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A long story short....

Posted on Fri Jun 14th, 2019 @ 4:21am by Lieutenant Commander Ariana Monroe-Wayne & Lieutenant Commander Carolyn Corrigan MD

906 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Episode 98 - A Raid on Peace
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: MD3 1000 hrs

Having finished her meeting with Bremer and Garibaldi Ariana gave herself time to calm down before going to Sickbay to see Carolyn. They were becoming good friends, she smiled as she walked into sickbay seeing Carolyn. "Excuse me Carolyn, do you have a minute to private?"

Glancing over her shoulder, signing off on the treatment plan Cadet Winters had presented, Carolyn nodded. "Of course," she said before turning back to the cadet, "Ask Dr Walters to assist or hold off until I am back. Any issues at all, just call me."

With a nod, the cadet turned on her heels and hurried away. Watching her, Carolyn gestured for Ariana to follow her out of sickbay proper and into her office. "Is everything alright?" she asked, gesturing for the counsellor to take a seat.

Flowing her friend Ariana took a seat. "This is going to sound strange but I need you to confirm the computer's results that General Hurd is my father." She gave Carolyn a look. "I know! He's too young but just check it please. I'll explain afterwards."

Of all the things she expected Ariana to say, this was not even top one thousand. "Sorry, it has been a crazy few days. Could you run that by me again... General Hurd? The marine? Why would you ... okay, could you start at the beginning?"

Ariana nodded. "To cut a long story really short, it seems during his time with section 31 the General was involved in something classified that sent him back in time. He fell in love with a woman, that just happened to be my mother and that was seventeen months prior to my birth!" She sighed. "The computer says we're a genetic match but I'd like you to double check that as this is really freaking me out!!"

"Breathe," Carolyn reminded her gently, able to clearly see how concerned the woman was. Even if it was the type of thing that would have her writing a psych consult. She sat down on the seat beside Ariana, rather than behind her desk. "I understand you also had some news about the father of the baby while we were gone. I'm sorry neither of us were hear to talk to you."

Ariana nodded. "That's okay. Cameron is happy to be a father and he wants to be there for me. We're both starting to realise how much we care for each other." She smiled feeling a little more relaxed. "So what are the odds on this?"

"While the odds of he computer making a mistake like that are astronomical," Carolyn reminded her, "I'll recheck. We are kind of crazy right now but I'll make time to get it done. Does the General know?"

"He was there when I asked the computer to compare our records." She smiled. "I just want to make it official, if you know what I mean, I've always wondered what my father was really like and now I've got the chance to find out.

"Okay. Leave it with me and I will run it again," Carolyn assured her.

"One more thing, something a bit more...covert." She gave Carolyn a concerned look. "My mother was part of a section 31 experiment, it was supposed to be top secret but she told me about it once I was old enough. The idea was to create a telepath that could be used in the field. It didn't work on her but I think it might have on me. Considering my father has a implant that is supposed to shield his mind, I could read him perfectly."

"Your abilities working is a good thing though, right?" Carolyn asked cautiously. She heard the words Section 31 and wanted to crawl under her desk and put her fingers in her ears. But she didn't. For one, the rest of the medics would still find her.

"That's not the problem! From what I know the program worked by triggering a hidden personality. The whole thing failed because that personality became the dominant one! The telepaths became dangerous." She sighed. "Just keep this off record okay? I don't want you disappearing because you know something you shouldn't."

"And you think this may happen to you?" Carolyn queried, trying to understand exactly what Ariana needed from her. "I am not sure I'd even know where to begin... If the general had ties to 31, wouldn't he be able to help?"

“Maybe, but just the idea of something like that hapoening scares the life out of me! BUT...” she smiled. “I’m not going to stress over it right now. Like you said it’s bad for the baby! I just want to enjoy getting to know my real father.”

“Okay,” Carolyn nodded slowly, frowning.

She was about to speak when Cadet Winters entered, “Kyle’s parents are asking to speak to anyone but Dr T’Mec and OR two is almost ready.”

“I’ll be right out,” Carolyn promised, reconsidering the desk plan. “No rest for the wicked. Is there anything else you need?”

"No it's fine" Ariana smiled. "You get back to your work, you're needed."

“I’ll run the test again first chance I get,” Carolyn assured her as she stood up. “Now I need to see how T’Mec has annoyed someone now. I swear he and Mendez have some sort of competition on the go. I’ll let you know.”

"Thank you Carolyn, I appreciate it."



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