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Posted on Fri Apr 12th, 2019 @ 6:06pm by Splendora Sage & Lieutenant JG Walter Roebuck
Edited on on Fri Apr 12th, 2019 @ 6:06pm

1,136 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Episode 97 - Cultural Exchange
Location: SB400, Walter Roebuck's Quarters
Timeline: MD8 920hrs


Splendora walked towards Roebuck's quarters. As promised she carried a old 18th century Betazoid rifle for him and another item he might love to see. Today had already started out rough she hoped the day got better.

She arrived outside his quarters and rang the chime.

Walt was hot and sweaty after an early morning run through one of the holosuites. He had a clean uniform laid out and a towel on his shoulders and he was about to take his shirt off when the chime rang.

"Enter" Walt finally said.

Splendora entered carrying her goodies. "Am I interrupting?"

"Ah, hi. No, just went for a run. Come in." Roebuck replied, surprised to see Splendora. "Can I get you something to drink?"

She smiled, "Sure and iced tea would be lovely." She held up the bag slung over her shoulder. "I have some goodies for you."

Walt cocked his head to the side for a moment, then ordered two drinks, water for himself, from the food slot. He wiped his face and hands before grabbing the drinks and handing Splendora her tea.

"What goodies?" Walt asked.

She smiled, "As promised 18th century Betazoid rifle. You saved Tom's bacon by transporting him off Cardassia. Then you helped me with the holodeck." She pulled out a wrapped item as well that she put to the side. She loved a collector's reaction when the found a new item. It was the joy in the moment that she loved to see.

"Thank you." Walt looked over the rifle for a moment. "It'll go nice with my eighteenth and nineteenth century rifles and pistols I have." He motioned to his living room/den area. There were no less than twenty rifles and pistols from flintlocks to Colt .45 revolvers.

Walt gently laid the rifle down, and fixed his eyes on the other item still wrapped. "What's that?"

"Impressive." She smiled. Splendora picked up the wrapped item. "This dates back to before the age of enlightenment on Vulcan. It's a Fel'or dagger that was used by the Vulcans when they were still savage." She unwrapped the intricate dagger and placed it on the table. She pulled out paperwork. "Authenticity certificates for both."

"Wow...I can't accept this. What I did was in the line of duty and as a friend. It wasn't something worth of this." Walt replied.

She smiled, "I would love for you to keep them. They are yours a gift given of the heart with genuine thanks." She picked up and sipped the iced tea." She looked around at his collection. "How long have you been a collector?"

"Thank you." Walt replied. "Um, since I was six. My family was visiting Dodge City Kansas on Earth and I got a kick out of cowboys and gun slingers. Can't ride a horse to save my life, but guns left an impression on me and I started to learn about them as I grew up. Mostly military and law enforcement. How did you come into position of these?"

She smiled, "I can help with the horse riding if you want. I am an expert. I used to ride. Well some of my client's could not pay they offered trades. I still have an Andorian lady that I treat and she bakes me pies instead of credits." She smiled, "The dagger was actually a bet that I won." She grinned remembering the story." She looked at Walt. "That other gentlemen on the Pegasus he was your brother?"

Walt smiled, "No, that's okay. I'm...I'm afraid of heights." He smiled and took a drink of his water. "Not really of heights. I love to run in the mountains, the Alps of southern Germany has great places to run. But rides, horses, something like this, I don't like to be that far off the ground." That was something he hadn't told many people. "Yeah, Jon is my older brother. He's been aboard Starbase 400 for several years. I just transferred over before the trip to Carddietown." Walt smirked, then looked away for a moment, "Sorry, Cardassia."

She smiled, "That's alright. Fear of horses I can understand. If you ever want to get over that the offer is open. You two look a little like one another. Are you close?" She didn't mean to sound like an interrogator but she loved learning about people. She had never had the ideal family life and always secretly lived vicariously through those that did.

"I'm not afraid of horses, I just don't like being up on them." He smirked and took a drink of water. "We're closes as adults than we ever were as kids. I used to drive him crazy, younger brothers are good at that, and he used to kick my...butt. Older brothers are good at that." He laughed.

She smiled, "Nevertheless I am sure he loves you a lot." She pointed to his collection. "May I see some of the Klingon weapons you have?"

"Now he does." Walt laughed. "Sure. I don't have much. A bat'leth, a mek'leth, and a d'k tahg. The d'k tagh Jon brought me after the brief war with the Klingons, before the Dominion War. He took it off a warrior he killed. The other also came from the war, different battles."

She studied them. She looked on at them and then back at Walter. "Well you have a fine collection." She seemed to hesitate. "I am a collector too... but not of the same things you collect. I think you would find my collection....odd and girly."

Walt smirked, "Why do you collect bobby pins, hair bands, and dolls?"

She laughed, "No actually model ships, miniature figures from species across the galaxy and scarves." She looked over at him. "What are bobby pins?" At this point she was stalling but she didn't want to go to her next appointment and for some reason she felt safe here. Tom was in the brig and she had mad plans of breaking him out only... well she didn't know how nor if he would want her help. She'd never forget the look on his face when he fought with Paul.

"They're little pins Earth woman use in hair design. Our sister collects them." Walt replied.

Her eyes widened. "You have a sister? Oh my. Is she in Starfleet?"

"No, Rebecca isn't. She is our older sister, oldest of the Roebuck kids. She's very girly, married to a civil engineer." Walt replied.

She smiled. "Well I should go. I have taken too much of your time."

"I'm glad you stopped by, thank you." Walt said with a smile. He eyed Splendora for a moment. "Oh, and take the drink with you, doesn't matter which food slot you return it to."

She smiled, "Sounds good." With one final farewell she headed out.



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