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Making Money (the easy way) part 2

Posted on Mon Apr 27th, 2020 @ 5:31pm by Camron Wayne
Edited on on Thu Apr 30th, 2020 @ 4:23pm

1,004 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Episode 106 – Stalemate
Location: Ritz casino and hotel freecloud
Timeline: MD3

Cameron finished off his breakfast and headed back down to the casino floor. After talking to the cashier again he found another game that was what would be considered ultra high stakes poker. He sat down at the game with 5 million credits in his pile, he had a feeling that this would be the game that got him what he wanted. There were 15 players at the table when he sat down. It was a few rounds before he got the feel of the players he was up against. There were a few playboys that would not make it more then a couple rounds they were just bleeding chips. He scraped a win the first 3 rounds and came away with a few million more chips.

The game had dropped from 16 players to 12 players, and a break was called he grabbed a light snack and a drink then freshened up and got ready for the next round of play. Once again he managed to scrape the needed wins to stay in the game and moved to the next round of play. There were now 8 players in the game and the stakes had gone up. It was enough to actually make him more then a little giddy with excitement. The last round had seen one of the players lose all of his credits plus his small shipping company which apparently had 2 old soyzu class ships. It was not the kind of thing he wanted so he was glad that happened at another table. His table was still playing strictly with credits but he knew that would and could change at any time. He had lost about 4 hands but still managed to stay in the game.

He still won his table though and it was now down to the winners from the four tables. The amount of money here was stagering. There were enough chips in this game now to buy a medium sized starship outright maybe not outfit it but definately buy it. He sat down at the table and brought all the chips he had won to the table plus a couple of the deeds he had won. He would bet just about everything except his own money and the runabout in this game and either walk out a huge winner or walk out with a little more then he started with. Either way he would leave the casino ahead and that is what mattered to him.

15 rounds later the table of 4 was down to a table of 2 and the last card had been delt in this game. Looking at the cards he had and what was on the table he made his decision he had about twice as many chips as the other guy had and figured there was no way he could be beaten. "Let's make this interesting All in." Said Cameron as he pushed everything he had on the table into the game. He watched the other player and the man was sweating bullets. "Sir you have me at a disadvantage I do not have enough chips to cover the bet. However I do have a Corvette class starship that I aquired from some former friends of mine that I would be willing to put up against say all the chips on the table and the deeds to the vineyard and distillery you won yesterday." Said the man "Surely my ship is worth that much." He added

Cameron thought for a little while then reached into the breast pocket of his coat and pulled out the deeds he added them to the pot. "Alright let's see your cards" said Cameron the man flipped his cards over he had a full house jacks and queens he man started to move to rake in the pile. "Not so fast my friend your hand was good but mine is better." Said Cameron as he flipped his cards to show a royal flush in diamonds no less. Cameron proceeded to rake in the credits and the deeds he now held.

"Sir I thank you for the game and I really thank you for the ship it was exactly what I was looking for. You played a very good game and I would be honored to play against you again." Said Cameron calmly as he collected is winnings from the table leaving the other man wandering how the game could have gone against him. "Double or nothing on one cut of the cards." said the man in a rush. "No sir I will not take advantage of the situation like that your shaking so bad you could not hold a card let alone cut the deck maybe next time I am in town we can play again." Said Cameron calmly as he turned to the dealer. "Please see to it the chuips are added to my account I will carry the deeds with me to the casino vault." Said Cameron as he turned back to the other man only to see a phaser in his hand. "I will be taking those deeds and my money back from you sir and we will leave this room exactly as we should have with me the winner and you the broken loser." Said the man with a leer. "I do not think so sir. This casino protects it's guests better then that you will never make it to the cashier let alone out of the casino if you try this is it worth dieing for or worse." Said Cameron

The man fired his phaser and hit the shield that cameron had raised and that was the end of it the casino security burst into the room and in seconds had the other man taken down. Cameron simply turned his chair and headed out of the room he would of course be interviewed by security later and he was expecting it. he rolled back to his room exhausted but happy he had managed to get exactly what he wanted and it had not cost him anything but a turn of the cards.


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