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Homecoming: History's Farwell

Posted on Fri Sep 2nd, 2011 @ 4:38am by Commodore Leon `Lee` Pike & Commander Jonathan Coleman & Captain James Weatherlight & Lieutenant Colonel Sosuke Ishihara
Edited on on Fri Sep 9th, 2011 @ 9:23pm

2,084 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Mission 76 - Home comings
Location: USS Laffey/USS Saratgoa/USS Endeavour/USS Vanguard
Timeline: Current
Tags: Pike

Stardate 65142.9

After intense scans and the like within the area and no weapons fire had been found Winter elected to decloak the vessel. "Captain's Log Stardate 65142.9: After intense investigation of historical records and tactical reports from the era in question concerning the SS Columbia, we have no further information at this time but evidence points to the vessel being attacked but whomever did so is long gone. Laffey has resumed station within the task group. We are awaiting Colonel Pike's orders to head for Earth. Starfleet Security has informed us they have made proper arrangements for Commodore Pike's burial. "

After recording the log entry from his ready room, Winter approached the bridge, "Drop Cloak, Brandy put us in orbit directly above the away team."

"Yes sir." Brandy said from the helm station. Archer nodded and dropped the cloak from the engineering station. K'Wor was at his tactical station. Thor was at communications, Lee was at science II which had been converted to act as an Intelligence console.

Winter felt more at ease with this command then he did with Saratoga. Winter sat down in his command chair and watched the glowing orb slowly rotating on its axis. He paused as he glanced at the ship's dedication plaque.

"Justice is Blind."

But honor wasn't. This was a turning point in history, a Federation legend was to be returned home if they got in touch with the Talosians. But whose version of history would look upon this small group of veterans taking the ultimate veteran home?

=USS Endeavor Bridge=

Commander Coleman had just came back on the bridge after getting things settled down in Cargo bay 1 and looking some things up in his Ready Room. He knew that Lt. Gilmore and Lt. Rogers were working quite well down there, as well as Lt. Commander Smith, the station's Chief Engineer. When he sat down, he looked over at the Endeavor's dedication plaque.

"Ex Astris Scientia"

"From the stars, knowledge." he murmered to himself. With everything that had been going on and with the mission at hand, he couldn't help but wonder why they were out there, what made the original Starship Enterprise come out here. He was always fascinated with science, and the mission of the Federation. Peace keepers of the galaxy in a way. Scientist as well. Made him proud to be a starfleet officer.

Lt. Commander Roberts, the Beta-shift conn officer informed him that the other ships were de-cloaking and Coleman asked Roberts to follow suit. Coleman was proud to be apart of the group that got to bring one of the most famed men in Starfleet, and Federation, history home.

=USS Saratoga Bridge=

Lee was sitting in the command chair after all the ships had decloaked. It had been determined that everything was safe and it was time to go down to the surface.

"Private get me the other CO's"

Pvt.Richards:"Yes sir."

Coleman came upon the screen, saying to the other COs, "So, what's our plan now, sirs?"

Lee looked at the other CO's:"Gentlemen, everything seems to check out ok so it is now time to do what we came for. Commander Coleman I want you and your security chief to beam down and meet me and my security chief down on the surface, we will be the ones going to retirve the remains of Commadore Pike. Commander Winer and Captain Weatherlight I want you guys to remain in orbit and keep on eye up here on things. Pike out"

Coleman nodded, saying before the screen went black, "Aye, sir." After the screen went black and showed the Federation Starfleet symbol, he called down to his Security chief, a Lt. Marrows, to meet him in transporter room 2. When he arrived, he waited for the signal to beam down to the planet to meet up with Colonel Pike and his team.

"Brandy." Winter said.

"Making turns for Geo-synchrous orbit." She responded from the helm. Archer said, "I have located a turbolift coming out of some of the debris feild, sensors indicate it has been damaged by laser fire?"

"Probably from the first rescue attempt by the original Enterprise crew when Pike was first abudcted." Winter said.

Thorin nodded, "Starfleet was still somewhat in its infancy then."

"How very true. Coordinate with Starfleet on Earth and inform them of our potential arrival time." Winter could have sworn on the viewer he saw a ghost for a second... the Ghost of the Original 1701.

Lee arose from his command chair."Have Sgt. Blackthrone meet me in transporter room 1."

Lee then stepped onto the turbo lift and headed for the transporter room.

Once Coleman got the signal from Colonel Pike, Lt. Marrows and Coleman beamed down to the planet, where they waited for Pike and Sgt. Blackthrone to beam down.

Lee and Sgt. Blackthrone had beamed down to the surface and headed towards Coleman and Lt. Marrows:"Commander, Lt."

Coleman and Marrows smiled and nodded at Colonel Pike and Sgt. Blackthrone. Coleman waited for what the Colonel wanted to do.

Lee pulled out his phaser and adjusted the setting:"Ok folks set your phaser to heavy stun just in case."

Coleman and Marrows both pulled their phasers and set them to heavy stun. Not knowing what to expect, he knew why Pike wanted to be safe while on Talos IV. After they set their phasers, they put their phasers away.

Lee put his phaser away then started walking:"Let's go see what we can find out."

Coleman and Marrows both said, "Aye." Then, followed in line with Blackwater and Pike. Coleman pulled his tricorder and pushed a few commands into before scanning the region. It took a second before he got something.

He said, "Colonel Pike, I think I might have something. Two lifeforms, approximately 1.2 meters in this direction. They read as what Captain Pike and his team found as Talosians, sir." He pointed Northwest of their direction, showing where he was getting the readings.

Lee nodded:"Very well Commander we will head that way. You may lead."

Coleman started to lead the way to where he was getting the readings of the the Talosians. Lt. Marrows came in step not far behind him, slowly scoping out anything that might be a potential threat to the people on the planet.

Lee looked around the planet as they headed Northwest.

After about a meter or so, Coleman looked at his tricorder, stopping for a moment before saying to Colonel Pike, "The reading of the Talosians, it reads as just around this next ridge sir."

Lee nodded:"Thanks Commander, everyone keep your eyes and ears open."

Coleman kept scanning, just to make sure that they weren't going to have anything bad happen to them while they walked around the ridge.

The group then came over the ridge and saw two Talosians standing there next to a long black metal box. Lee aproached them first followed by the others.

Lee walked closer to them:"Greetings I am Colonel Leon Pike of Star Fleet, I am a direct descendant of Commadore Chris Pike. We have come for his remains, since in your message to Star Fleet you asked us to come get them."

Talosian 1:"Yes it was I who sent the message to Star Fleet for someone to come get the remains of Chris Pike, it is intersting that one of his descendants would be the one to retrive them."

Talosian 2:"Chris Pike passed away many many years ago as has most of our people have died."

Lee:"Why after all of these years have you sent a message to Star Fleet for us to retrieve the remains of Commadore Pike?"

Coleman walked over to the casket and took a quick scan, just to make sure it wasn't another Talosian trick and to make sure that it was the remains of Commodore Pike. Once done, he walked back over to the group and stood behind Colonel Pike as he spoke with the Talosians.

Talosian 1:"As like she said most of our people have died and we are dying as well. We do not know what is killing us and we are too late anyway to find out."

Talosian 2:"So as we are the last two we have decided that it was time for Chris Pike to have a proper burial on where he is from. So we shall give you the remains of Chris Pike and data on our journals and maybe one day someone can figure out what has killed us."

Lee nodded taking the data padd from them:"Thank you for allowing us to retrieve the remains of Commadore Chris Pike. We are truely sorry that you are dying, we will do our best with the data you gave us." Lee turned hading the data padd to Coleman.

Coleman studied the data padd, trying to see what was plaguing the Talosian people. He uploaded all the data into his tricorder and sent the information to the Endeavor, where he could study it further later on.

Lee walked over to the black casket and after being showed by the Talosians on how to operate. Lee pushed the casket towards the others then turned back around."Again thank you for allowing us to come."

Talosians:"Goodbye and goodluck to you."

Lee pushing the casket left with the others as they headed back. Lee tapped his badge of the way."Pike to Ishihara. Colonel I need you and another fighter to escort the shuttle down to the surface so we can load up Commodore Pike's remains."

=^="Sir, there's nothing wrong with the transporters... Is the payload unstable?"=^= Colonel Ishihara's voice filtered down from orbit through Pike's communicator. His tone was questioning, but not disrespectful. He'd made certain to school his voice despite his lingering doubts about the new Marine CO.

Lee blew out a breath:"There is nothing wrong with the casket of Commodore Chris Pike, I would just rather have a shuttle bring it back aboard the Saratoga instead of the transporter."

=^="...If that's what you think is best, sir. ETA six minutes. Saratoga out."=^= Ishihara's voice acknowledged. Up there, he went about tasking one of the prepped shuttles and two of his alert 5 fighters to enter the planet's atmosphere.

Lee:"So what are your thoughts on what just happened Commander?"

Coleman looked at Lee and said, "Honestly, if I didn't know the Talosians better, it could be a way to get. A plea of sorts. With their people dying and them not sure what's happening, they could want help, but might be too, almost stubborn, to ask for help straight up. I'll take a look into on the way home, but it'll take a while to figure out."

Lee nodded:"From what I have read they appear to be a very stubborn race. Good luck with your research on finding out what you can with the data."

Coleman nodded and said, "Thanks. I'll start once we're back onboard our ships."

In the sky above, a standard shuttle escorted by two faster-moving fighters glowed briefly as they entered the atmosphere and began homing in on the away team's location. The pair of fighters, flying close together with their wings overlapping, streaked by on a pass, going up on their wingtips so that the pilots could actually see the ground from their cockpit windows.

Lee pushed the casked into the shuttle bay and stepped into the shuttle along with the others. After the shuttle and the fighters where aboard the Saratoga. Commander Coleman and his security officer where beamed aboard their ship. Lee then headed for the bridge.

Lee sitting in the command chair:"Private inform the other ships that we will be now leaving for Earth at Warp 8."

Pvt. Nolan:"Yes sir."

Lee nodded:"Also send a message to Admiral Bremer that we are on our way to Earth.

Pvt. Nolan:"Yes sir sending a message to Admrial Bremer now."

The Talos group then headed for Earth at Warp 8.

James had the Vanguard in close formation with the other ships. Something didn't seem right to him. Why was the Talosians attacked? Why were they dying?

James turned to his XO. "Harm, what are your thoughts on this?"

"Hard to say, sir," he said. "Who would want the Talosians dead?"

"Beats the hell out of me," he said. James wanted some information, as he headed out. "Commander Rabb, you have the bridge." He headed to the Ready room to patch private communications with Colonel Pike.


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