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Taking Stock

Posted on Sun Apr 26th, 2020 @ 10:43am by

395 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Episode 106 – Stalemate
Location: Serenity Gallery
Timeline: MD3 0500 hrs

Vox was up earlier than normal. Usually, he gets up around 0700 but today he had to be up earlier so that he could get a job, he didn't enjoy, out of the way. This was the day of the stock check. All the items in the gallery, both on display and in storage had to be checked and verified on his master database and checked for any signs of issues, breaks and scratches that sort of thing.

He hated doing it as, with the size of his stock, it usually consumed an entire day. But, it had to be done.

After a short breakfast, he began the laborious task ahead of him.

Walking into the centre of the Gallery, the lights activated courtesy of the motion sensors. The large doors remained shut, as today, the gallery was closed. The stillness was quite soothing. Not a sound, except for the slight background hum of the station.

With his pad in hand, he slowly went to each individual piece to check it was on his inventory and the item was still in perfect condition. On approaching a statue he had obtained from Rigel 4, he noticed that, although it was in good condition, a good dusting wouldn't be a bad idea. He took out from his tool belt his compressed air duster and carefully sprayed it around the statue. The dust came off the statue in all directions and into the air.

"Ahhhhhhhchooo" he sneezes loud enough that he might have been heard in ops.

"Perhaps I should wear a mask" he exclaimed aloud. He headed briefly back to his office to put on a mask as on the walk over, he could now see the minutest amount of dust on anything he looked at.

As the clock on the wall turned 13:00, he broke for a break and lunch. He had made better progress than he had expected. He could actually finish the job before 17:00 and then head to a bar or crack open that Klingon beer he was given the other week as a thank you from a Klingon warrior who was overly thrilled to obtain a painting of the legendary Kahless.

Sure enough, by 17:00, the job was done, Vox, in an act of celebration, pulled his big easy chair into the Gallery, poured the beer into a suitable tankard and enjoyed a good days work.



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