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Settling In.

Posted on Wed Jan 29th, 2020 @ 1:06pm by Brigadier General Kaden Ross & Lieutenant Commander Nicholas Coleman

1,932 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Episode 103 - In The Darkest Days...
Location: Kaden's Office
Timeline: MD2 0800 hrs

Kaden sat at his desk filling out paperwork and looking over the new personnel files of the new marines joining the Division. He came across the file for one of Freya's clients a Lance Corporal Harrison and brought up his latest mental evaluation. It seemed just before Freya was put on maternity leave she had forgot to sign her name on his paperwork. Sitting up he held the PADD in his left hand and gathered a small stack PADDs with his right to file away.

Leaving his office Kaden watched Freya at work decorating her space for when she was placed on active duty again. Setting the stack down on the table he approached her tapping Harrison's evaluation in his hand. "Freya, do you mind if I borrow your counselling skills for a moment?" He asked.

Freya smiled as she turned to look at Kaden. "Of course you can, what can I do for you?"

Kaden handed the PADD containing Harrison's mental evaluation. "I came across this seems you forgot to sign off on it." However he frowned before sitting on the edge of her desk as he recognized Harrison's face before. "He was the one that stabbed you back there...during the Reman attack." A part of Kaden still held some issue over the man hurting Freya while she was doing her job.

"Yeah he was..." She sighed. "I did this evaluation before we were all sent out into the field. What happened wasn't his fault, he was being controlled by the Remans." She tapped the padd and added her digital signature to the file.

"I...I know but I guess a part of me is still angry he was used to hurt you." Kaden took the PADD and looked it over. "So almost finished decorating your space?"

Freya nodded enthusiastically, “It’s looking how I want it now. You know me I like to be organised!”

Kaden smiled sitting up and held up his index finger. "Well I think you are missing one small detail." He walked over to his desk and pulled out a present from his drawer before returning back to Freya handing it to her. "Here, a early birthday present."

“A present!” She grinned from ear to ear. He knew how much she loved getting presents. “I wonder what it might be?”

Kaden loved seeing Freya so happy it was a wonderful feeling. "Well, I just hope you like it I had do some research on your family's lineage back on Betazed."

Opening the gift Freya looked at Kaden in surprise. "It's the idols! Where did you find these? They're very hard to come across without going back to Betazed." She gently placed the gift on her desk.

Kaden grinned as he placed his hands on Freya's hips hoping she didn't mind him breaking professional protocol for a moment. "I had a Talosan Priest on Betazed make then specially for you I mean the moment I brought up the famous Freya of House Savette. The sacred guardians of the Crown of Nimbar Prime and Rulers of the Talosan Region of Betazed, he was all eager to have those made and blessed for you."

"Famous Freya!" She giggled. "I'm nothing of the sort! I'm just me, I know I'll eventually be the matriarch of our house but I'm not there yet."

Kaden looked around real quick before planting a loving kiss on Freya's lips. "Then you married the son of a car manufacturing mogul that gave up following the family business to be a big bad marine."

“Something like that.” Freya grinned as she returned his kiss, just as the door opened and someone walked in.

Coleman had been working late into the night and had gotten a report about Colonel Ross that needed his authorization code and digital thumbprint on. Deciding that it couldn't wait until the morning, he grabbed the PADD that the information was on and headed down to Ross' Office.

Kaden at first didn't see Coleman stroll on in as he was busy gently squeezing Freya's cute butt with a mischievous grin. Before catching the science officer standing there causing to him to accidentally drop Freya hearing her head make a slight thud on her desk. "COLEMAN?!!" Kaden began in a shocked tone as he nervously tried to look professional despite he was just caught playing grab ass with his wife. "Uh...hey what brings you here?"

Freya was momentarily forgotten as she was left nursing the bump to her head to add to the still sore arm she had left from their encounter with the section 31 agent. Her arm had been healed but it was still tender and would be for a while longer yet.

"Sorry to interupt Colonel, but I had a few personel files that I needed to review with you....if you weren't too busy. If you were, I could always come back," Coleman offered with a small smile and laugh, as he could tell that he might've been preoccupied. He wasn't sure who the other person was, but he guessed that it must've been someone close.

Freya offered a smile as she greeted Coleman. “You must be Commander Coleman. I’m Freya Ross.”

"It's nice to meet you, Ma'am. I am the new Chief Science Officer aboard the station. What do you do on the station?" Coleman asked, curious as to what position that she held aboard the station.

"Well for the next 10 months or so I'm officially on maternity leave but I hold the position of Marine Counsellor and personal Admin Assistant to my husband Colonel Ross." She smiled as she looked at Kaden, before looking back at Coleman.

Kaden wanting to try to move on from the fact he was caught handling his wife’s nice cute rump as Coleman just came in. “So, what about these files do I need to go over with you about?” He asked as he sat down. “I am not too familiar when it comes to scientific things so try not to bore me with whatever strange mold or algae you guys grow.” Obviously Kaden was terrible when it came to science as it was never his strong suit he would of thought Coleman would of figured that out by simply noticing his career choice he made in Starfleet alone.

Coleman smirked and handed both Kaden and Freya a PADD that showed some updated personnel information and some astrometric data that might be important for the Marines onboard the station.

Since Coleman had talked to Kaden earlier, he knew that he was a Marine and probably wouldn't be able to understand his scientific jargon. So, he made sure to put into terms that would be easily understood.

"Well, as you can see on the PADDs, there were some personnel updates between the Marines and Science Departments on the station. Not only that, but I wanted to include some astrometric data for the Marines, so that you would be able avoid some of it, if you guys had some training around the station. It should be fairly easy to understand, but if have any issue understanding any of my 'mold' analysis, just let me know," Coleman said, letting his two fellow officers look through the information.

Kaden looked over Coleman's data rubbing his chin clearly seemed the guy had some good information to go over. "Wow, Nick, you found the source of our sensor interference in Xenex System. According to your metalleric analysis on the class 4 comets that pass thru there they been causing it." He had to give it to the guy Nick was a god send. "I take it your people and astrometics have already began to compensate your sensors in that region?"

Coleman smiled as he listened to Kaden talk. "Yes, sir. I have made the appropriate adjustments to the sensor arrays and made sure that the interference won't be a problem in the future," Coleman said, smiling like he had never smiled before.

Kaden smiled as he sat up waving the PADD in front him. "Thanks, I will go ahead and forward this to my superiors." He paused for a moment now Kaden was the type of guy that gave credit to where credit was due. "Call it strange, Nicholas, but I feel I owe you one for this." He confessed.

“The mold analysis is fascinating too, Science wasn’t a big enough interest of mine to follow as a career but I still found it fascinating studying it at the academy.” Freya smiled. “Thanks for putting it in plain language too.”

"No problem, Ma'am. I'm sorry to have interfered with you guys' evening. If there will be nothing else, I'll be leaving," Coleman said, after letting Kaden do what he needed with the PADD and handing it back to Coleman.

"Nick, wait." Kaden began as he walked up to him. "I feel I owe you big for this so...if it won't be any trouble would you care to come by our place for dinner sometime?" He turned to Freya offering her a nervous smile. "If it is okay with you of course, Freya."

"Of course!" Freya smiled and nodded. "That's if you'd like to Commander?" She looked at Coleman.

Coleman turned back and looked rather confused for a moment. There weren't many people who asked to have dinner with him besides his mother and brother. So, he was happy that someone asked him to dinner.

"Sure, I'd love to have dinner with you guys. I'm off at 1600 hours, so whenever you guys would like to have me," Coleman said with a smile on his face.

Kaden could feel a huge smile beam across his face wasn't too often he really asked anyone to join him and Freya for dinner. He had that problem even asking out Freya for dinner when they was dating. "Great, Freya and I will certainly figure out a night and let you know."

Freya smiled it was nice to see that Kaden was making friends.

Coleman nodded, smiled, and said, "Well, just let me know guys and I hope that you guys enjoy the rest of your day."

Coleman headed out of the office and made his way back to his own office, to finish up a few more reports of his own.

Kaden smiled as he watched Coleman leave before wrapping his arm around Freya. "Well, that went well."

Freya smiled. "Actually there was something I meant to check with you. I see that you've been rearranging your schedule for the next few days, more like clearing it. Are you going somewhere?"

Kaden nodded as he looked at his wife. "Yeah, I plan on being off station, Hun." He replied.

"Off station!" She looked at her husband in surprise. "How long for?"

Kaden shrugged he wasn't sure how to explain the fact Varena was in the neighborhood but the woman did say for Kaden to bring the wife. "Well, Freya, I am not sure how long it will be but you did say I should try to get know that Vox fellow."

Freya nodded. "I did, can't say I'm looking forward to being seperated from you though." She offered a smile. "I'm sounding a bit silly aren't I? I guess I worry too much about you when we're apart."

Kaden rubbed the back of his head and forced a smile on his face. "Freya, won't be cause I want you to come." He looked around nervously. "There is a second reason I am going off station with Vox though."

Freya looked at Kaden curiously and awaited his explanation.



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