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Looking things over

Posted on Sat Sep 3rd, 2011 @ 3:16pm by Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer

266 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Mission 76 - Home comings
Location: USS Pegasus, Admiral's Ready Room
Timeline: Following Pike's post


It was the day after the crew briefing, and Mike was in his Ready Room aboard the Pegasus, looking over the PADD from Admiral Ross as well as the Reports from Ensign Dar.

Mike knew what Clark's old Pirate group had in their arsenal, several Gryphon, Dagger, Blade, and Hawk class raiders, a handful of older Starfleet and Romulan fighters, and some Klingon, Romulan, Gorn, and Starfleet shuttles. Ship borne weapons included phasers, disruptors, photon torpedoes, plasma torpedoes, and even a few quantum and hellfire torpedoes.

According to Ensign Dar's report, the colonies only had the basics...shuttles, a few privately owned ships, and some small arms.

The biggest things the colonies offered to Clark and his group were more bodies to fill their small ranks and bases to operate out of.

The situation could easily get out of hand if the right moves weren't played out.

Out his window behind him, orbiting now in formation with the Pegasus, Yorktown, Avenger, and Venator were the Steadfast and Constantinople.

Mike glanced at the report from Colonel Pike and knew the Saratoga, Laffey, Endeavor, and Vanguard were still a few days away.

Once they arrived, the Senior Staff would attend the service for Commodore Pike before returning to SB400.

Bremer set the PADDs back on his desk and leaned back in his chair. He decided he would return to his house on Earth and try to enjoy the rest of the day. He wasn't one to take much leave time, so while he had the chance for some R&R he figured he'd better enjoy it.



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