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Apologies where apologies are due

Posted on Fri Oct 11th, 2019 @ 2:08pm by Lieutenant Commander Ariana Monroe-Wayne & Commander Hades,MD

1,091 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Episode 100 - A Hatred of Atonement
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: MD01 2100 hrs


Ariana had spent several hours sleeping off the sedative and the sheer amount of painkillers she'd been given. Opening her eyes she eventually focused in on Hades going about his last rounds of the evening. She waited until he noticed she was awake before speaking. "Hey..." She offered a smile. "I think I...owe you an apology!"

He smiled, "For what? Nothing to apologise for. You are here and your baby is here and fine so all is well." He checked the readings in the bio monitor.

"If I'd have listened to you..." She winced as she moved to sit up a little. "I wouldn't have caused so much drama."

He smiled, "Do not concern yourself. Everything is fine. No Drama."

"Is my daughter okay?" She looked at Hades concernedly.

"She's fine. You can visit with her later. For now it is important to get rest." He prepared a hypo. "This will help with the pain." He pressed the hypo to her neck letting it hiss out its dose. "How are you feeling?"

"Like I got run over by a small starship!" Ariana grinned. "In all honesty...I'm tired, sore and generally...emotional." She frowned. "I know that the drop in hormones can cause 'the Blues' as they call it. Hell I've dealt with patients who've had postnatal depression, I don't want it!"

"It doesn't necessarily mean you have it. I do want to have Counselor Rol visit you later." He thought a moment. "I've held off visitors for a few hours. You need to rest a bit." He studied her a moment. "You did a great job Ariana."

“Maybe” She nodded. “I just wish I’d listened to your advice in the first place! I put myself and my daughter in unnecessary danger, I wasn’t willing to listen.” She sighed feeling more than a little guilty. “After everything I’ve gone through I should learn to listen to you when you give me advice. I wouldn’t blame you if you started ranting and raving at me for being so stupid!”

He smiled, "No. Don't think like that. To be honest for me it was more of a hunch then test results. I'm going on past experience. I could just as easily have been wrong. The main thing is that you are well and your daughter is too." He thought a moment. "I forgot to ask. Did you decide on a name?"

Ariana nodded. “I’m kind of leaning towards the name Stacie. What do you think?”

He smiled, "A good name. It has old Earth Greek origins...I believe it means to be reborn....and it fits through her you are reborn and given a fresh start."

"That we are, I've found a father I never knew I had and boyfriend as well." She smiled warmly. "I consider myself very lucky especially to have friends like you, Carolyn and Vox."

He smiled. "Braxton will be glad to hear you are okay too."

"I'm glad he was there, besides Cameron he was the one man I wanted there. After everything Braxton went through with me I'm happy he was there. Do you think he'd come visit if I asked him to?"

Hades sighed. He pulled up a chair. "I don't think that's a good idea." He looked down at the ground unable to meet her gaze. "In fact I was going to suggest the opposite."

“What!?” She looked at Hades surprised. “Do I have to guess why or is this because of Nicole? I know it’s painful for him but he needs to get past his grief and...” She stopped herself. “I’m too attached.” She shook her head.

He smiled, "It's okay. not doing too well." He looked at Ariana, "Okay so you're Betazoid, you sense feelings. I'm part Vulcan and my telepathy is more touch based." He knew he was stating the obvious. "He went to see Stacie after she was born. He looked fine and then I placed my hand on his shoulder. The was overwhelming and I could tell his thoughts were back to his loss. I had to step away. It was more pain then...I could bare." He shrugged. "He needs to rest. He's not well. He needs time away. I'm actually sending him back to the Marine unit. I think he needs less sickbay time and more time with his fellow Marines."

Ariana nodded understandingly. “Of course. He lost his baby too, I’ve no wish to drag up that memory and all the pain that goes with it.” She shook her head. “I was so stupid asking him to be there for the birth, I know he was in Sickbay anyway but I wish I’d have thought of that before.”

He smiled, "Don't worry about that. Braxton is skilled and he did a great job. He has the ability to put everything aside when he's working." He shrugged. "I just think he needs some time to process it all."

“I’d imagine so” Ariana nodded and smiled. “Hades...was Cameron there when our baby was born?”

"Not in the room I had to have them all wait in the waiting room." Hades made a final check of the readings. "Everything seems in order. Why don't you rest a bit and I'm sure you'll have some more visitors soon."

“Didn’t Cameron ask to remain?” Ariana looked surprised and shocked all at the same time. “I’d have thought he’d have wanted to be there to see his daughter born.”

"You were in surgery. Nobody allowed by doctors in there. You nearly lost your life Ariana."

"It was that close!?" She looked at Hades in shock at how close she'd come yet again. "This pregnancy has been pretty risky hasn't it?" She shook her head. "I know it's a crazy question but if Cameron and I wanted another baby in the future would it be advisable?"

"I don't see why not. We'll deal with that one when it comes along. Now just focus on your rest and your beautiful baby." He smiled. "I should go I have a few things to check on."

"I will and don't worry there's no plans for anymore children in the near future!" She grinned as she rested back on her bed. "Right now all I want is some sleep. Thanks again Hades."

He gave a nod. "No thanks necessary. Just rest." He headed out to finish his rounds and then take care of a few personal matters.



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