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Old acquaintances

Posted on Fri Mar 29th, 2019 @ 5:57am by

346 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Episode 97 - Cultural Exchange
Location: Cardassia
Timeline: MD5 Evening

OOC: Just introducing a temporary pnpc for a personal plot :)


The tall dark figure stepped down off the transporter PADD and nodded to the transporter Chief. He was transferring across to the Federation ships in orbit around Cardassia for transfer to his new station Starbase 400 but first he wanted to let loose and have a little fun on Cardassia.

His psychological profile read like a book, his female Counsellor’s found him to be a smart ass, a know it all who didn’t like to think that any woman knew more than he did and those that made the mistake of dating him soon regretted it when they found out what a rough individual he was. He already had several reprimands on file for raising a hand to femake colleagues, this was his last chance posting.

He looked at the PADD he’d been given with his new Counsellor’s name on before his eyes fell on another name on the PADD a woman he already knew. It seemed his old friend Freya was also a Counsellor aboard Starbase 400 last time they’d met he’d had the night of his life, she was the first of his unwilling conquests and given that he’d never heard anything of it he was guessing she didn’t know it was him.

His orders from Starfleet strictly forbid him from fraternising with female colleagues but Freya considered him a friend and he saw no wrong in seeing her again. He would make a point of meeting her in the morning, he’d soon know if she remembered anything of that night but even if she did she had no proof against him.

Walking into a nightclub he smiled at the room full of unsuspecting females he could pick from. If he played his cards right, as the saying went, he’d catch himself a willing victim to spend the night having his version of fun with just someone who enjoyed things as rough as he did. Then in the morning he could look up Freya.



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