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The best surprises

Posted on Wed Oct 9th, 2019 @ 5:22am by Brigadier General Kaden Ross

2,014 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Episode 100 - A Hatred of Atonement
Location: Ross Quarters
Timeline: MD01 1600 hrs (After” to be or not to be”)

With Carolyn having confirmed her pregnancy Freya was bubbling with excitement, She already had a few gender neutral little surprises that she could use to hint at her news for Kaden, but first things first she headed for the shower to get freshened up after recent events. Emerging from the shower a little while later she dried off, put on something comfy and sat down and waited for Kaden to get home.

Kaden came in not long after but was in a rush to the bedroom. "Hey honey, be right with you in a minute!!" He said kissing her on the cheek real fast as he passed by and disappeared around the corner.

Freya had anticipated her husband disappearing to the bedroom, they still had the cot that Kaden had brought and used for Hope. Up until now it had remained bare but now it had a small pile of bedding piled up at one end and a mobile hanging above the head of the bed. She wondered if he'd even notice.

"Oh man..." Kaden reappeared from the bedroom naked holding his underwear in his hand to show Freya the huge hole that ran down the seam. "Can you believe this? These ripped on me. I am telling you Freya the tailors on the station are terrible!!"

"Well they were pretty old!" She admired Kaden standing there in all his naked glory, so much so she almost forgot about the other gift she had waiting next to her. "Are you going to put some clothes on or shall I just join you naked?" She smiled as she gave him a wry look.

Kaden looked down realizing he had forgot to at least put something on as he was too worked up about his underwear ripping on him. He wasn't feeling embarrassed over it this was Freya after all she seen him naked many times before so it didn't bother him. "Well...only if you want to join me I won't complain over it." Kaden said with a grin.

"How's about we do that in the bedroom?" Freya smiled. She wanted to give him the other gift she had wrapped up. "I also have something for you." Walking into the bedroom she playfully joined him in removing her clothes before sitting on the bed. "This is for you" She handed him the wrapped scan picture and first report Carolyn had done for her. "You're not laying a finger on me until you've unwrapped that!"

Raising an eyebrow Kaden was a bit perplexed on Freya playing hard to get especially since they was working on a baby. He unwrapped the box and noticed three PADDs inside he reached in a pulled out the first one. "Humans and why they are dumb: A broad spectrum on how Earthlings are the violent, emotional, and bane of the Galaxy." Kaden just sat there blinking unsure why Freya had this in a gift box. Apparently the person who wrapped the gift had accidentally dropped their reading material inside. Unsure what to do at the moment while holding the PADD he cleared his throat. "Uh, thanks I guess..."

Freya looked confused at his reaction, reaching for the PADD she sighed as she took a look. "Sorry that was a PADD one of the store keepers was looking at he must have given it to me along with my purchases and I got it mixed up!" She motioned to the other two PADDs one of which had the scan details and the other the report and information they needed. "Before you look at those...I'll get you your medication." She smiled as she strolled naked across to where they kept his medication and picked it up. "Here we go" walking back she sat herself on his knee to give him his shot before picking up the first of the two PADDs. " I was saying, you have to look at this." She held it out for him to see and turned it on.

Kaden took the PADD wrapping his arm around Freya and pulled her closer to him. He took a moment to kiss her shoulder a few times. "I ever tell you how happy you make me?" He asked real quick.

"Of course I do!" Freya smiled warmly. "So are you going to look at this?" She held up the PADD the suspense was killing her. "It'll only take two minutes!" She called up the scan picture and held it infront of her, her eyes firmly fixed on Kaden's expression.

"Okay, okay, okay, lemme see..." Kaden turned back to the PADD studying it for a moment before squinting his eyes and titling his head as if trying to see what ever it is from a different angle might help. "What the hell is it?"

Freya couldn't help but grin. "'s a scan picture of our baby! I'm pregnant!!" She sat simply looking at him waiting for a reaction.

Kaden sat there for a moment not saying anything he looked at Freya then at her belly then back up at Freya again. He was dead silent as if unsure what to say yet do he just sat on the bed in dead silence.

Freya looked at her husband concerned by his silence. "Kaden, Please say something! It's what you wanted wasn't it?" She moved to sit next to him on the bed pulling the covers around herself.

Finally it clicked for Kaden as he sat up and then shouted in joy before running out of the bedroom. "I AM GOING TO A FATHER!!" He shouted all throughout their quarters as he ran around in joy not caring who saw him naked. Kaden's sudden joy startled Artemis as he ran into the bedroom and hid under their bed. Followed by a ecstatic Kaden holding a couch pillow and spiking it on the floor as if making the game winning touchdown. "I AM GOING TO BE A DAD!" He exclaimed in excitement.

Freya watched him go with the biggest grin she'd ever grinned on her face. "Dropping the bed sheet she stood and walked over to him giving him the biggest hug and a very passionate kiss.

Kissing Freya he smiled. "You're gonna be a mom." He said as he placed his hand on her belly. "And...and our baby in there right now?"

Freya nodded. "Five weeks old and Carolyn tells me he or she is perfectly healthy. The report is on the PADD, there's also a PADD with a load of advice on for us about morning sickness, dietary requirements and anything else we might need to know. There's also vitamin supplements available from the replicators that I need to take once a day." She hoped she wasn't flooding him with information.

Kaden's smile faded before sitting down on the bed. "Will it be free of my condition?" He asked.

"First of all our baby is not an it. He or she is currently fine, but beyond that I can't promise anything." Her smile faded. "If anything does show up later on will you still want to be a father?" It was a horrible question but it had to be asked. "Because either way I'm having this baby, he or she is a part of you and that's good enough for me!"

Kaden blinked a few times before laying down flat on his back on the bed. "Why would ask me such a thing? You think I am going to abandon you or tell you to get rid of our kid?" He felt insulted. "I thought you were better than that."

"That's not what I said!!" Freya stood up a little too quick making her dizzy, she sat back down on the edge of the bed with her head in her hands. "I didn't mean sound like that!"

Kaden pulled her down on the bed next to him. "Hey, let's not talk about that let's talk about...well do Betazoids have mood swings? I mean I don't want you to be ripping my head off for no reason out of the blue." He rubbed her belly.

"I think I did just rip your head off" she gave him an apologetic look. "I'm sorry! I've been feeling nauseous and a bit moody on and off for the last few days. That's why I went to see Carolyn. Please don't take it personally if I act out of character okay? It's just hormones and I don't mean it." She gently stroked his cheek. "I love you Kaden."

Kaden frowned a tear rolled down his cheek. "I don't want you to take things out on me I am nervous and stressed enough. I just want to enjoy this moment of joy with you and not be scared you are going to do or say something that will make me feel I have to stay away from you." He told her.

" think I'd do it on purpose?" Freya looked shocked. "I wouldn't do that." She sighed, she didn't know what else to say in answer to Kaden's concerns. "I don't know how this pregnancy will affect me Kaden, all I know right now is how I feel now. Just promise me you won't take it personally if I have any mood swings during this pregnancy okay?"

Kaden rested his head on her bosom as he wrapped his arm around her. "I will try not to." He then leaned up and kissed her.

Freya returned his kiss with passion as she wrapped her arms gently around Kaden's neck. She couldn't help feeling passionate with both of them lying on the bed naked.

Kaden couldn't help but grin. "Think we will still be able to do this kind of stuff after the baby is born?" He asked before kissing down her neck.

"I certainly hope so!" She grinned. "We'll just have to pick our moments is all. Besides I don't plan on this being our only child."

"How many more you want?" Kaden asked curiously.

"Maybe one or more. I'd be happy with a son and a daughter." She smiled as she gently ran her fingers over his chest. "How about you? How many children would you like?"

Kaden ran his hand over her belly thinking of their baby growing inside. "Would you be mad if I said let's take it slow and see if we want another kid?" He asked.

“Of course not.” She smiled. “I wasn’t planning on rushing into another child, I want time to enjoy this baby first. I’ve missed not having a little one here, it was so quiet after Hope left us.”

"Yeah, she was a cutie though still miss that kid." Kaden moved his hand down to Freya's thigh. "But if our kid is a girl I hope she is as beautiful as you."

Freya couldn’t help but blush, she always did when Kaden called her beautiful. “Thank you, I’m sure she would be. Do you want a boy or a girl?” She looked at him curiously. “I don’t think I mind either way.”

Kaden leaned down and kissed Freya's belly. "At the moment, I am not concerned about that long as our child is free of my condition I will be happy that is all I want."

Freya nodded and smiled. "How's about we cuddle up together and read through the information Carolyn gave me? It guides us through what's next and what to expect. As much as I'm a medic I'm not a specialist in pregnancy, I know the basics and how to deliver a baby if I had to but that's all."

"Sounds good to me..." Kaden leaned over and kissed Freya real quick before laying down wanting her to come cuddle.

Cuddling up Freya grabbed the PADD ready for them to start reading all about what it was going to be like during her pregnancy.

Kaden wrapped his arm around Freya with a grin on his face. "We're going to be parents..." He said as he held Freya close smiling he couldn't wait to tell Liam.


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