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Safety First

Posted on Fri Jun 14th, 2019 @ 4:52am by Lieutenant Commander Ariana Monroe-Wayne & Brigadier General Kaden Ross

2,413 words; about a 12 minute read

Mission: Episode 98 - A Raid on Peace
Location: The Ross/Monroe Quarters
Timeline: MD03 1030 hrs

Kaden laid on the floor underneath the dresser for Ariana’s baby she had bought helping her put it together while Freya was in the kitchen cooking supper. Tightening the bolt he held out his hand for Ariana hand him another. “I was expecting you to have got a crib as well why didn’t you?” He asked.

Ariana had returned to the Quarters She was going to share with Freya & Kaden until the birth of her baby, with Carolyn working on double checking the dna results she was free to enjoy getting settled into her temporary new home. "Actually I do!" She smiled as she passed Kaden the next bolt. "Cameron is making one for me. He's taking time out of his busy work schedule to design and build a crib. So one less thing for you to worry about."

Kaden took the bolt and went back under the dresser. “Cameron? Who is he? New friend of yours you made while Freya and I had to go to Tarod IX and show the Remans how to play war?” He asked while starting to thread the bolt with his fingers.

"Actually he's my boyfriend" Ariana smiled.

"Did I hear the word boyfriend?" Freya smiled as she walked into the bedroom.

Ariana nodded. "Actually he's the father of my baby. Just not in the way you'd think!" She smiled. "I conceived through IVF but Jonathon used an anonymous donor. As fate has it Cameron was that donor and I'm carrying his baby!"

The news was a shock to Kaden that he forgot that he was under the dresser when he quickly lifted his head smacking it against the bottom with a loud thud. Coming out from the dresser holding the side of his head he rubbed the pain out best he could. “Did I hear that right? You are off the market again with a guy who is the father of your kid cause John’s uh...torpedo was defective?” Kaden asked.

Ariana smiled as she looked at Kaden. "Not because of that, Cameron and I met before we even knew he was the father of my daughter. Jonathon left me a letter explaining everything, he wanted to give me a child but it seemed the clinic couldn't help him so instead he used an anonymous donor to give me the baby I wanted. He just wanted me to be happy!" She smiled warmly. "Cameron has come to mean a great deal to me in a short space of time."

"Good for you!" Freya smiled as she checked Kaden's head, gently kissing it better. "Did I hear you say you're expecting a daughter?" Freya looked at her friend a small twinkle in her eyes at the thought of having a baby around to help with.

Kaden rubbed his head a bit longer then rested his hand on his lap. “A daughter huh? I am not sure what I want at first a boy or a girl.” He said looking at Freya.

Freya barely batted an eyelid before what Kaden said sank in. "You want to have a baby!" She looked at Ariana before looking back at Kaden.

"Sounded that way to me!" Ariana grinned as she looked at Freya.

Kaden felt his face turn red completely embrassed this wasn’t how he pictured telling Freya. “I...I uh...well I...” Frustrated he got to his feet setting the tool down on top of the dresser and walked away.

Freya offered Ariana an apologetic smile before turning to go and follow Kaden. "Kaden wait!" She caught up with him in their bedroom. "I'm sorry! We didn't mean anything, we weren't poking fun. It just came as a surprise that's all. You know how much I want to have a baby with you!"

Kaden turned to his wife. “No it’s okay I just...I didn’t want to tell you till everything was right. Ever since that battle we went thru I been having second thoughts on kids...and...and I want one.” He confessed.

"You do?" Her smile beamed. "I....I never thought I'd ever hear you say that, at least not anytime soon."

Kaden placed his hands on Freya’s hips resting his forehead on hers. “Freya, I do...I recently realized god forbid something ever happened to me I want something of me left here to carry on my legacy...your legacy...OUR legacy.” He replied.

Freya couldn't help but shed happy tears. "Do you think Ariana would forgive us if we started right away?" She gently cupped his face in her hands and kissed him passionately.

While they was kissing Kaden worked his way over to the doorway to see what Ariana was doing she had her back turned to them and seemed to be waiting patiently. Pulling his lips away from Freya’s he lifted up a finger. “Wait...wait...wait...I wasn’t expecting us to do this right now...I mean I promised I help Ariana then of course I have a few things we need to talk about.”

“Sorry! You’re right” Freya smiled as she let him go. “You go and help Ariana, I’ll go and sort the food.”

Kaden took Freya’s hand into his as he led her out of the room before letting go as he went back over to Ariana. “Sorry, about that...” He said getting down on the floor again to get back to work on the dresser.

“That’s okay” Ariana smiled. “If the two of you want some time alone I don’t mind. I can keep myself busy. I don’t intend to get under your feet while I’m staying with you.”

Kaden crawled back under the dresser. “Don’t be silly, I promised I help you set up the nursery and I intend to do so.”

“Thank you to both of you!” Ariana smiled warmly. “I wasn’t expecting to be living with the two of you but it’s only until the baby is born. I don’t want to be getting in your way!”

“You know you can stay longer here if you want.” Kaden told her as he was tightening the bolt.

“I know” She nodded. “I just feel if I stay too long that I’ll be in the way! You and Freya need your own space especially when you want to start trying for a baby! Which I think is absolutely wonderful by the way!”

Kaden crawled out of the bottom of the dresser looking at Freya. “ told her?” Not waiting for her to answer he got to his feet. “Look, I understand you not wanting to be in the way but I don’t mind it really. Of course, I guess I can see you being uncertain of it cause of this Cameron fellow getting the wrong idea. Which reminds me does he know about our past and he isn’t going to get all paranoid when I meet him is he?”

“Hold on!” Ariana looked at Kaden. “First off you told me you were thinking about having a baby a few minutes ago and no I don’t think Cameron will be jealous or paranoid of you.” She grinned. “You worry too much sometimes Kaden.”

“I did?” Kaden didn’t recall saying anything about kids with her but maybe he was just too nervous to remember. “Forget it, I can’t help it I mean the idea of a baby scares me that it may wind up like me. But I am telling you something happened to me back on Tarod IX that made me realize I need to quit being a coward and support Frey on the idea. It’s just I guess I am a bit paranoid or something.” He took a seat next to his cat running his hand down his back.

“You’re nervous and you’re afraid, I think that comes with the territory!” Ariana smiled as she sat down on her bed. “You want to know the truth? I’m absolutely petrified at the idea of having this baby! I’m dreading going into labour and I’m scared what the future will hold but I’m not going to let it scare me out of doing it!!” She smiled. “I know I have friends like you, and I have Cameron too. What more could I need?”

Kaden could understand her concerns hell if he was in her shoes he be scared beyond belief himself but one thing was on his mind though. “Speaking of Cameron,” He paused petting Artemis. “When do we get to meet this new man of yours?”

"Perhaps I could ask him to dinner one night?" Ariana looked at Kaden. "That's if you don't mind him coming over? I'd like him to meet you both, so he knows I'm in safe hands."

“What do you think, my lovely wife?” Kaden asked Freya.

“I think it sounds great!” Freya smiled as she popped her head around the door. “I’m looking forward to meeting Cameron.”

Kaden watched Artemis jump down onto the floor and gracefully walk away before crossing his arms. “It’s settled then have him come for dinner,” He leaned back in his seat. “Uh...just curious though he is aware that you and I was a item right?”

"To be honest, I can't remember if I told him or not!" Ariana grinned. "Don't worry about it."

That didn’t exactly bode well with Kaden last he wanted was her new man to be shocked her and him had been in love. But he rubbed his chin in thought not sure if he wanted to press the issue she should be up front over her past about Kaden with Cameron.

“Don’t worry I’ll mention it to him okay?” Ariana smiled as she sat back on her bed to rest. “Would to feel the baby kick?”

Kaden’s eyes widened his face turning red he wasn’t expecting Ariana to ask for such a thing. “Wait you like me to do what now?” He felt his legs tremble as he was feeling both shocked and nervous suddenly.

“Here...” Ariana smiled as she walked over to Kaden gently taking his hand. “No need to be nervous, I just thought maybe you’d like to feel what it’s like.” She placed his hand on her stomach and watched his face as the baby kicked at Kaden’s hand. “Feel that?”

Kaden sat in silence absolutely amazed what he was experiencing right now. “Wow, know what she is thinking right now?” He asked curiously.

"To be honest I don't know! There used to be a connection between us but since I had the fever that connection isn't as strong anymore. I can sense what she likes and doesn't like." Ariana smiled. "She likes kicking your hand."

Kaden keeping his hand on her belly grinned. “I can tell...will Freya be able to know what the baby is thinking if she was to have one?” He asked.

“Yes she should be able to” Ariana nodded. “One of the plus points of being Betazoid. It’s not so much what the baby is thinking it’s more a sense of what the baby is feeling.”

Kaden looked at Freya who was in the kitchen cooking frowned a little. “So...if I was concerned the baby wind up a freak of nature like I did and Freya knew about it the baby would as well wouldn’t it?” He asked her as quietly as possible.

"A baby wouldn't understand Kaden" Ariana looked at him more seriously. "But an older child would. Just because you had a hard time when young, it doesn't mean a child of yours would. You were misunderstood, but you know all about your condition. If your child had it then you know from the start what it is and how to treat it, that would make all the difference. Don't let fear ruin your chance of being a father Kaden."

Kaden sighed as he interlaced his fingers together. “It’s more of a desire than fear, Ariana, I want my kid to be free of what I have I want it to have the best childhood ever than what I went thru can’t you understand that?”

"Of course I understand. You're not the only one who was born with something wrong. I was born with my abilities already functioning, I spent years training and learning to lead a normal life! Most Betazoids in my position wind up in a mental institution. You don't think I don't worry about my daughter being born like that? To have to go through what I went through!?"

Kaden leaned forward in his chair. “Ariana, I remember you telling about that when we was together, trust me I don’t want your kid to go thru what you did. turned out okay me I turned out okay granted it sucks I have to take medication all the time to keep my muscles from crushing my bones in and uh...being asked if I bodybuild for a living. But you and Freya seemed to love the idea you have a man with big muscles to go home to.” He offered a grin.

Ariana smiled. "Kaden it's not how men look it's what's under the surface that matters to me. It might surprise you to know that Cameron can't walk, he doesn't have any legs!" She smiled. "His heart and personality are what matters to me, the same went for you when we were together."

Kaden patted Ariana on the leg. “I know, but I do recall those times you telling me that it was nice to have a guy with big muscles especially when that Ferengi was hitting on you.” He offered a smile but the revelation of her new man not having legs was bit a surprise and it concerned him. However Kaden was doing his best to not show it.

Ariana grinned. "Well Cameron works out too you know! Though muscles aren't the be all and end all of everything."

Kaden nodded his head at her. “Ariana, no matter what happens though much as I want my child to be free of my condition I look forward to her or him growing up with your kid.” He said.

Ariana smiled and nodded. “I think that would be lovely. Very lovely indeed.



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