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Back to work

Posted on Mon Apr 1st, 2019 @ 7:27pm by Commander Hades,MD & Lieutenant Commander Carolyn Corrigan MD

1,430 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Episode 97 - Cultural Exchange
Location: Sickbay, USS Sutherland
Timeline: MD06 1700 hours


The evening was settling in and Hades had decided to stay away from the closing festivities. He was tired but he wanted to get back to work. He sat at the desk reviewing reports. He hadn't been away long just a night and day.

"Welcome back."

Standing in the doorway, Doctor Corrigan offered him a warm smile. Genuinely thrilled to see him back on board. Even from where she stood she could see the marked improvement in his health.

He looked up and smiled, "It is good to be back. I didn't think that I would be back." he motioned to the chair. "Come on in."

"You of little faith. Mediation is clearly better for you than they say," she teased as she sank into the chair opposite. "I prefer Vodka myself."

He smiled, "Yes...well certain things help and some do not." He said cryptically as he stood and walked to the replicator. "Hot chocolate?"

"No thank you. I think my body is currently ninety two percent caffiene and eight percent sugar." Leaning across the desk she picked up one of the PADDs, frowning as she sat it back down, "so you came back early to read up on reports?"

He smiled, "Yes ma'am." He ordered a coffee for himself and sat back down. "I think I need to rest a bit from the last few days and the best rest is work." He looked over at her as he sat. "Will you be going down to the planet for the closing ceremonies?"

Carolyn shook her head, "definately not. I was there earlier today to sign off on the return of our eqipment and supplies and dealt with a few other errands. I think I've seen enough of Cardassia."

He gave a nod. "Me too." He looked around. "I think most everyone is down there but there are a few who've stayed and I think they are doing something called night. Holodeck three."

"You've never heard of a movie night?" Carolyn asked, unable to hide her surprise. "Popcorn, comfy seat, bad movie... perfect combination. But I have way too much to do here. And a few patients to see in the morning for follow up. Including Counsellor Monroe."

"Yes I've read the report." He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "She must be mess."

"She has a lot of concerns, yes," Carolyn conceeded. "Obviously you were already concerned enough to reduce her workload before the outbreak but now she is concerned about what the infection may have done to her and the baby. She is back in her quarters but to be honest I'm not sure how much rest she is actually getting. She is stubborn though, which is possibly a good thing right now."

He smiled, "I think there is a prerequisite for counselors needing to be stubborn." He sighed, "To be honest the worst thing that could happen is that the baby is born without abilities that Betazoids commonly have. There is no other danger nor is there a way to test for it. She just needs rest." He didn't say it but he blamed himself for her getting ill and for him not having the medications on the ship. He thought of every potential why didn't he think of this one." He stood and paced the little room. "We'll find a way even if that is the case."

"I'm due to check on her tomorrow but if you would prefer to go...?" she asked, a little hopeful.

He stopped his pacing. "I am totally exercising my right as CMO to .... cower behind my desk. Besides she's libel to try and council me. You're a whole lot saner then I."

"She already tried that with me today. Maybe we could send in an EMH?" she suggested with a grin.

Hades laughed. "Great idea or.... how about Doctor Howard. He's all shades of messed up. Might keep her busy." He said conspiratorially.

Carolyn laughed shaking her head, "I think that would go against our moral code and send both of them over the edge. No, it's okay, I have a few people to do follow up on. I will just think very happy thoughts on my way there."

He smiled, "Yes...." Before he could finish nurse Lynn burst in.

"Is it true?"

Hades was caught off guard but hearing those words from the biggest gossip was never good. "What that we will be leaving Cardassia soon. I believe so." He tried to deflect.

"No I mean did you just go through that pon jar thing?"

Hades turned red. "Nurse Lynn why don't you go...."

"Rumour is our doctor couldn't cure himself with meditation. Oh my gosh! Did you .... who's the lucky...."

Hades all but shoved the nurse out. "Nurse Lynn you are needed on Cardassia. I need a medical representative down there and you are perfect."

"But...but..." It was the last she got out before Hades managed to get her out the door. "That one needs to be transferred and quick."

Carolyn watched the exchange in silence, feeling bad for Hades and wishing she had not been here to witness it. “Perhaps an assignment in a penal colony medical office,” she suggested. “Or she could join Intelligence. Woman has skills to find any gossip within ten light years. But I swear I said nothing to anyone.”

Hades smiled, "Lynn has always been good ad finding things out. I know you said nothing." He sat down. He smiled, "That woman is a great nurse she's just a bit gossipy. It'll all settle." He waited for the inevitable question. "You're not going to ask?"

“Nope,” Carolyn said with a firm shake of her head. “What you do is your business provided it doesn’t risk your life or harm a patient. If you wanna talk I’m here but you don’t owe anyone any explanation. I for one am just glad you aren’t dead.”

He sighed and then looked at Carolyn. "I am glad you are a part of my team. In the short time you have proven yourself loyal, and hard working, skilled and a good friend. Thank you Carolyn."

“Just doing what I do,” she said dismissively. “Everyone keeps thanking me and honestly I do not know why. We lost so many. We were blindsided by the outbreak and it hurts like hell.”

He sighed, "It does hurt but we'll make sure it doesn't happen again." He passed a PADD to her. "I am recommending that each of the files of those who participated be amended to give commendations. I've sent this to the Admiral. " He sipped his coffee. "Now I am about to give you an order. Ready?"

"I almost got in a full blown fight with the head of the ER," she reminded him, reading the PADD he had handed over. "I don't think it qualifies as commendation material... so, what's the order?"

He smiles, "It would be a higher commendation if you had gotten into a fight." He grinned a little. "The order is to take some time off. Three days of rest and relaxation."

“Only if you take the three days first,” she countered, folding her arms . “I am fine. And I have appointments tomorrow.”

She didn’t want to add that if she had time on her hands she would end up either tracking down James or worse. “Besides, I’ll get bored.”

He gave a nod. "Appointments tomorrow but as of the end of those you are on vacation. A vacation that is well earned."

He stood. "I will go. I still feel some lingering .... effects of what I have been through. I will go and rest now." He stood.

"Everything will still be here tomorrow, I promise," she told him, getting to her feet as the doors to Sickbay opened. "That's my cue. See you tomorrow!"

He smiled, "See you tomorrow." He headed out. He really did need some rest.

As Carolyn exited Lynn rounded the corner. "Ohhh Doctor Corrigan. Did you...find anything out? I've started an office pool as to who could have helped the doctor end his....condition."

"Aren't you supposed to be on Cardassia?" Carolyn asked, trying to at least sound civil. "To answer your question - No, I did not. Because it is not my business. And I would strongly advice you to reconsider that office pool. As a senior member of the nursing staff I would have hoped you had better uses for your time."

Lynn blushed and hurried away still undeterred from her office pool.



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