it wasn't until going to the Academy that I ever got to actually see Earth. When I applied to join, my mom was against it. She didn't want bother her kids in Starfleet. I have an older brother, Nick and an older sister, Meredith. Nick was a marine before just recently. And Meredith works for the Federation's Diplomatic branch doing envoy work. She's married. So, yeah, when I applied I put on my application that the reason I wanted to join was because of the Borg. It seems like such a long time ago you know? Just a decade though. Anyway, it was, yeah, Starfleet that we knew about but nobody wanted to be a part of. Well, a lot of things changed when the Borg sent a scout ship into our solar system. Starfleet was there because we got overwhelmed pretty quickly. I was just a kid then. But I remember standing next to my brother and he said to me, "I want to grow up and be like them. And, I guess I did too."

He paused a moment before adding, "But now, I see that the galaxy is so much bigger than simply belonging to something bigger than yourself. That's important but it's not enough. Being a member of the Federation and Starfleet means I get a chance to make a difference. And, I think, that's what I'd put on the application today." He looked up and asked, "May I ask about you sir? Why did you join?"

Coleman leaned forward and asked a counterquestion first.

"Let me ask you something first. How old do I look?" Coleman asked, smiling as he enjoyed hearing how old everyone thought that he was.

Without missing a beat Matt answered, "Old enough?" he said as straight-faced as he could. But a smile broke over his face and he laughed.

"Good answer, sir. I'm over 400 years old and was born on Earth to a Terran father and an El-Auran mother. My father was an Earth Scientist that worked on the Eugenics projects that made the likes of Khan Noonien Singh. That's why my mother took me back to her homework of El-Auria, which I got to see more of than my own brother, unfortunately. Then, I came back to Earth after my mother's homeworld was destroyed. I've learned a lot from the back few decades, so thank you for your....kind words," Coleman said, taking a sip of his own drink and letting all that information sink in.

"Yeah! You get it then, one for the half-breeds!" Plumeri said and laughed and smiled delightfully. "Now, there's a story right there sir. Going back to El-Auria and seeing it before..." Matt stopped and realized he put his foot in his mouth. "Before it was taken from you. Since you and your mother have the longevity of the El-Aurians it must have been tough to lose your dad because Humans don't live as long. What do you miss about him the most? If it's not intruding?" Matt asked.

"Honestly, I don't. I was young when my mother brought me to El-Auria because of what he was working on and helped to bring Earth to the brink of its own demise. If anything, I hope that he was a good man caught up in a bad situation. But, as I said, I was only about two when we left Earth. My mother brought me back when Cochrane broke the warp barrier and Earth was beginning to grow into what we know it is today and that's how we managed to my brother. Both of us are part Terran, part El-Aurian," Coleman replied, looking away, rather somber.

However, looking back at Plumeri, he thought about it for a second and asked, "What do you miss about being so far away from home?"

Sensing the change of mood Matthew said, “Commander, I’m like…an expert…at saying the wrong thing at the wrong time. It’s a gift. I wear my heart on my sleeve; I think that means that I speak before I think? I’ve had that…challenge my whole life, I guess.” Matt interlaced his fingers and rested his hands on the table. “You’re the first El-Aurian I’ve ever met. Ever. I’d hate to think that I just blew my one shot at getting to know you already. Give me at least until next week?”

"Honestly, I've had worse. I lived among the Vulcans for quite some time before coming back to active duty within Starfleet and making my way to where I am today," Coleman said with a small smile on his own face, thinking back to the years with Starfleet and the Vulcan Science Academy.

“I'd like to hear about that sometime. To answer your questions, what do I miss most about being so far from home?” Plumeri looked to his trumpet case still just inside the door of the room, “Growing up on Fontalis, is pretty awesome. It’s warm, most of the time. I hate pants. I miss my shorts and my loose-fitting shirts.” He smiled and snickered at a memory. “My parents had a…a…like a ranch. No, that’s not right. Like a villa. A big country house on a big piece of land. We weren’t special, lots of people had big houses. And lots of people opened their homes to one another. But not like my mom could. My dad was always bringing people home from University. Mom always made them feel welcome, you know. She always set an extra space; she always made more than enough food. My brother and my sister, we never knew that there was any other way. I just knew that I could bring my friends over for anything. And they knew that they could come over anytime as well. Mom nor dad ever turned my friends away. We never locked our doors. I didn’t know that that was weird until I got to Earth.” Matt chuckled a little at an embarrassing memory of roommates walking in on him nude after a shower. He chuckled and shook his head, “On Fontalis...we just don’t do that. If you are hungry; you ask for food. If I have something you need; I can give it to you. I thought that was ‘normal’.” Matt looked at Nicholas and said, “I like that about my people about my culture. But what I miss? The warm, the hot summer nights. And we’re all gathered around the biggest dinner table in the whole house. And every seat is taken. And…I look around at all my friends, my brother’s friends and my sister’s friends and we’re all there. Sometimes people I didn’t even know. And after dinner, there is music. Mom played the cembalo…errr…a keyboard like instrument for the local consort. My dad played the bass viol. Meredith sang, she has a great voice and my brother played the violin. I play the trumpet. So, music was a big deal. There was such…music in my house. I miss my stars; I miss my sky. I miss my mountains.” He smiled again, “I miss a lot, I guess. Hey? One day you’ll visit. You like swimming? Or hiking?”

"What made you pick up the Trumpet? It's so....human," Coleman said without thinking. But, before Matthew could say anything, Coleman said, "Wait, that was really negative and I'm beyond sorry about that. What made you pick that instrument up?"

"Don't apologize sir. It's fine." Matt smiled and waved it off, "I learned to play 'natural trumpets'. That is to say that the instruments have no keys. Maybe just one if you're all fancy like. Ir goes with Fontalan music. Humans though have keyed trumpets and so there's so much more music that can be played." Matthew paused and then said, "I'm proud of both my cultures; both of my heritages. I get the best of both of them. But, I'll tell you what I really like about being Human?" His lips curled into such a devilish smile, "Parresis Squares. We don't have anything like that back home. And I just freakin' love it! You ever played? Let's start a team up if you don't already have one ay?"

"I nearly tore my legs to bits when I first played back at the Academy. But, that was also about a century ago too. So, that was fun. But, we can definitely start a league up and it might help the crew of Starbase 400 feel a little better about being away from the station. Maybe, we could pit 400 against the crew of 23?" Coleman offered, realizing it could be beneficial for both crews as they headed into the war with the rest of the galaxy.

Matt looked agreeable to the proposition, "Now we're talking. Hell's yeah let's put a team together. I was captain of my team. We won the Academy pennant twice. You played a hundred years ago?" He stopped and thought a moment, " played before they introduced the interstellar rule set? Back before there was a penalty flag system? Oh man!"

"You should have seen it when they first introduced it to the Federation. It was such an interesting game and like you mentioned, it was before the official rules for the galaxy were set into motion. So, it was harder on the body. But, let me ask you something. Why History? Of all that areas of expertise you could go into. Why History?" Coleman said as he went back to the replicator and ordered up another set of drinks for both gentleman.

Plumeri answered him, "History is all about the now" Matt said as he sat forward a bit. Taking the newly offered drink he said, "Thanks" and took another drink. Setting the glass down he continued, "People often think of History as 'back then' and there is that aspect to it. Looking at archives, researching the past. But we do all that to understand the story of the present. History is like...a key. Finding the right key unlocks understanding and appreciation of a people. Take the Imbrogenes of Denab Lanctum Two. They have no written record of any kind. Not a single glyph, not a single letter or word. And yet their oral history can be recited in its entirety from their creation myth to the present day by what we might call kids. In not much more than a pre-school. And what is most amazing is that it is flawless. Without error, omission or misrepresentation. Now how do they do that? Why is that so important? Is an oral history more reliable than a written one? So many questions you see what I mean?" Matthew took another quick drink and continued, "My father was a History professor at the University in Serse. That's the capitol. I got interested in it from him. My brother, Nick, he was the jock. The tough guy. Everybody liked my brother. My sister, also older then me, was the pretty one. She is super smart too and works for the UFP in the diplomatic corps. So, when it was my turn, my parents were like, 'What are we going to do with him?' I was all over the place. Music, Science, History. But what I liked best was archeo-astronomy. The history of the stars and how they tell the story of the worlds they warm and light. Starfleet is the only place I'm going to be able to do my work and study people, stars and history all at the same time."

Matthew looked sheepish, "Look at me chatting away your day sir. I'm sorry. How about you? Tell me why you like Science? And about those Vulcans?"

"Honestly, the Vulcans can be a bit stale. But, they had information dating back centuries, including from Earth, El-Auria, and I think your homeworld too. The Vulcans liked to look, but not play, so that made it a little less fun. The El-Aurians knew how to get into the nit and grit of it all. As for Sciences, I wouldn't have become a scientist if I didn't like it," Coleman said with a chuckle before taking another sip of his drink.

"How much do you know about the Vulcans?" Coleman asked, curious as to why Matthew would have asked him about them.

He blinked and said, "Not too much. I've met a few in my field, of course. I think I get on their nerves to be honest. But you lived among the Vulcans for quite some time yeah? You mentioned earlier that they weren't your cup of tea either sir?"

"They are some of the most logical and smartest beings in the entire galaxy. But, that's what they're missing. They are missing the emotion and passion to stand behind their words. I just wish they'd be more understanding of the rest of the galaxy around them and our emotions," Coleman said, handing a PADD over to Matthew, showing some sociological research on the Vulcans and how they viewed the emotional galaxy around them. He also thought about what he saw when he was boarding the Endeavour on Starbase 400. Bremer had berated a Romulan Lieutenant and Coleman wanted to talk to him later about that.

Taking the offered PADD from Coleman Matt said, "Thank you. Ah! Yeah. This will be interesting. Y'know? I had a Vulcan roommate at the Academy. Serran, good guy. Like you say, smart, brilliant, logical. But I came away from being his roommate with a different...viewpoint I guess? It seemed to me that he was passionate about things too. It's just that he learned to so control his emotions that you'd never know it. He..." Matthew searched for the right word, nodding his head as he remembered the time at the Academy. "He...put up with a lot, I think. I guess I'd have to say that I can appreciate the discipline it takes to manage your emotions like that. I learned from him to be more...stoic. To let the uncertainty of everyday roll in and just let it be." He smiled and his eyebrows went up in acknowledgement, "I try at least; don't always succeed. How about Vulcan crew in the Science department? Anyone I should get to know?"

"How about you go and meet some of them? My first order for you is to go and meet some of your new coworkers. Any questions?" Coleman asked with a small smile on his face.

"Sounds like a plan Commander. Well sir, I should let you go and report to the QM. Thank you for the welcome. Thanks for the drink." After Coleman dismissed him, Plumeri picked up his bags and left the room in search of the Quartermaster."


LTJG. Matthew Plumeri
Science Officer/Historian
Starbase 400

Lieutenant Commander Nicholas Coleman
Chief Science Officer/Commanding Officer
Starbase 400/USS Endeavour

Fleet Admiral Mike Bremer
Commanding Officer
Starbase 400


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