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Hunting the Assassin Pt2

Posted on Mon Oct 3rd, 2016 @ 1:49pm by Commander Leksander Draven & Commodore Leon `Lee` Pike & Captain R'nard Lokran & Captain Jack Solomon & Lieutenant Commander Croesus & Commander Hades,MD & Commodore Alexandra Harrison & Mörder

2,776 words; about a 14 minute read

Mission: Episode 93 - Warrior VS Warrior
Location: USS Yorktown/Nimbus III
Timeline: MD1 2015hrs


Nimbus III

The tavern was booming with business from all the less fortunate who happened to live on Nimbus III as they walked in. The sun was setting so the inhabitants were now all looking to get their drink on after a day's work. Chief White Took point and was the first to walk into the bar followed by the other two.

Lee stepped into the tavern behind White by a few steps, he loo ked around before heading for the bar

R'nard pretended to be their pet, looking around to see anything out of the ordinary. He followed the others.

The Chief directed and cleared a path for the three until they were standing at the bar. He took out a slip of Latinum and slip it to the guy tending the bar. "Three drinks, clean and no synthahol." He glanced at the drinks with his ocular implant to make sure there was nothing slipped into them then handed on to Pike and Lokran before taking a sip from his as he surveyed the room.

Lee nodded to the Chief as he took the drink then looked around the place himself.

White leaned over to the Commodore and whispered, "We trying to do this quietly or do we want to make a show of it? Spies are quiet but bounty hunters and other pirates are sometime boisterous when looking for someone which is why I ask."

"I prefer to do this quietly." said R'nard in a low voice. It was his way of doing things.

Lee whispered to them both "I see your point Chief but I agree with the Commander, let's try to do this quietly so not to draw too much un wanted attention." He took another sip of his drink "Let's find us a table so we can observe as much as we can and not be in the way."

A Caitian woman walked over. She patted Lokran on the head then put her arms around Pike and White. "Hey boys, you'rrre new herrre. Looking forrr a good time? I know the purrrfect place."

This is a distraction, thought R'nard to himself. He kept his eyes and ears open, his animal senses at the forefront. What did she want to keep them from seeing? He slowly scanned the area around them.

White removed the arm from around his shoulder gently and then moved her away from Pike. "Sorry, but not tonight. Maybe some other time." He was no dummy and while this could just be a working girl looking for latinum, it could also be a distraction. He activated his remote implants and began detecting and hacking into any communications signal coming into or exiting within a 100 meter radius of the building.

Lee stepped away from the Caitian then started heading for an empty table when through his link to Alex he got her stress and stopped for a second then headed for the table, finding one he sat down then waiting for the others.

The Chief excused himself of the company of strangers and moved over to the table picked by Pike, sitting down.

Yorktown, Bridge

K'Temoc couldn't sit, he paced the small bridge of the Defiant class ship. He knew the Away Team wouldn't be rushing things on the surface, but he was hoping for good news, and soon.

"Mister Croesus, do you still have a lock?" K'Temoc asked.

Croesus looked over his controls and confirmed the lock. " Sir yes sir. " He then noticed a particular energy signature that peaked his attention. Fascinatingly it was an old style communicator.

"Alex, are we still unseen?" K'Temoc then asked Harrison.

Alex checked her board, "Cloaking device is operative. We are still cloaked." She observed K'Temoc for a moment.

K'Temoc let out a breath. He wasn't nervous or worried, but he really, really wanted to catch Morderin. Twice he'd attempted to assassinate someone aboard Starbase 400. Twice he'd failed, but twice he'd escaped.

"Lek, I'm going to report in with Admiral T'Lar, I'll be in my Ready Room. Let me know the moment the Away Team reports in. Alex, you have the Bridge." K'Temoc said after a few moments before leaving the Bridge.

Alex acknowledged him as she watched him leave, then move to the command chair. A crewman took her place.

Jack continued to monitor the ship's Engineering functions from the Bridge. With the Yorktown being such a small Starship, he was happy in the knowledge that the Engineering team on board didn't need him watching over them. He glanced up as the Admiral left the Bridge.

The small Ready Room aboard the Defiant class ship wasn't much on comfort. No sofa, not even a window. Just a replicator, desk, and computer. It was basically a place for the Captain to hold small private meetings, work on reports, or handle private communications. Most Defiant class commanders rarely used them, K'Temoc being one of them. This was only his forth or fifth time even being in there since the Yorktown-F launched two years before. He'd probably been in the Yorktown-E's a total of ten times in the years he commanded her, and he couldn't remember ever using the one aboard the USS Falcon.

The door closed behind K'Temoc as he looked at a PADD. He took a seat at the desk and tapped a button to active the monitor. Before he could open a secure channel he heard a man's voice.

"Well, here we are."

K'Temoc looked up in surprise. He was face to face with the man they were hunting. "Morderin!"

"Don't worry, I've already taken the time to set up a damping field in here." Morderin said.

"How did you get aboard this ship?" K'Temoc asked as he stood up.

"That was easy. When you stopped me from killing your brother, I knew you'd go looking for me, so I beamed here and just waited. I knew you'd lock the station down and that little Tralazar Security Chief wouldn't stop looking for me on the Starbase. So, I waited for your ship to leave. I planned to beam down after your Away Team gave up looking for me, you picked this moment to use this office." Morderin said.

"So you used the Yorktown as a taxi? You know, that's pretty smart." K'Temoc replied. "To bad your plans were just spoiled."

"Are you sure?" Morderin asked with a smirk.

K'Temoc narrowed his eyes and looked at Morderin for a moment. "Who's the 'warrior', and who's your 'real target'?

Morderin smirked. "General Tragg, and you." He drew a knife from his belt and threw it at K'Temoc, jabbing him in his left shoulder.

K'Temoc stumbled back against the wall as he grabbed for the knife, but Morderin leaped over the desk and slammed K'Temoc against the wall again. Knocked K'Temoc's head against it a few times. K'Temoc finally freed his right arm and managed to push Morderin back to give him a little room.

Morderin grabbed another knife from his belt and took a swing. He cut K'Temoc across his face and then across his chest on the back swing. K'Temoc managed to push Morderin back again then reached into his desk and found the d'k tagh he kept there. He managed to parry off the next knife thrust from Morderin.

"You're quite the opponent, worthy, but now you die." Morderin said as he attacked again.

K'Temoc parried off another thrust and took a swing of his own. He cut Morderin across his left cheek and then right shoulder. Morderin grabbed his shoulder for a moment, then attacked again. He grabbed K'Temoc's arm and made a swift cut across K'Temoc's neck. The blood flowed and K'Temoc's eyes widened, but he managed to jab his d'k tagh into Morderin's left thigh.

The assassin stumbled back and the door opened. He fell into the corridor in front of an Engineering Officer. He let out a grunt sound as he tapped his emergency transport unit on his wrist and shimmered away.

The Engineering Officer looked into K'Temoc's Ready Room and found him on the deck holding his neck as blood flowed. "Willis to the Medical Bay and Bridge, Admiral K'Temoc has been attacked in his Ready Room and he's bleeding out! The attacker just beamed away!

Harrison jumped out of her chair, "Harrison to Sickbay! Medical emergency! Beam K'Temoc immediately to Sickbay!"

"Captain, we should recall the Away Team in case they're walking into a trap." Draven recommended. "This whole thing doesn't feel right."

"Agreed." Alex hoped that Lee was already aware. She'd give him a few minutes before contacting him.

Croesus manned his locks but also noticed the extra curricular transporter activity. Immediately reacting he followed the surge of polaron readings which seemed to be leading off the ship. Being familiar with the uses in cloaking technology, the officer soon realized a small craft had utilized the ships very cloak to hide itself and had activated a transporter while inside the magnetic field allowing Morderin to escape.

"I have found the shuttle. They are employing a modified polarization cloak. I can destabilize their shuttle by using a magneton scan with your permission?" Croesus reported to Captain Harrison.

She nodded, "Do what you can. I want this man caught. " She was ready to anything to get Morderin. Alex added, "Also, let's get our away team out of there. I need Pike back up here."

Croesus quickly acted as he signaled the team to prepare for extraction. Then followed the sensor scan to detect the polaron's of the cloaked ship.

Medical Bay

Hades stood back as the transporter shimmered and K'Temoc shimmered onto the bio bed. Hades' eyes bugged out of his sockets. He motioned for the nurse to give him a hypo that would send K'Temoc to sleep. He didn't have time to put on his gloves he just went in. There were a few wounds but the one on the neck was the most serious. He quickly determined that the wound wasn't as deep as it looked but an artery had been nicked. His hands dripping with blood, his forehead wrinkled in concentration he worked with a low level arterial regenerator to stop the blood flow. He managed to stop the blood from flowing out. "Get him on blood replacement." He was so glad he'd checked the stock before they'd left they had enough for a pint of blood but they had to intro it slowly. He finished closing he wound with the dermal regenerator.

While he was working on K'Temoc's throat his nurse had taken care of the chest wound and the face wound. "Get him in IC, get the blood in him and keep him under sedation." He wiped the sweat off his forehead smearing it with blood in the process.

Nimbus III

Lee then leaned forward and whispered to them "Something bad has happen on the ship, I can feel the stress through my telepathic link to Captain Harrison."

"Sounds like we should make our way to the beam out site then." White whispered.

Lee sat there looking around "Something just doesn't feel right here either, I think there could be trouble." He slowly started to rise when he spotted 3 Klingons enter the bar looking around themselves. "Not good, those men are not on Martok's side."

The Chief looked over and studied the Warriors that had just entered. They were loaded for bear and made no attempt to hide that they were looking for someone or ones. "Commodore, we need to get out of here and back to the ship." White whispered to his comrads, his eyes not leaving the Klingons. "I'm going to get up and make my way to the bar then the door. You two should blend in with the crowd and take the long way around to the door. I'm the new face here so this guy probably doesn't have his men looking for me. If it looks like they notice you two, I'll distract the Klingons long enough for you two to get out then meet you at the rendezvous." His plan may have sounded crazy but there was a both strange and calm confidence in his voice like his proposal was a walk in the park.

R'nard nodded and then disappeared into the crowd. He was especially trained to make himself scarce if he needed to, to travel unheard and unseen. He did his circuitous route to the door, going at times right under the noses of the Klingons. He knew how to deal with Klingons if necessary, but there was no time. Soon, he was out the door and waiting for the rest at the beam up spot.

Lee nodded then slowly rose from the table and taking another way around he managed to slip out the door without being seen by the Klingons.

The Chief made his way towards the exit staggering like a drunken idiot. He watched as his fellow comrads made their way out and then did the same under the ruse of being an over sauced patron. He made his way to the beam out site and joined the other two.

Several minutes later the Away Team was back aboard the Yorktown.

Yorktown, Bridge

"Captain, the Away Team is aboard. I'd recommend we adjust our orbit in case that shuttle Mister Croesus spotted somehow marked our position. I'd also recommend radio silence until we can locate Morderin again." Draven said to Harrison.

Alex was fed up with this Morderin guy and she was angry, "Go ahead, do it. Captain Harrison to Sickbay, what is the status of K'Temoc?"

Hades had just finished cleaning himself and the op area. =^=Stable but still needs to be watched. I need to keep him under for a bit longer. Most of the wounds were easy repair but the arterial one was hard. He'll make it though. I'll be monitoring him all the way. You may see him if you wish, I just can't wake him for now.=^=

Alex turned back to Croesus, the reflections in her voice noting that she was mad, "I am pretty sure that Morderin has already made his escape and I don't think that he would take off in a shuttle that we can track. That isn't his style. I don't know about you but I think we should get back to Starbase 400 where K'Temoc can get the medical attention he needs."

Just as she said that, the door to the bridge opened and in stepped Pike.

Lee back in full uniform stepped onto the bridge "Report?"

Alex was relieved when he walked in. As she moved out of the command chair and back to her original seat, she updated him on what has happened so far, "Moderin has attacked K'Temoc and he once again has managed to escape us. K'Temoc is stable for now." She left it at that.

Lee nodded then sat down in the command chair "Have we got anything on Moderin?"

Croesus awaited orders but made sure to keep his operational eyes on the now uncloaked shuttle. The shuttle itself was equipped with a single transporter which meant if Moderin had used it a chance to determine where it had beamed him would still be programmed into the console. But K'Temoc life was much more important.

"Commodore, Captain, I agree with Mister Croesus, we should return to the Station. I'm sure Doctor Hades is an exceptional Medical Officer, but there's only so much a that can be done in the cramped Medical Bay of a Defiant class ship." Lek added. "I would however, recommend we leave a cloaked sensor buoy. It can monitor the system for any ships coming and going."

Alex glanced around the bridge then fixated on Lee, "I think the buoy is a good idea. As for Morderin, I don't think we need to find him. He's already failed to kill them, twice with Mike and once with K'Temoc. I'm sure he isn't happy about it. He's going to try it again and when he does, we should be ready for him."

Lee sat there thinking everything over for a minute or two then nodded "Agreed, leave the cloaked sensor buoy then head back to Star Base 400 at maximum warp."

Jack sent instructions down to Engineering to make sure that they gave the Warp Systems the utmost priority to make sure that the ship made its way back as quickly and safely as possible. He was still trying to make sure that at one ship he travelled on away from SB400 would get back in one piece. He was feeling a little superstitious.



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