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A Wife's Wisdom

Posted on Mon Apr 6th, 2020 @ 10:56am by Brigadier General Kaden Ross

1,426 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Episode 106 – Stalemate
Location: Ross Quarters
Timeline: MD 02 1400 HRS

Kaden returned home feeling upset over what has been transpiring since his session well...went south. He noticed Freya standing at the window looking out into the stars rubbing her baby bump with a smile. Not wanting to ruin her moment of happy thoughts Kaden said nothing just straight to the couch tossing his cane onto the chair before laying down his back turned to her.

Freya had felt her husband’s mood the moment he stepped into the room. Letting him settle she walked over to him resting her hands on his upper back. “Hey, is everything alright?”

Kaden felt Freya's loving touch on his back and the concern in her voice as she came over to comfort him. "Freya, I did something during my session with Ariana and I am still confused why I did it." He began taking her hand into his but kept his back to her. While he kept trying process what in the world was wrong with him. "Before I tell you I have to ask you something."

Kaden turned to face his beautiful wife the soon to be mother of his son. "Do...I uh..." He trailed off trying to find the right words to say hoping he didn't upset her too. "Freya, I don't want to anger you asking this but I been curious about something I been afraid to ask. But, look I know I am not a perfect man and I am very flawed with all the bad things that has happened to me in my past and my depression. But with my incessant worrying and always being miserable at times make you want to leave me?" He asked feeling a bit scared in doing so.

“What?!” Freya looked at Kaden curiously. “Imzadi what on Earth would make you think that? I married you because I love you, nothing is going to change that.” She moved to sit down putting a cushion behind her back to make herself comfortable. “What happened between you and Ariana?”

Kaden took her hand into his his eyes tearing up. "Freya, I...I snapped I don't know why it seems my near death experience just unleashed all this pent up anger I buried for a long time." He began.

“When you say snapped, in what way? Did you lose your temper with Ariana?” She guessed it had to be something like that, in the years they’d been together Kaden had never shown an ounce of violence towards her just a raised voice. “Tell me what happened.”

"I lost my see, Dr. Corrigan and Ariana both seem to want pawn me off to this Dr. Rol. Babe, you know how I hate having to meet new counselors. I only trust two people Ariana and you. I just feel she trying to ABANDON me again." Kaden told her.

Freya nodded. “Kaden you know Ariana would never do that to you.” She paused knowing she’d have to word what she said carefully. “What were the the two of you discussing at the time? Is it something you can tell me?”

Kaden sat up trying to recall the events of the session with Ariana. "I can't even remember I just know that I messed up." He wiped his eyes before staring at the floor. "Freya, you want to know something?"

“What’s that?” She looked at Kaden concernedly. Deep down inside she was afraid that Kaden’s history with Ariana would interfere with their relationship.

Kaden sat up off the couch hobbling over to the window where Freya stood earlier placing his arms behind his back. "I didn't really want to join Starfleet my dream in life was to go find a log cabin somewhere out in the woods. Live a life secluded away from people find peace and all that in the wilderness, if you can believe that." He said.

“So you joined because of Ariana?” Freya’s smile had been replaced by a look of uncertainty.

Kaden nodded but turned to face Freya. "I did, I mean she was part of it but if I hadn't I wouldn't of met you and I don't know where I’d be without you." He replied.

“I’m not going anywhere” Freya offered a more relieved smile. “So what happened with Ariana?”

"I lost it, Freya, thinking about what happened on the Saratoga made me realize I almost died leaving you alone to raise our son. And for me I would of never even got see or hold him that alone made me upset. I felt I could of avoided all of it if I had just stuck to my dream." Kaden told her hoping Freya wouldn't get upset.

“Oh Kaden...” Freya walked over to him and gently took his hand. “Feeling the way you do is perfectly normal. You were faced with every husband and father’s worst n8ghtmare, to lose your life and never get to see your loved ones again! I’m not surprised you’re upset. To be honest I’ve been expecting it.” She gave him an understanding smile. “You and Ariana have a History that’s none of my business, but if you’re not coping well around each other maybe it’s best if you see another Counsellor or if you both talk to a Counsellor together to clear the air between you.”

Kaden pulled Freya close to him. "Much as I hate talking about my issues to someone else I guess you are right. But you know how long it took for me to trust you at first?" He asked.

“I know” Freya smiled. “But you also know that Ariana wouldn’t put you with another Counsellor unless it was absolutely necessary right?” She gave Kaden a knowing look. “She knows how you feel, she’s known you long enough.”

Kaden sighed there was wisdom in Freya's words. "You are right but you know I don't want you to worry this is going effect our relationship I promise it won't." He pulled Freya even closer to him and smiled. "I love you."

Freya smiled. “I love you too” She playfully ruffled his hair before giving him a loving kiss. “If there’s anything I can do to help all you have to do is ask.”

Kaden smiled he loved how Freya was so eager to be there for him when he needed it. "I will always welcome your help and your wisdom." He replied.

“I wish I could still be your Counsellor but as I’m your wife it’s classed as conflict of interest. That doesn’t mean I can’t counsel you unofficially.” She smiled warmly. “Tell me something Imzadi do you still have feelings for Ariana?”

It was a tough question to answer one Kaden had hoped would not upset Freya. "I can't lie, a part of me still does but she has moved on and so have I. It is just I joined Starfleet to be with her but...I stayed for you." He replied.

Freya nodded. “I know. I heard what Ariana said to you when you were in Sickbay recovering. We talked briefly about it. I know Ariana isn’t a threat and I know you wouldn’t jeopardise what we have together.” She held onto him gently and lovingly. “Go and see Ariana, clear the air between both of you.”

Kaden frowned as he took a seat on the chair next to him. "You think she even understands I joined just for her? That I gave up what I really wanted in my life to be with her?" He asked.

“I don’t know” Freya shook her head. “There’s only one way to find out and that’s to talk to her about it.”

Kaden kissed Freya's hand before inviting her to sit on his lap. "Then I will speak to her like you suggested but not right now. I am more curious to know what was on your mind when I came home." He replied.

“What was on my mind?” Freya looked at Kaden curiously. “Oh...I was just thinking how things have changed. This time last year we were still trying for a baby and you were dreading being a father, now I’m five months pregnant and you can’t wait to meet our son!” She grinned.

Kaden rested his hand on her belly. "I see, well that might change when I try to get him to love me more than mommy." He teased.

Freya laughed. “Oh we’ll see about that.”


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