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Mad as Hell

Posted on Thu Apr 16th, 2020 @ 1:17pm by Commander Hades,MD & Lieutenant Commander Carolyn Corrigan MD & Ensign Becca Bremer

786 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Episode 106 – Stalemate
Location: SB 23 / USS Mercy
Timeline: MD 02 1955 hours


Hades paced the small confines of his Ready Room. He had just finished his rounds and then he had decided to check in on Maxwell learning that he'd been discharged. He called both Mendez and Becca Bremer to his office the instant he'd tracked all the signature and pleas.

Hesitating to tug on his uniform, Mendez presses the door chime. Why he had been summoned he had no idea. He was a surgeon, and occasional babysitter to residents and medical students of course, but he spent less and less time within the sacred confines of his surgical suite. And with Doctor Corrigan off duty somehow he and Doctor Reid were suddenly the only names anyone seemed to know.

“You wanted to see me, Doctor Hades?” He said calmly as he entered. “I have an elective surgery due to begin if there is any chance this could - right, no. Of course not.”

His normal overly confident attitude had dissolved the moment he got a good look at Hades. His mouth went dry. He had no idea what was going on but he was sure he wasn’t going to like it.

Hades pointed to the chair. Tapping his coms he said, "Hades to Becca Bremer. When I said my office I meant now not at your leisure."

Even though he was not subject of the reprimand, Mendez paled as he sat. Mind racing as he tried to figure out what he had - or maybe hadn’t - done.

Hades tapped his fingers. "The longer she takes the madder I get." He looked at Mendez. "Find her."

Becca had just finished her round when she rushed to Doctor Hades office. She knew this had to be about letting Major Maxwell return to his quarters to rest and recover instead of staying in the Mercy's recovery ward.

She tapped the door chime and waited.

Hades slammed the button on the desk parting the door. He pointed to the sofa by Mendez. "Sit!" He began to pace. "Congratulations Ms. Bremer. I didn't know you had been declared CMO."

If he could have, Mendez would have physically climbed inside the sofa. It had been some time since he’d seen any kind of outburst like this from Hades. He didn’t point out that having said outburst aimed at the Admiral’s daughter was a sure fire way of losing his newly minted Commander pip.

He cleared his throat, “I’m sorry but... what happened exactly?”

"There is a patient that required some more sickbay time and it appears that the Ms. Bremer has seen fit to release him against my orders. And guess whose signature is on the release forms." His eyes leveled at Mendez.

“I ... I signed some forms on McLintock’s behalf while she was in surgery,” Mendez stuttered.

"Without reading them or the files?" He leaned back staring Mendez down. "Fascinating."

He turned to Becca. "And your excuse?"

Becca looked around the room, "Well, I thought discharging him to his quarters so we can use the recovery room for another patient would be beneficial to all."

"Even though I explicitly ordered him to stay longer?" He saw the face Mendez pulled and he sighed. "You went against the orders of the CMO and that cannot go unpunished."

There was silence and then, "You will both stay with the patient for the next forty-eight hours in his quarters, and I don't care if you have to sleep on the floor. Once I am convinced he is well enough to be alone I shall call for you. When your are back in sickbay I want every instrument, every bio bed, scrubbed and disinfected "You will hand wash and sanitize everything. The medication room is to be alphabetized and sorted according to dose and every portable med kit is to be tested. I want all instruments recalibrated and I will check everything. You will eat, sleep and work on the list I have just given you. Clear?" He asked handing them PaDDs with their task lists. "And neither of you will see patients until this is done even if it takes days or weeks."

"But I have surgeries - starting in less than an hour!" Mendez protested. "At least let me finish my cases."

Becca didn't have anything else assigned to her yet, since she was only recently transferred back to Starbase 400. All she could really say was, "Yes sir."

"Mendez keep talking and I'll make this a two month job...for both!" He pointed to the door. "Now out! This will not happen again."

“Come on...” Mendez said, all but pushing the Ensign out the door, “just be glad he isn’t mentioning air locks.”



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