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Bridge Officer Test

Posted on Thu Apr 9th, 2020 @ 4:13pm by Commander Hades,MD & Lieutenant Commander Ariana Monroe-Wayne

1,210 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Episode 106 – Stalemate
Location: Docked at Starbase 23
Timeline: MD 02 1500 HRS


Hades sat in his office waiting for Ariana. He'd called her down but she hadn't known why. It was going to be a surprise but he had faith that it would be a good one.

Ariana arrived at Hades office wondering just what it was Hades had called her for. She pressed the chime and waited for a call to enter before walking inside and approaching his desk. "You wanted to see me Sir?"

He motioned for her to sit down. "Sit down. How are you feeling today?"

Ariana took a seat. “Better than I was, Carolyn gave me something to use morning and evening for the sickness.” She offered a smile.

"Good. Today is the day." He said standing up.

"What?! Today!!" Ariana gave Hades an exasperated glance, she hadn't been expecting her bridge officer test to come up so soon. "Hades I..." She paused and took a deep breath, her personality mix showing up again. "I can do this ... Let's go!"

He smiled, "Good. Let's go to the holodeck. There are three parts to the updated test." He started walking leaving her to follow.

“Three parts?” Ariana caught him up, looking at Hades curiously as he explained. “So what am I to expect?”

"First the written portion. A computer will be set up in the holodeck. I cannot be in there but there will be a proctor. Just scenarios and general questions. Since you have been studying the Mercy they will be related to that."

“Okay, well that’s not so bad” She offered a brief smile. “What are the other two parts?”

"Simulations. Let's get part one done and then we'll work through the rest."

Ariana nodded. “I’ll do my best that I promise you! You’ve put your faith in me and I’m not going to let you down.”

He gave a nod. They arrived at the door. "Alright. In you go."

Ariana nodded. Walking into the holodeck she wasn't surprised to see a table and chair set out waiting for her. Moving across she took her seat ready to start her test.

The panel in front of her lit blue on the table. "Please state your rank and serial number and name." The computer voice chimed. Off to the side a rather large Vulcan stood with a data PaDD making annotations and doing his best impression of a hovering ghost.

“Lieutenant Commander, AM-196-923L, Ariana Monroe.” She took a somewhat nervous breath.

The Vulcan in the back gave a nod. "You may begin."

Ariana nodded and started her test, two hours later she was reading over her answers checking them for inconsistencies before she handed it over ready for it to be checked. She took a deep breath as she relaxed back in her seat, she hadn’t expected the test to be quite so in-depth she just hoped that she’d done enough to pass.

The Vulcan ushered her out of the holodeck as the second round of testing was set up. Hades, for his part, was standing off to the side as she exited the holodeck. He walked over to her. "How did you find the test?"

"Easy to start but it got harder." She looked at Hades. "I didn't realise it'd be so hard, I just hope I did enough to pass."

"We'll know in an hour. Shall we grab a coffee while we wait?" He knew he could use that time to catch up with her.

"Sure why not, but make it a juice instead of a coffee." Ariana smiled. "I'm trying to cut back on my caffeine intake while I'm pregnant."

"A wise decision." Hades got himself a coffee and Ariana a juice and settled in. "I can imagine that this can be quite disconcerting.... being so far from the station."

Ariana nodded. "It's been hard, but I feel better now that Cameron and Stacie are here. Cameron is thrilled that he's going to be a father again, so all in all it's made me feel more reassured I guess."

"You guess?"

Ariana shrugged her shoulders. "As silly as it sounds I want to be home, and by home I mean the station." She offered a smile. "It's where I feel settled. I also want to get back to normal family life."

"I miss the station as well. Hopefully we'll be back soon." He studied her. "How has it been adjusting without your father?"

"I err... Haven't really thought about it." Ariana looked down at her lap before looking back at Hades. "Last I heard Christina was heading off with the search." She sipped her drink. "If it wasn't for your support I don't think I'd have gotten this far in my recovery."

"Oh I didn't do much." He said. "But I won't be here forever. You have to be strong."

Ariana nodded. "Strong is a double edged sword for me at the moment." She paused and sipped her drink and cupped the glass in her hands. "What with the upsurge in the strength of my abilities and the mix of mine and... 'her' personality. I'm still getting used to being a new version of me!" She took a moment before speaking again. "There's a part of her still inside me that I'm afraid to tap into, it's deep and dark and I'm afraid what might happen if I let that part loose." She looked at Hades her eyes meeting his. "But I have to don't I? It's me, to be the whole me I have to let myself fully blend and not hold back."

"Each person is a natural combination of good and bad. We must integrate all parts of ourselves." There was a chirp and Hades walked over to the computer. He came back and sat down sighing. "The results are in."

Ariana looked at Hades curiously. "Did I pass?"

He let the silence stretch. "Well you got to keep in mind that his is a hard test."

"Did I or didn't I?!" Ariana looked at Hades almost pleadingly.

"Not everyone passes their first time and that's okay." He sighed, "Now did you pass. Hmmm A philosophical question."

"Oh for heavens sake Hades!! Will you answer the question!!" She stood hands on hips looking at him. "If I could look in your head I would but I'm not allowed so spit it out!!"

He laughed, actually threw his head back and laughed. "Okay, okay. You passed."

"I did?!" Ariana grinned from ear to ear. "I actually passed!!" She looked at Hades. "You laughed! You never laugh!!"

He smiled, "Well this was funny." He shook his head. "I should have tried to draw it out more."

"Pregnant woman here remember?" Ariana grinned. "Too much stressing out isn't good, or so I'm told."

He smiled, "Well they have delayed part two until tomorrow so you have the rest of the day." Standing he stretched. "Well done Ariana."

"Thank you Hades" She took a moment before giving him a big hug. "I owe it to you that I passed. I'll pass the rest too, just you wait!"

"I know you will." He smiled. "I'm proud of you Ariana."

“Thank you Hades” She smiled warmly. “You have no idea what it means to hear you say that!”



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