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Reunited - for now

Posted on Sun Apr 26th, 2020 @ 10:26am by Lieutenant Olivia O’Riley & Lieutenant Timothy O’Riley

417 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Episode 106 – Stalemate
Location: USS Mercy - Quarters
Timeline: MD3 0600 hrs


Olivia lay cuddled up in the warmth and safety of TJ’s arms, the twins Emily and Joseph were enjoying their nap time giving their parents time to enjoy each other’s company.

“Do you think we’ll have a Starbase to go back to?” Olivia cuddled her husband as her fingers gently trailed over his chest.

Tim held Olivia tight. He hated thinking about the thought of loosing another home, but he was hoping it wasn’t going to happen. Tim kissed her forehead and said, “I’m hoping we have a home to come back to. I’m just happy to spend these few minutes with you. It’s so hard to be apart like this on two different ships, but we both have duties to do.”

“I know, but that doesn’t make it any easier” Olivia offered a smile as she lifted her head and looked at him. “At least we’re safe.

Tim sighed slightly, “I’m happy that you and the twins are on this vessel. Promise me that the three of you will stay safe through out the turmoil that is going on right now.”

“Of course we will.” She paused. “I’d ask if I could join you but if anything happened we’d be a liability being on the same ship as you. I wouldn’t put you through that.”

TJ held her close, “I’d love to have you and the twins with me, but I don’t think I’d be able to concentrate having you so close. I’d worry about all of you to much, and both of us are put where we can be the best help. I’m hoping that we won’t be apart for extended periods of time, Imzadi.”

"We have each other for now Imzadi, we can spend as much time as possible together while we're here. We still have our duties to perform but we can spend our off hours together."

Tim sighed as he held her close, “I plan on spending as much time as I can with you while I can. I’m hoping we can get this mission settled and have some time to just be a family.”

“Well for now we’re stuck here at Starbase 23, we both have our duties to attend to but at least it’s giving us some time together with the children.” Olivia smiled. “We can but hope we’ll get our new home back sometime soon.”



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