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[USS Falcon] Comforts of home.

Posted on Mon Jul 23rd, 2018 @ 3:44pm by Cadet Senior Grade Marcus Mattson & Lieutenant Commander Ariana Monroe-Wayne
Edited on on Mon Jul 23rd, 2018 @ 3:47pm

1,104 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Episode 95 - Helping Old Friends
Location: Ariana & Marcus quarters
Timeline: MD 08, 0630 hours

It had been two days since the drills and tests of the ship systems and her crew had started. Each day random test scenarios were tossed at the crew to see how they would react. The morning before an alarm had gone off at three in the morning, a core breach warning as well as an alarm about incoming boarders. The crew had worked surprisingly well under the intense pressures.

As a pilot, Marcus was more assigned as security backup in these tests and he had rather enjoyed it. Now however he was laying on the bottom bunk, having just woken up, Ariana was laying on top of him since it was apparently the best cure for her bad sleep. Not that he complained. He didn't move, instead he just laid there and enjoyed her closeness.

Ariana stirred as she slowly awoke, she enjoyed the feel of her body being so close to that of Marcus & he hadn't once complained about her sleeping on him even though it was cramped. She snuggled into his body and smiled as she looked up at him "Hi..."

"Good morning. How was your sleep? You look... Rejuvenated."

"I feel much better thanks to you" she smiled as she lay her head back on his shoulder, "I'm not sure what I'm going to do when we go back to the station I'm getting used to being cuddled up to you" she hoped she wasn't going to make him feel embarrassed.

He got slightly emarrassed, but he did his best not to show it. "I suppose I have to become your cuddle blanket or something."

She wanted to say something more but she was afraid of scaring him away, "I'll admit I'd like to spend more time doing this, I haven't had anyone hold me the way you do since I lost Jonathon" she lifted her head to look at him.

"I'm sorry. Even if you are enjoying it, I don't know if it was tactful to say something like it." he was feeling a little pang jealousy about her talking about her lost soulmate, she had of course every right to do so and he of course had no right to even complain to her about it.

Ariana recoiled she hadn't meant to offend him "I.... I'm sorry I didn't mean to..." she reached her hand to his face, "In the time I've known you you've come to mean so much to me... I don't want to lose you now."

"You can say what ever you like. I meant that I was the one who lacked tack. So I apologise." her touch did make him smile.

"No don't..." she shook her head "I shouldn't have compared you I'm sorry..." Before she knew what she was doing she was gently pressing her lips to his in a romantic kiss.

Marcus was stunned. She had kissed him, was it because she was feeling sorry for him? Was it because she simply was lonely or was it more behind it. He was so stunned that he didn't move or return the kiss, simply because his mind was blank.

Ariana leaned back afraid she'd made a big mistake and that he didn't want to be close to her in that way. 'I'm sorry I..." her eyes rested on him waiting to see if he'd forgive her or not. "I thought that you... that we..."

His mind came back as he looked down at her, he saw her in a completely different light now, her smell, each curve of her face, her eyes and hair. All of it painted a picture of even greater beauty than before. His heard swelled with happiness, but she was still in her grieving time and he wanted to make sure that he didn't push the matter and that she took a step back sort of thing so she thought through it properly. His eyes actually misted over from the feelings he was getting. "Do not take it like that, you surprised me and..." he paused. "How do I put this so that you understand. I am interested, very much so. But I want to make sure you are sure, it can be hormones and chemical. So please do not take this as a rejection, simply me pushing the pause button for your sake." he lifted his head and kissed her forehead very gently. He hoped she would understand.

Ariana's eyes misted over as she looked at him "I don't want... to hit the pause button" she looked away to wipe her eyes, "I want to... hold you, feel you..." She looked back at Marcus, "I want to make love with you." She spoke from the heart but she was hoping it wasn't too much.

Marcus held her tight. "You have no idea how that makes me feel. But I respect you and I can't in good conscience just go full speed. I want this to be done right." he sighed. "Besides, there is a saying in sweden. The one who waits for something good, never waits to long."

Ariana nodded as she lay cuddled up in Marcus' arms she couldn't believe that she'd told him everything she was feeling. She lay simply enjoying the feel of being cuddled up to him until the pain she'd had once before radiated through her stomach making her gasp.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

She lay silent for a moment before the pain subsided, "It's okay..." she raised her head to look at him, "I had that pain again..." she calmed herself down and cuddled back up on his chest "I'll drop in & see the doctor when we get back to the station, just to check everything is okay."

"Nope, we are going now." he gently moved her so he could get out of the bed, then picked her up in his arms. "Call me old fashioned..."

Alicia couldn't help but smile as he swept her up "It's okay I feel fine now, last time I saw her the doctor did say it could just be my body adjusting but she also advised I see the station doctor when I get back if it happened again."

"Well, I might be awesome, but I can't simply walk you to the station now can I? No, we are going to the ship doctor, gives her something to do as well..." he walked up to the door, it opened and he very carefully maneuvered her so that he wouldn't hit her in the frame. Then he marched down towards sickbay, not caring what it would look like when the crew saw him carrying a pregnant woman.


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