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A little honesty

Posted on Fri Oct 11th, 2019 @ 2:07pm by Brigadier General Kaden Ross

2,175 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: Episode 100 - A Hatred of Atonement
Location: Ross Quarters
Timeline: After "The Best Surprises"

Freya lay cuddled up in her husband's arms, they'd spent a while sitting cuddled up together looking at the information for expectant parents that Carolyn had given them. They'd also filled out some forms with more pregnancy related and genetic information on that needed to be returned on her next appointment.

As she lay cuddled up with Kaden, Freya couldn't help but feel that she needed to speak with Kaden about his feelings towards her during the boarding of the station. "Kaden...can we talk?" She lifted her head and propped it up on one hand as she looked at him.

Kaden shifted in the bed to face Freya better. "What's on your mind?" He asked.

"When we were outside the shelter on the promenade during the battle, I sensed that you didn't really want me there." She gave her husband a curious look. "It was like you didn't trust me, or at least that's how it felt."

Kaden frowned before sitting up in the bed swinging his legs out on the edge. "I was just worried you get hurt again was all I still have my fears about what happened back there fighting the Remans." He confessed.

“I did what I had to do Kaden. I couldn’t just leave a man to die when it’s my job to save people.” She sat up and pulled the covers up around her. It’s not like you’ll have to worry about it for a while Imzadi, once I send in my fitness report stating I’m pregnant I’ll be pulled from the front lines anyway. The nearest I’ll get is the medical tent at base camp.”

"Oh that is not what I mean, I always expect you to be out there helping others it's your passion and your job after all. I just want nothing to happen to you now that you are carrying our kid you got two lives to look after out there." Kaden smiled taking her hand into his.

Freya smiled warmly. "You do know I'd never do anything to purposely risk getting hurt don't you?" She looked into Kaden's eyes. "I won't risk myself or our baby, that I promise you." She gently raised her hand and stroked his cheek. "From now on if there's something you think is too dangerous, then tell me okay?"

Kaden kissed her hand before rolling on top of Freya. "It's a deal." He kissed her on the lips before draping his arm across her bosom resting his head on her shoulder.

“ you miss Hope?” She gently ran her fingers along his skin as they cuddled. “There are times I wish that we’d never let her go!”

"Me too, I really miss her she was a good kid but she is with her family who will love her." Kaden replied enjoying Freya's tender touch across his skin.

“I guess so” She offered a smile. “Besides there’s a whole new life growing inside here now.” She placed his hand so it was resting on her stomach. “Do you think I’ll still look sexy when I’ve got a bump the same as Ariana’s?”

Kaden's eyes widened before his breathing began to increase he felt nervous suddenly as if he was having a panic attack. "I...I..." He couldn't speak before he quickly got out of bed and ran to the bathroom sink.

Freya quickly followed him. “Breath Kaden, slow deep breaths, you’ll be fine.” She smiled albeit concernedly. She was starting to think that maybe Kaden wasn’t as excited as she was about having a baby. “I’ll...let you have some air.” She walked back into the bedroom and sat down, her greatest fear was that Kaden wouldn’t be able to cope with her pregnancy and he’d end up leaving her.

Kaden took a moment to splash some water on his face a few times to help calm him down. Drying his face off with a towel he paused to look in the mirror he was already scared their kid wind up a freak like him. But the thought of Freya being big as a house not only would remind him their child being born with his condition was coming. It was like Freya was trying to invite him to call her a cow or something so she can lash out at him.

Freya waited for her husband to return before giving him a curious look. "So what horrible picture or thought did my question conjure up in your head?" She knew all too well. "Does it have to do with the worry that our baby will have your condition?"

Kaden could only nod as he was scared enough to even speak of the matter. He really wanted to not even think about it ever but the sad reality was he have to face it when the kid was born. That was something Kaden was more scared of than anything was how would he cope with it? Could he even cope with it?

Freya gently reached for Kaden's hand placing it on her cheek as she looked up at him. "So far our baby is a picture of health, there's nothing to say he or she will even develop your condition. If you're that worried why don't you speak to Ariana and Doctor Corrigan, they might be able to put your mind at rest."

"Nothing they say will help other than 'only medical science can go so far' is all I get from them." Kaden angrily laid down on the bed his back turned to Freya.

"Hey...don't get angry!" She lied down on the bed next to him teasingly running her hands over her own body knowing it would cheer him up. He liked to tease and be teased. "Would you give me a massage?"

Kaden perked up immediately he liked how sexy Freya was when she simply ran her hands over her own naked body. He was certainly finding it very arousing as he watched her his fears about the baby completely gone now. "I ever tell you how sexy you are when you do that?" He patted his lap wanting Freya to straddle him.

Freya smiled as she moved to straddle her husband's lap. Her hands ran gently across his chest "How's about we give each other a massage? I'll massage you then you can return the favour?"

Kaden didn't say anything as he ran his hands down Freya's bare back slowly tracing his finger down her spine. Gently massaging her back muscles as she massaged him. "Hey, Freya, there is something I need to ask you." He really didn't want to ruin this sudden tender moment they was having but Kaden had to know.

“Hmmm what would that be?” Freya smiled as her fingers gently massaged Kaden’s skin with care and dexterity.

"I met a certain fellow from engineering who knew you," Kaden rested his hands on Freya's hips. "Why didn't you tell me your ex Andy was here on the station?"

Freya paused the massage for a moment and sat playfully rocking her hips as she spoke. “Andy and I...we were together for a little while but I didn’t like the way he did things and that was that. When he showed up here I wasn’t sure whether or not you’d appreciate him being here, besides there’s something about him that just...doesn’t feel right anymore.” She shrugged her shoulders. “Strange thing is I’ve only been having my nightmares since Andy came onboard, perhaps it’s just brought back memories from my past.

Kaden resumed gently massaging his wife's back. "I know what you mean...I got that vibe that something was odd about him but maybe I am just paranoid. Either way, I trust you and you are a strong woman who can handle herself and her own affairs. But if you ever need me just know I am here to help, okay?" He said offering a smile.

Freya smiled as she leant forward and gave him a loving, passionate kiss as she ran her fingers through his hair. “That’s one of the many reasons why I fell in love with you Kaden, the way you look out for and care for me.” She showered him on even more kisses each one building in passion. “How’s make me?”

Kaden looked down then back up biting his lower lip unsure what to do. "Uh, are...are you sure that is wise? I am mean what about the kid? I don't think it like me you know uh...poking it." He admitted.

“Hey...” she smiled as she looked into his eyes. “You can’t hurt our baby Kaden, I already asked Carolyn she said it’s safe.” She kissed him again as she ran her fingers along his body.

Kaden was still a bit unsure about it but last he wanted to do was hurt their child and make Freya feel undesirable. Which was completely untrue as he always found her irresistible. "I ever tell you how sexy you are right now?"

“I believe you just did!” Her smile beamed. “I love you Kaden Ross, always have and always will.”

Kaden sat up and kissed Freya on the lips. "I still remember that night we had that whole punk rock hair thing with all those red highlights in your lovely black hair. Wore that nice little leather certainly gave off that hot biker chick vibe." He recalled.

“Then maybe I should do it again sometime” She grinned. “It’d be fun! Getting you all hot for me in leather again.”

"Highlights and everything again huh?" Kaden he missed that look but he never was one to dictate Freya's sense of fashion and style. Of course Kaden had longer hair and a beard going the whole 'John Wick' style when they met.

“Holodeck, tomorrow night!” She grinned. “We’ll do it again.”

"Sure, but if I recall we spent all night drinking and laughing not sure if we can hold our liquor like we did then. Plus not to mention you are pregnant and I promised you I’d cut back on the booze." Kaden replied.

“In that case we’ll make it after the baby is born!” Freya grinned. “Instead you can take me shopping tomorrow! I want to go and look for ideas plus we need to decorate for a nursery, which we can do once Ariana has her baby. Are you looking forward to having Ariana’s baby to practice with?”

Kaden raised an eyebrow as he shifted himself into a forty five degree angle on the bed with his pillow acting as a back rest. "Of course, but I have to admit it is bit different than what I am used to with it just being us and my cat." He replied.

"Well I doubt Ariana will be with us long, the way things are going between her and Cameron I'd say they'll be moving in together at some point especially once his baby is born." Freya smiled. "You know something? This is just how I pictured it, you and me together talking baby stuff and going over things together. It's just like I always wanted!!"

Kaden raised an eyebrow. "Really? I always thought when we was talking baby stuff you were referring to him." He nodded to Artemis who was busy cleaning himself.

Freya grinned. "You are crazy you know that!!" She laughed as she cuddled up. "Let's enjoy this pregnancy Kaden, I just want to enjoy every minute of it."

Kaden put his arm around Freya by that time however Artemis came over and laid down between them wanting attention. His big yellow eyes fixed on both of them purring loudly as he kneaded his place on the bed. "Hey buddy, don't worry we still love you too." Kaden said gently petting his furry pal since he found him as a kitten in a storm and took him in.

Freya stroked Artemis too. "You know cats are very perseptive creatures, he can probably tell I'm pregnant. Hopefully he'll get used to us having a new baby around, he thought Hope was okay so hopefully he'll settle into it."

Kaden kissed Freya as he began to pull a sheet up to cover the three of them with. "Long as we share the love with him and the baby he will be fine he is not a jealous cat."

Freya yawned as he pulled the cover up. "Sounds good to me." She lay her head on his shoulder moving to cuddle up against him. "I'm really tired, let's get some sleep."

Kaden watched Artemis nestle between him and Freya before he too went to sleep. Petting him a few times he then focused on Freya and kissed her a few times on the lips before getting comfortable to go to sleep himself.


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