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[USS Falcon] Returning Home

Posted on Mon Apr 1st, 2019 @ 1:13pm by

625 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Episode 97 - Cultural Exchange
Location: Falcon Bridge
Timeline: MD006 1200 Hours

The USS Falcon had completed her scans, and was now heading back to Starbase 400. It was clear Ezekiel and his crew that the Gorn Hegemony, were being manipulated. And now they had the proof. He was eager to get this information back to Admiral Bremer, is immediate superior officer.

"Commander Rogers, have you completed your report?" Ezekiel asked, as he walked onto the bridge of the USS Falcon. He walked over to the command chair.

"No Captain." Sarah said, as she stood up. She was about 1/2 way through the report though. She waited for Ezekiel to walk over to her. "Nothing to report, we are en route to Starbase 400, under cloak. No signs of pursuit." She said, being grateful that went without incident.

"I have the bridge, get that report done. Admiral Bremer, will want to debrief us." Ezekiel said, as he waited for Sarah to complete her report. He wanted to be prepared for that briefing. And hopefully to any follow up questions the Admiral may have for them.

Sarah quickly left the bridge area, with her mind now focusing on the report that she needed to complete.

"Lieutenant Reynolds, how are you doing?" Ezekiel asked, as he took a seat in the command chair. The chair was at the center of the bridge. And to his right, was the tactical station.

"Just fine sir." Dustin said, wondering what the Captain wanted with him.

"Glad to hear it, what were the results of the diagnostic checks to the weapons array?" Ezekiel asked. He gave the order earlier to have them done. Even though the USS Falcon did not engage in combat, they did go through several simulated drills. Never hurts to be safe.

"Recalibrated to optimal performance." Said Dustin, a little surprised that Ezekiel was curious about the results, but then it dawned him. He had to be, its his ship. And everything needs to be running at peak efficiency. Dustin had been slightly distracted with Aubrey. They had been seen a few times, chatting in the mess hall.

Dustin was not sure how Aubrey felt about him, but he was starting to see signs of an emotional connection to her. He was trying to stop his heart from falling. But he was a hopeless romantic. And Aubrey seemed like she was not interested. She had a snarky personality about her. Which made him like her even more.

Most of the crew understood his feelings for Aubrey. He was not good at hiding it. Even Aubrey knew it. But it was clear to the crew, she was playing hard to get. And she had every right too.

"Captain we are being hailed by Starbase 400, they want us to increase speed to maximum and get back to the station as soon as possible." Said Sam, from the helmsman station.

"Acknowledge the signal and increase speed to maximum warp." Ordered Ezekiel as he got ready to tap, on the intercom from his command chair.

"Aye Captain." Said Sam.

"Bridge to Engineering." Ezekiel called out, waiting for Aubrey to respond.

"Go ahead Captain." Aubrey said. She already saw the power increase on the warp corps.

"Starbase 400 wants us back as soon as possible. We have increased speed to maximum warp. Work your magic down their. And keep the ship together." Ordered Ezekiel.

"Understood Captain, but I must point out, that this is not advised for a long duration." Suggested Aubrey.

"Noted Lieutenant. Bridge out." Ezekiel said, as he closed the channel.

The Crew:

Commander Ezekiel Bagwell, Commanding Officer
Lieutenant Commander Sarah Rodgers, Executive Officer/Science Chief Officer
Lieutenant Anna Woodhouse, Chief Medical Officer
Lieutenant Junior Grade Dustin Reynolds, Chief of Security
Lieutenant Junior Grade Samuel Carrington, Chief Control Flight Officer
Lieutenant Junior Grade Aubrey Miller, Chief Engineer


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