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The morning after...

Posted on Sun Apr 26th, 2020 @ 10:14am by Lieutenant Kah'lyn Chiara-Rivers & Lieutenant Commander Croesus

677 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Episode 106 – Stalemate
Location: Croesus Quarters
Timeline: MD3 0400 hrs

OOC: Note start of Mission Day 3


Kah’lyn lay tangled up in the sheet and Croesus’ body, her hair was damp & her skin was glistening with perspiration from their love making. She’d slowly raised her head and lay a gentle kiss on Croesus chest before laying her head on his shoulder.

Croesus had loved many times even fathering two children but Kah' lyn was the first woman to ever stir both his alien libidos.

" Where have you been all of my life?" Croesus whispered.

Kah’lyn smiled as she lifted her head and looked at Croesus. “Trying to find a place in the universe.” She smiled as she brushed a strand of his hair out of the way of his face. “I think I could get to like it here.”

" Yeah we have cookies. " Croesus joked as he stirred and started kissing her neck passionately.

" Today I have to inspect a light cruiser...the SS Roane. You're welcome to join me. The Captain is a Klingon and a friend." Croesus stated between kisses.

“I would love to!” Kah’lyn sighed with pleasure and ran her fingers through Croesus’ hair encouraging him. “I have no doubt your neighbours must know you have a female in here now!” She grinned. “I’ve never felt so....wanted before!”

" are soooo wanted," Croesus said preparing for another round.

< 2 hours Later >

After a shower both with Kah'lyn then after Croesus got dressed and waited for Kah'lyn to finish hers. Preparing a small meal to recharge.

" Hope you're hungry." he teased.

“I am completely famished!!” Kah’lyn grinned as she walked slowly over to the breakfast table. “Do my muscles ever know I’ve been going several wonderful hours of lovemaking with you! Oh and this...” She motioned to a visible lovebite on her neck. “Is this to make others wary of approaching me?”

" Did I do that? Wear it with pride, except on duty. On duty I have to be professional." Croesus answered. " Eat up. We still have a station to maintain."

“Aye Sir!” Kah’lyn grinned picking herself some breakfast to tuck into. “So tell me more about you, I’ve just spent the night making love with you and I know practically nothing about you!”

" I am what you see. Half man, half beast. Mother was a Klingon my dad career Star Fleet. They got involved a long time ago and vegat me... Give me another date and I will reveal more."

Kah’lyn’s smile beamed. “Have I made that much of an impression on you?” She nodded. “I enjoyed last night, and this morning very much. I would be honoured to spend more time with you.”

Croesus was cautious as his heart was on the line.

" I feel as if I have known you before. Or even loved you before in another life." Croesus said honestly. " After shift I will find you."

Kah’lyn nodded. “I will look forward to it” She reached out a gentle hand and stroked his cheek. “I’ll admit I don’t usually go around flirting like I did last night, I guess I felt a connection to you too.”

Croesus then became commanderish.

" Don't be late for duty . I might have to discipline your tardiness." Croesus chuckled.

“With all due respect Commander, I am never late!” Kah’lyn smiled. “I am a total professional on duty but as you said I need to make sure I cover this whilst I’m working.” She motioned to the love-bite on the left hand side of her neck.

Croesus again smiled as he exited his quarters to attend his early morning departmental meeting. He had done these ever since becoming a departmental head but this one made his wish he could call out sick.

Putting her glass and plate back into the replicator for tidying away, Kah’lyn quickly replicated some concealer to put on her love bite before making sure she looked presentable. She too needed to attend the department meeting and she wasn’t going to be late.



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