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Repatriation Pt2

Posted on Fri Mar 15th, 2019 @ 3:53pm by Commander Hades,MD & Captain Patrick Dow & Commander Jonathan Roebuck IV & Tom Vercetti & Splendora Sage & Vito Russo

1,019 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Episode 97 - Cultural Exchange
Location: Cardassia Prime/USS Pegasus
Timeline: MD3 1845hrs


Vox, who had now returned aboard the Pegasus, had decided to go for a quick drink before returning to his quarters. He was unaware of what had transpired aboard the Pegasus regarding unwanted visitors. He would soon find out.

Walt got the notification that Vox had returned, so he left the Bridge to inform him someone had apparently broken into his quarters.

He arrived in Ten-Forward and looked around for a moment before finding the Trill man sitting at the bar. "Mister Vox?"

Vox looked up at the gentleman. " That would be me. Can I help you? "

"You might want to come with me sir. I believe someone attempted to break into your quarters while you were on the surface." Walk replied as he motioned toward the door.

"Of course. Why would someone want to break into..." He stopped in mid sentence. The hoard in the strong box. "Ohhhh I think I know. Let's go see if they took anything. " Vox replied.

Walt nodded as they left Ten-Forward. A few minutes later they arrived at Vox's quarters. The security officer on duty tapped in commands on the door pad to unlock the door then stepped back. Walt and Vox walked in.

"We didn't see anything knocked over and obviously out of place. If something is missing, they knew what they were looking for. Commander Roebuck is on the Bridge looking over internal sensors and transport logs now.

"Right. " Vox replied. He went straight to the bedroom area to find the strongbox containing the ancient manuscripts and books. All he found was scrapes along the cupboard wall where it had been dragged out. No sign of the box.

"Dam it." he said loudly. He then thought back to the encounter with the Ferengi in the bar and wondered if they had been listening into his conversation with the Cardassian historian, Akkar Vrin. "My strongbox is missing and I think you might want to be looking for Ferengi. " he exclaimed.

Walt tapped his comm-badge. "Lieutenant Roebuck to Commander Roebuck."

"Go ahead Walt." Jon replied while looking through data on the Bridge.

"I'm with Mister Vox, he has reason to believe a Ferengi might be involved in the break-in of his Quarters. He says there is something missing." Walt stated.

'Ferengi' Jon thought. He remembered one who beamed aboard because of a medical emergency aboard their ship. He looked at the transport logs, and there was Mar'g. "Damnit."

He paused the first comm channel and opened another. "Doctor Hades, I know you're busy, but do you remember a Ferengi, Mar'g coming to Sick Bay for medical supplies?"

Hades was just about to leave for Cardassia to pick up a few things before returning to the ship. "Yes of course." He replied. "He needed quite a bit for his sick crew. Is more needed?"

"No, thank you. Roebuck out." He closed the channel then switched to the internal sensor logs. He found Mar'g beam in, then access and leave Sick Bay. He saw him enter the turbolift and then exit on Deck Nine before bypassing the code on Vox's door. He reopened the channel to Walt.

"Walt, it was Mar'g. The timeline fits and I have internal sensor logs of his entering Vox's quarters. He never came out, so he must of beamed out from there." Commander Roebuck explained.

By this time, Captain Dow had walked over behind Roebuck. "Where is the Allora now?"

"Still in their assigned parking orbit." Commander Roebuck replied.

"Lieutenant, I'll meet you and Mister Vox in Transporter Room Two in five minutes. We're beaming over to the Allora." Dow said over the channel. After it closed he looked back at Commander Roebuck, "You have the Bridge Commander. And let the 'old man' know what's going on."

Transporter Room Two

Dow arrived just after Lieutenant Roebuck and Mister Vox. "Set you phaser to stun. Mister Vox, I want you to identify anything taken."

"Oh you can count on that" Vox replied.

"I've set this tricorder to scan for the strongbox. It should also have residual traces of Ferengi transporter energy." Lieutenant Roebuck added.

Dow nodded. "Let's go."

FAS Allora

The three materialized aboard the Ferengi ship in a cargo bay.

"These are the coordinates our sensors detected when Mar'g beamed out." Roebuck said.

"They don't have much cargo, but they do have some medical supplies." Dow pointed to a Starfleet med case laying on the deck.

"I can't open it!"

"It's got my finger again!"

"You hear that?" Roebuck asked.

Dow pointed and the three walked over to see Mar'g and Zark at a work table still trying to open the box. The lock was still intact, but one of Zark's fingers was stuck where they had tried to pry the box open and failed.

"Well well well, if it isn't that Ferengi from the bar, with my chest. " Vox exclaimed loud enough for them to hear him clearly.

"Zark...and Mar'g." Dow said as he shook his head.

Roebuck watched. He hadn't been on SB400 long, only a new minutes before leaving for Cardassia, but he assumed Captain Dow knew the Ferengi and this was a common occurrence.

"Let it go and give it back." Dow said.

"I can't! My finger is caught!" Zark help up the box with his finger stuck inside where he'd tried to pry it open.

"Uh, sorry." Mar'g lowered his head in shame...shame of being caught more than taking it in the first place.

"After 5 life times I still won't be changing my view on never trusting a Ferengi. " Vox said. "he activated the chest's anti-gravity system to make it lighter and then picked up the chest. "Thank you" he said to the Starfleet officers.

Dow nodded, tapped his comm-badge, and had them beamed back to the Pegasus.

"You moron! Zark said to his brother.

"You didn't even negotiate or off him latinum, and you call me a moron? Idiot." Mar'g replied to the Zark as the former tackled his brother and they started rolling around 'fighting' and yelling at each other for the failed scheme.



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