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A warning call

Posted on Wed Sep 28th, 2011 @ 9:26pm by Commander Jonathan Coleman & Lieutenant Ariel Gilmore

315 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Mission 77 - No Time for the Dishonored
Location: USS Endeavor Bridge
Timeline: Current


Lt. Gilmore had gotten back to the bridge after working a long shift down in Cargo Bay one. Gilmore, Smith, and the new Science Officer, Lt. Amy Rogers had been working on seeing what happened to the SS. Columbia. She walked over to the Command Chair and gave Commander Coleman her report of what was happening thus far.

As she handed the report over, she said, "We're making progress on what we're finding, but it is a slow and tedious process. But, we're slowly making out bits and pieces of what happened to her all those years ago."

Coleman looked over what was on the PADD and handed it back, as he said, "Thanks Ariel. Maybe now we can figure out what happened to them in 2254 and brung the Enterprise out there to find them. It'll bring an en...." As soon as he was about to finish his sentance, they both heard something beeping from the Tactical console. Coleman got up from his seat to turn around to look at Lt. Commander Alexander.

Coleman asked Lt. Commander Alexander, "What is it?"

Alexanders looked up from his console and said, "We're recieving a distress call from the Federation Starship Aegean, NCC-8634."

Coleman thought for a minute and said, "Commander Mixon's ship, isn't it? Excelsior class. I remember the vessel. I served aboard it as a cadet in the Academy."

Alexanders then said, "We've been ordered to intercept them and aid them. Admiral Bremer's orders to the fleet are to increase to Warp 9."

Coleman then turned to the Helm and said, "Helm, increase to Warp 9, heading 045 mark 419. Engage."

The Conn personnel said, "Aye sir, Warp 9."

With that, Ariel and Jonathan sat down in their seats and waited to get there in a little over 18 hours. All they could do was hope they were ok.


Commander Jonathan Coleman
Chief Science Officer/Commanding Officer
Starbse 400/USS Endeavor


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