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Filling in the blanks

Posted on Wed Jan 29th, 2020 @ 5:01pm by Lieutenant Commander Carolyn Corrigan MD & Commander Hades,MD

1,269 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Episode 103 - In The Darkest Days...
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: MD 02 O900 hours

The First Federation... digesting that nugget of information had darkened Reyas’ mood considerably. Which was exactly as expected. Returning from her now daily visit to the promenade for breakfast, Elise Corrigan had been entirely unsurprised to find him already waiting in her guest quarters. After days without a word from him and suddenly he was back.

His expression had soured with every passing moment as he listened as she recounted her meeting with Doctor Hades. Yet he inevitably agreed. He always did. Eventually. Which did not mean his mood improved any.

Neither had her own. And so when details of the meeting came through, she made her way to Dr Hades office with Reyas close behind.

“This,” he whispered in her ear, “is a mistake.”

Elise sighed heavily as she pressed the door chime, “you mentioned that already. Multiple times. My body may be becoming frail but my mind is still as sharp. Remember, this is for Carolyn. Play nice.”

Reyas scoffed as the doors opened and he followed her inside. His eyes swept the room before he had finished taking a step over the threshold, his hands at his sides where he could easily reach for any weapons if necessary. Despite Elise's apparent confidence that this doctor could be trusted, his friendship with a Section 31 agent was enough to make Reyas far less trusting. He knew Section. He had been Section. Many many years ago.

"Your office is a secure place to speak?" Elise asked, sounding far from convinced as she approached the desk. She shot a questioning look at Nivar who consulted the device strapped to his wrist before giving a cursory nod. Apparently satisfied, she took a seat opposite Hades before glancing to the only other occupant in the room.

"And this must be Mr Nivar. I've seen your file. Most impressive. I personally try to avoid dealing with your employers as much as possible these days," the woman commented. "Yet they do seem to keep getting involved in things these days... Still, to matters at hand."

Nivar just silently observed.

Hades turned to the woman. "Now that the pleasantries are done. Let's get to it."

Opening her bag she withdrew a PADD, entering a passcode and then completing a retinal ID before handing it over to Hades. "My personal files, on project Trinity."

He took the files. "Tell me about it." He said after reading the file.

"It was a unique project. Starfleet Intelligence, the V'Shar and a research team led by a Vulcan scientist by the name of Sajik. As you can possibly suspect, he was a unique talent. A geneticist who was brilliant but no moral fibre. And as long as he did what Starfleet Intelligence needed him to do, they were more than willing to look the other way when stories of his more questionable practices surfaced.

And then he just disappeared. Why? For that, we can thank our friends in Section 31."

Hades sighed, "What do we know that's not in the file?"

“That I was second in command of the project,” Elise stated simply. “Seems like a lifetime ago.

“Before I became a mother and then a wife,” she added, ignoring the warning look from Reyas. “I’m absolutely certain the attack on the team from the Rhode Island was because of my involvement. Coincidence perhaps but unlikely. You will find in my files somewhere the reports from the marines who eventually were authorised to breach the facility. They are ... disturbing.

Sajik was killed but one marine reported that when he first entered the room where Sajik was found, he appeared to have initiated a mind meld with one of his captives. From other reports I was able to confirm he had been found with Carolyn.”

"So this could be revenge motivated. Carolyn to get to you." It was a comment but not a question.

“Possibly. Or they believe she knows something they want to know. And if it is related in any way to Sajik and his research then it can be nothing good. His work was hardly intended to benefit anyone unless you were looking to strike at an enemy.”

At her nod, Reyas sighed, straightening up. “While your intention is good, until her attacker is found and we confirm who he was working with, Carolyn may not be safe. I will find him, but until then, you can guarantee her safety?”

Hades gave a nod. "I can." He looked at Nivar. "I want you to head home. Stay close yet out of the way. Anything happens to her and the baby ..." He left that hanging.

Nivar gave a nod and silently left.

Elise glanced at Reyas who at least appeared slightly mollified. "Thank you, Doctor Hades," Elise ventured, the words sounding unfamiliar coming out of her mouth as Reyas made his own exit. "I am not accustomed to trusting others when it comes to the safety of my family."

"She's family to me too. If not by blood then by adoption. I won't see her hurt." He looked at Elise. "I have something to ask you in private."

Elise arched an eyebrow. “I don’t believe we could have any more privacy than we have now.”

Hades looked over at the door. "Your man is standing outside listening." He swivelled his computer so she could see the image of Reyas listening. "Can you please get rid of him. He is standing on a little safety precaution I took. I would hate to shock him."

Elise moved to the door, signalling for him to go. She stood, waiting until he was out of sickbay before returning to her seat. “Apologies. He believes information is power. Please, continue Doctor.”

"I have a question to ask of you. Do not take it as an insult it is.... just for my knowledge." He held out a rod like item. "This will tell me if you are lying when you respond."

Elise laughed, “very well. What is it you want to ask of me?”

"Do you care about Carolyn, I mean really care as family should."

“Such a question is open to interpretation. Some families are close, others are not. But yes, I do. It may at times seem like tough luck or cruel and uncaring, but yes, I care.” Elise watched as the device illuminated, seeming to take a long time before it settled on a light orange colour.

"Hm.... well you are partially telling the truth. Until I figure out the whole truth we will proceed lightly. Carolyn will be fine. I have confidence where I sent her. I will share with you what I can and if I find that you are a threat to her this will be a different conversation." He shrugged. "Now, how likely is your Reyas to try and head to the First Federation?"

“Not very. Unless, of course, his search leads him there. Reyes is resourceful but not a fool. He will, however, do whatever is necessary to accomplish his mission.”

At that, the device glowed green.

He smiled, "Then perhaps warn him if he's dumb enough to try and go there he'll be caught and destroyed. The First Federation doesn't take too kindly to strangers. I had to call ahead so Carolyn could be admitted." He shrugged. "I guess we're done for now."

“I will be sure to pass along the warning. Perhaps our friend will be foolish enough and then the First Federation can solve this particular problem for us.”

He gave a nod. "Aright. I have my work cut out for me. I'd say we have our marching orders."



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