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Posted on Fri Jul 27th, 2018 @ 9:24pm by Jacaranda & Camron Wayne

1,305 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Episode 95 - Helping Old Friends
Location: Starbase 400 Promenade
Timeline: MD8

Jacaranda had already pitched the idea of setting up connections with the other businesses on the Promenade to Maria who thought it was a good one. After all, it had been a longstanding tradition in the Italian communities wherever they were.

Determined to make a good impression, Jaca had put on her dressier workboots which looked like her usual ones but had some rustgold embossing on them. She had her good forge apron on over a simple sleeveless shirt and leggings, to show off her musculature which would reflect on her ability to work heavy density materials. And she gave her horns a quick polish because, well, it would be tacky going to a first meeting with shabby looking horns. Not to mention it would reflect poorly on Curious Goods.

Roberto even teased her asking if she was meeting a boy, which made her laugh and tell him that would mean putting on her skin jewelry.

Once she was satisfied for how she looked, she clipped on a couple of her smaller work tools to look traditionally professional and headed over to that other new shop, Galactic Mechanics.

She still sounded like a warband of Klingons clomping along as she strode over and took a breath before entering.

Camron had just finished setting up the small front office of the shop, it now looked at least to him the part of a mechanics office should look. There were models of different shuttles and runabouts he had worked on, an assortment of aftermarket parts on display a couch and a couple of chairs with a water foutain if customers got thirsty, and of course a high counter behind which was his personal deck and ramp. The last no one would ever know about as it gave the illusion that he was as tall as any other human.

He looked up as his door opened and in walked well he was not sure what he was looking at other then that the person was female, Even on earth he had never met this race before. " Hello ma'am and welcome to Galactic Mechanics What can I do for you today." Said Camron calmly as he made eye contact with his customer and willed himself to only look in her eyes.

Jaca's eyes followed the placement flow, it was very well done. Clearly the owner was experienced. It gave her hope to the proposal she was ready to pitch. She turned at the voice and promptly went mind blank at the man as all she was aware of at that moment were those blue eyes, that exquisite jawline and cheekbone line and those broad shoulders. He was...Delicious.

It was only the whisper of a memory that she was here on behalf of Curious Goods that she didn't just floop on the counter with a classic 'How you doin'?' approach.

Instead, she managed to at least pull herself together appropriately, "Hello, I'm Jacaranda from Curious Goods down the way." She did flash him a smile, "I'm the in house smith-crafter and seeing your store, I was wondering if we might come to an amicable deal if you need non-replicated or custom parts?"

"Hmm we might be able to do business what kind of things can you make. I mean I am sure you can tell I do not go in for nick nack type things I repair and modify shuttles and runabouts for clients so of whom have increditably exacting specs." Said Camron calmly he watched her take in his office and knew that this was a lady who knew what she wanted and knew her trade well.

Jaca pulled out what looked like an old style leather wallet with a small pulsing chip of amber. With a flick of the wrist, she let out a strip of certifications. As they were all in Djabulese pictograms, she blew softly on the amber and said "Federacatl."

With a shimmer, the pictograms changed into Federation Standard. "I've been certified to design and craft mechanical parts, construction tools, weapons, armor, jewelry, and woodwork. I'm familiar with alloy design and creation. I can also work construction, handle crystal based technology and do bio-organic crafting." She paused briefly, "I'd advise going with anyone else for the fleshwork, mine's not up to the standards of the rest."

Granted some of that such as the weapons and armor was classified as highly restricted in the Federation, looking into those eyes of his was enough to not just put caution to the wind, but toss it through a wormhole into the Gamma Quadrant.

~what the heck is going on here.~ Thought Cameron as he read over the list for a second time not having believed what he read the first time. "OK I do believe we can do some business. Though how you managed not to get grabbed up by starfleet might make an interesting story.". Said Cameron still not be leaving his luck. " unfortunately my shop will not be open for a few days yet. I am waiting on one thing before I open. That being said I do have a feeling you will be seeing more of me. Maybe I will swing by and pay your shop a visit. Heck might even have a commission for you.". He added calmly doing his best not to let on that he was very happy this lady walked into his office.

"Sounds like we have a deal.", she said with a hint of a needleish toothed smile. Inwardly, part of her was thinking 'ask him to dinner'. If this was an ancient cartoon with the character having a devil on one shoulder and an angel on the other both whispering what to do, in Jaca's case it was two devils with one nagging to ask him out while the other was busy twerking. Since she was here on behalf of the store, invitations to dinner would have to wait. "I'd be happy to show off my forge at the shop. While we do deal in antiquities and art, I do have my side room for customers to watch me work at any hour. You can also meet my business partner."

"I think I would like to do just that." Said Camron calmly after all if he was going to work with this lady he had better find out just exactly what he was getting himself into some of the things on her PADD were still more then a little cpncerning to him.

"And should we acquire any old or ancient technical manuals and the like, you would have first lookover.", Jaca added, thinking about one they had on the shelves for maintenance on a Terran Edsel vehicle, "If someone was to unload something old you're not sure on, we'd like to have a lookover."

"That seems fair enough though honestly I think your more likely to see things like that then I ever will but if any do come my way first look and first refusal will be yours. Do you want me to draw up a formal contract or would a gentlemen's agreement be enough." Asked Camron casually

Mention of a formal contract made Jaca's eyes flash enough to make one think they'd have to look in the fine print for a mention of a wager of a fiddle of gold against a soul. "A handshake's fine.", she said with a normal smile as she offered her hand. She'd been told her body temperature ran a bit higher than humans, but the only ones it tended to bother were Andorians.

Camron reached across the counter top and gripped her hand firmly a quick shake and the deal was done. THough for some reason he could not shake the feeling that he had just avoided making a deal with the devil by the skin of his teeth.


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