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Bubble Bear

Posted on Wed Mar 6th, 2019 @ 8:24pm by Splendora Sage

921 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Episode 97 - Cultural Exchange
Location: Cardassian Escort Ship
Timeline: MD 02 -- 1500 hours


Splendora placed the brush on her vanity in the quarters she'd been provided aboard Aidan's ship. She stood and stepped back to take in her appearance. She'd slipped out of her jeans and into a long dress that was low on her shoulders. It was a deep tan colour like the sand of Cardassia and flowed like the waterfalls of Betazed pooling on the floor. From the headpiece she had on hung a blue jewel, a Cardassian sapphire, shaped like a spoon.

She had to admit she looked like a Cardassian princess. She sighed as the door chimed and brought her out of her thoughts. She turned towards the door. “Enter.”

The low hiss, so much different than that on the station, signaled the door sliding open and in walked Aidan. She smiled. “Aidan.”

“Hello Mother.” He walked in and headed towards the replicator. He ordered himself a water and sparkling water for Splendora. She had smile a little. He had so much of his father’s confidence.

“Well technically step mother.”

He rolled his hand. “You are the only mother I had, the only mother I love.”

She had to smile at that. “You were rude Aidan. You scared those people on the ship I was on and….”

Aidan studied her, “And created a problem for you and this Tim.”

She sighed, “It’s Tom. That was my doing. I should have told him about my past. His been through a lot I did not want to burden him." She stood and walked over to the sofa sliding into the comfortable seat cushion. "Aidan we have to talk."

She watched the defensiveness slide into his gaze. "What's there to talk about?"

She smiled, "I'll be transferring to the hotel on the planet. I need to do what I can to catch this agent."

Aidan huffed, "Why? Can't the Order handle it? We're more than capable."

She sighed, "I know you are." She reached over and took his hand gently. "I need to do this."

He sighed, "Fine. I will be posting guards to watch over you."

She smiled, "I know." Standing she hurried over to a trunk that she'd brought over when she'd beamed aboard. "I found something you gave me before I left Cardsassia."

"Oh?" He stood joining the woman, who though not much older than he was, he saw as his mother. "What was that?"

She pulled out a brown furry Teddy Bear and was rewarded with Aidan's gleeful expression. "BUBBLE BEAR!"

Splendora laughed as Aidan plucked the tattered old bear out of her hands and held it close. Aidan had never been your typical child and she found it endearing that there he was, this strong Gul in the Cardassian Military a member of the Obsidian Order still a child at heart. "I thought you'd miss him."

She couldn't help the sheen in her eyes that reflected his. She sat down on the sofa by him again. "I'm so proud of you Aidan."

He smiled at her. “Do you know what I miss?”

She shook her head. “You used to read to me and Eyelaya. I miss that.”

She sighed, “Me too.”

Aiden laid his head on her shoulder. “Tell me a story?”

And so she did. While he, a grown Gul, held the teddy bear close she told him a story. For just a few moments in time both seemed to forget their lives and they just existed.

When she finished her story Aiden left with Bubble Bear still clutched in his hands and she packed for Cardassia. Something in her bones told her that this trip would not be easy. Something told her that this trip would change her forever.

She’d have dinner with Aiden the good Leggett and then she would have to come up with a plan. Just as she was about to head out the door chimed.

“Enter,” she said.

Akal strode in as if he owned the ship…which he sort of did. “Welcome home Dora.”

She smiled a strained smile. “Thanks.”

He sighed, “Now why is my Gul, a member not only of the Cardassian Military but the Obsidian Order clutching a toy bear walking through the halls?”

She laughed, “Oh give it up. He didn’t have a childhood.”

Akal rolled his eyes. “Yes well the men will think him crazy. I’ll take care of that. I came to drop this off for you.”

She took the PADD he was holding out. “What is this?”

“Latest Obsidian Order reports on your Section friend. I think you’re crazy but I will help you catch him.” He tilted his head. “Tell me what you need.”

She shrugged, “A lot of rope. I need you to keep Aiden busy. He will be more of a hindrance and I won’t see him hurt.”

Akal gave a nod. “Anything else?”

“Yea… There is a man on the Pegasus. Tom …”

“I know who you mean.” Akal waited for her request.

“Keep him safe at all costs.”

Akal smiled, “Of course. So nobody protects you yet you protect everyone.”

She sighed, “It’s been like that all my life Akal.”

He tilted his head, “You need to learn to trust someone, especially your new boyfriend. If you love him you need to trust him. Good luck.” With that he turned and left the room. Splendora gathered the rest of her stuff and things she’d need and headed out to the transporter room thinking about what Akal had just said.



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