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Someone's Out There pt4

Posted on Fri Mar 29th, 2019 @ 11:35am by Captain Paul MacLeod & Lieutenant Commander Clint Cross & Lieutenant Heath Carter & Lieutenant Karl Ballard & Lieutenant JG Aidan Murphy & Lieutenant JG Victor Clayton & Lieutenant JG Marshall Robinson & Lieutenant JG Tenu

553 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Episode 97 - Cultural Exchange
Location: USS Vanguard
Timeline: MD5, 2030hrs


MacLeod was mad. It had been two days since they had chased the small Hirogen into an uncharted asteroid field. The problem was, the Hirogen vessel was much smaller and more maneuverable and could dance around in the field while the larger Vanguard couldn’t.

“We still have them on sensors sir, they are just sitting out there. Edge of our weapons range.” Metsker reported, his frustration coming though in his tone.

“We should move in, disable their engines, lock on a tracker beam and pull them out.” Patel said as he paced.

“I could reroute power to the shields and deflector system. The field is very dense, but we should be able to clear a path.” Clayton said.

“We had this discussion yesterday. The moment they see is moving into the field they back away, deeper inside.” Tenu replied.

“We could launch a Class VII sensor probe and set it to emit a warp situation similar to the ship’s.” Cross stated. “We cloak, then send the probe away making it appear we’ve given up. They come out, we disable them.”

Mac looked up for a moment, “We talked about that yesterday too and decided not to because of their sophisticated tracking sensors. They might see us through the cloak.”

“They might, but they might not.” Cross replied as he stood. “There’s a massive asteroid drifting this way, it’s the size of a small moon, similar to Nix that orbits Pluto in the Sol System. It’s giving off electromagnetic radiation that might distort their sensors.”

Metsker nodded, “It might interfere with ours too…however with the probe’s sensors also scanning the area, even at longer range, it might help us keep them in view.”

Cross nodded. “Exactly.”

Mac liked the idea, “Make it happen.”

“I’ve already made modifications to a probe and it’s ready to launch.” Cross replied with a smirk.

Mac also smirked. “Launch the probe and cloak us.”

An hour passed, the probe had been launch and the Vanguard cloaked and after a short time the probe had been sent away from the asteroid field to make it appear the Vanguard left the area. Again the crew of the Vanguard was waiting.

“Sir, the Hirogen vessel is approaching slowly. They are actively scanning the area but haven’t detected us.” Metsker reported.

After a few minutes Metsker spoke up again. “They’ve cleared the field.”

“Decloak the ship, target their engines and fire to disable.” MacLeod replied.

The Vanguard decloaked and her phasers lanced out…and went right through the Hirogen ship before it shimmer and disappeared.

“A hologram?” Murphy asked, confused.

“Sir, picking up a second target, Hirogen ship exiting the field and going to warp, heading toward the Delta Quadrant.” Carter reported.

Patel let out of grunt, “When did the Hirogen get holographic technology?”

“From Voyager.” Cross replied. “To give them something to hunt so they wouldn’t attack other species. They’ve had a long time to work with it, they must have realized our trap and used that to test it. They fools us good.”

Mac was angry, not at his crew but that the attackers had gotten away. Still, they had learned something about the Hirogen. “Mister Murphy, set course back to Starbase 400 and engage Slipstream.”



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