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Doctors and nurses

Posted on Thu Apr 16th, 2020 @ 12:07pm by Lieutenant Kah'lyn Chiara-Rivers & Lieutenant Commander Croesus

436 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Episode 106 – Stalemate
Location: Croesus Quarters
Timeline: MD2 1930 hrs


Kah’lyn did her best to help Croesus back to his quarters, she needed to see the wound in his side to determine if he’d need to go to Sickbay for it or not. She smiled as she looked at him as they walked, pointing to his side. “So was that a pre-existing wound or is it a new one?”

"Oh it's new. A laceration at best . I jist need some pain killer and I'll be fine." Croesus fumbled to find a bottle of war nog. " Just what the Doctor ordered. Do you want to administer this medicine Doc?" Croesus flirted.

Kah’lyn grinned. “Do you have a medkit anywhere? If you do I can heal it here and now, but I’ll have to remove your top first!” She gave him a wry smile.

" Mine first then yours?" he replied auching the right side a wew bit. " Med kit is under my bed. You know the safety was off on you too and you finished the old goat like butter. I am glad you're on our side." Croesus joked.

Kah’lyn smiled and nodded. “I got lucky that he didn’t get a good swipe at me! When I was practicing with Admiral Bremer I lost!” She headed towards the bedroom. “Maybe you should join me?” She grinned as she headed on into the bedroom and pulled out the medkit from under the bed. “Do you mind?” She nimbly helped him out of his top so she could heal his wound.

Croesus complied to her orders like a whipped puppy. She applied the antiseptic and dressed the wound . Feeling to see that it was secure he looked into her eyes.

" Thank you. I am in your debt now. How ever will I pay this debt off Doctor?" Croesus teased as many thoughts ran through his mind. Consentual boomed in his mind.

Kah'lyn smiled. "I'm sure we can think of something" She ran her fingers gently across his chest. "I never could say no to a handsome warrior..." She looked up at him her eyes meeting his.

Croesus could hold back no longer as her fingers melted his mental shields. Her beauty invaded him as their pheromones joined.

"tlhinghan jIh" Croesus yowled as he lay her on his bed.

"Is that a Klingon mating call?" Kah'lyn grinned as she lay looking up at Croesus. "I always wondered if Klingons were rough and tumble when they make love, I'm looking forward to finding out."

" Sure, I am Klingon hear me roar." he replied as she sang the magic song.

** Fades to 50 shades of grey **



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