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Posted on Mon Oct 3rd, 2016 @ 2:28pm by Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer & Lieutenant K`Wor & Ensign Becca Bremer & Christopher Bremer & General Janice Fultian-Bremer

2,058 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Episode 93 - Warrior VS Warrior
Location: Starbase 400
Timeline: MD2 0940hrs

After leaving Sick Bay the day before, Mike returned to his quarters to rest. He’d given Janice and Christopher big hugs to assure them he was alright. He rested on the sofa for a while before going to bed and sleeping all night.

When the Yorktown returned to the Station about 0400hrs Mike was informed of K'Temoc's condition and he went to see him. K'Temoc was stabilized, his wounds treated, and he'd received blood to replace some of what he'd lost. Mike was angry, but he also knew there was nothing he could do at the moment. He hoped the cloaked sensor buoy left at Nimbus III would soon relay some data. He returned to his quarters about 0600 hrs and tried to sleep a little more, as the doctor 'suggested'.

By 0940 hours that morning Mike was awake again and went for a walk around the corridors and found he was feeling pretty good. Returning to his quarters, Mike felt like doing something else. He wasn’t supposed to return to duty and since K'Temoc was still sleeping he decided to take the Doctor’s advice and reset another day.

K’Wor and Becca were there when Mike returned and K’Wor had an idea. “We always said we’d go on another old west adventure when I got back, how about we just go for a ride instead.”

Mike smirked, a horseback ride did sound good. “Alright, let’s go.”

A few minutes later they were in one of the holo-suits, wearing authentic 1870s western United States clothing and climbing aboard horses.

“Where did you put us?” Mike asked his oldest son.

“A couple kilometers outside of Dodge City Kansas, but...” K’Wor replied.

“But what?” Mike asked.

“Well, you’ll see.” K’Wor replied.

The two set off on their ride. The weather was nice, it looked to be early fall, and there was a slight chill in the wind. After an hour or so the two rode into Dodge City.

“This doesn’t look like Dodge the last time we used this program.” Mike commented.

“It’s not, this isn’t the real Dodge City. This is my ‘Gunsmoke’ program. It was a radio then a television show back in the mid twentieth century. Very popular, realistic. I found it while at the Academy.” K’Wor replied.

They rode into town and up to a saloon called ‘The Long Branch’. They tied their horse up and walked inside. It was the middle of the day, so there wasn’t a big crowd. As they walked in a dark haired, clean shaven man was walking out.

They walked up to the bar. “Hey Sam, can we get a couple of beers?”

The dark haired man behind the bar smiled, “Sure coming right up.” A woman was standing at the far end of the bar and watched them receive their beers. She flashed a welcoming smile as Mike and K’Wor took a sip. A few minutes later three men came in and took seats at a table behind Mike and K’Wor.

“Hey Sam, can we get a few beers over here please.” The oldest of the three said.

The woman that had smiled at Mike and K’Wor got the beers and took them over. “Hiya Matt, Doc, Festus. What are you boys doing in here so early?”

“Well Kitty we just thought we’d stop in while things are quiet in town.” The taller man said. He wore a badge, a Marshall’s badge.

“Miss Kitty, other than the two men at the bar this place is a little quiet I thought you might like some business.” The older man said.

“You guys are always welcome in here Doc.” The woman replied to him.

“That include me too Miss Kitty? I recon I’m new in town and don’t want to ware out my welcome.” The last of the three said in a heavy drawl.

“That includes you too Festus,” She replied with a smile.

K’Wor looked over at his dad, “What do you think?”

“It’s a good one.” Mike replied as he looked around.

“All of the television episodes are programmed in, so you can play out one of those or set it to random play for something new. The television show was on for twenty years and there were a lot of different characters. I set it to random play a little over half of the way through the show’s run.” K’Wor replied.

A moment later another man with a heavy limp came busting through the door yelling. “Mister Dillon, Mister Dillon!”

The Marshal stood up, “What is it Chester?”

“It’s Miss Robinson, she’s just rode into town. She’s been shot Mister Dillon and says ol Henry is dead.” Chester replied, he also had a heavy country accent.

Doc stood up, “Where is she?”

“Just outside here, Quint's found her a wonderin a few miles outside of town, he's out there with her now.” Chester replied as Doc and Festus walked by. “Mister Dillon she said two men rode up to their house and asked for water. She says Henry recognized one of the men from a wanted poster in your office he saw last week and went for his gun and both men shot him down. Miss Robinson screamed and they shot her too. She said the men went into their house and she was able to get on a horse and ride out.” Chester kept looking at Mike and K’Wor. He then leaned in closer to the Marshal. “Mister Dillon, those men look like the men Miss Robinson described.”

Marshall Dillon looked back at Mike and K’Wor, then walked over. “You men are new in Dodge aren’t you?”

“Yes sir, we’re just passing through.” K’Wor replied.

“When did you get in?” Dillon asked.

“Just before you walked in here, we ordered a beer, haven’t even had a chance to finish it yet.” Mike replied.

Dillon eyed Mike for a moment. “Let me see your guns, slowly.” Dillon instructed.

Both Mike and K’Wor complied. Dillon looked over the guns like a well-trained western law enforcement officer. “Alright, you men are clear.” He handed their guns back and looked over at Chester. “Neither gun has been fired recently and they’ve been in here at least twenty minutes before Sara Robinson arrived, they aren’t the men.”

“What do we do now Mister Dillon?” Chester asked.

“I’m going to ride out to the Robinson place. Ask Festus to ride with me, you too Chester.” Dillon replied. Chester nodded and hobbled out The Long Branch to tell Festus and get the horses ready.

“We’d like to ride with you Marshall .” K’Wor spoke up. “We have law enforcement experience.”

Dillon looked over Mike and K’Wor for a moment, “Alright, let’s go.”

About an hour later Matt, Festus, Chester, Mike, and K’Wor approached the Robinson place. They were dirt farmers with a few horses and cows. As they rode to the edge of a tree line they saw two horses tired up in front of the house. A minute later two more men rode up and were met by the two in the house. They talked for a moment and all went inside.

“That’s Arles Jones. He’s wanted for murder in three states. The man that was with him is his brother. The two that rode up I don’t know.” Dillon said.

“What do you want to do Matthew?” Festus asked.

Dillon looked around. The barn was on the far side of the house and wide open space around it, and no way to get to it without being spotted. There was a small group of trees behind the house that would provide a little cover.

“Chester, you and Festus ride back a ways then approach that group of trees behind the house. You” Dillon pointed at K’Wor “Go with them.”

Once K’Wor, Festus, and Chester rode off Dillon grabbed his rifle from his saddle as he dismounted. “You never told me what your name is.”

Mike dismounted and grabbed his rifle as well, taking position behind a tree. “I’m Mike, Mike Bremer, originally from South Carolina.”

“Alright Mike, don’t fire until I tell ya. I’d rather take them prisoner than killing ‘em.” Dillon replied. “Who’s your friend?”

“My son, Mike junior.” Mike replied again as he watched the small house.

Several minutes passed, then Dillion cocked his rifle. “Chester and the others should be in position now, be ready.” He cleared his throat and yelled. “Arles Jones, this is Matt Dillion, Marshall from Dodge. I know you’re in there. Come out with your hands up.”

A moment passed with no reply, then one of the men tried to make a break out the back and was met with rifle fire. The shots missed as the man scrambled back into the house.

“We have you surrounded, come out.” Dillon again ordered.

Mike took careful aim then fired off a shot.

“What are you doing?” Dillion asked angrily. A moment later, Jones’ horse and the others that were tied up in front of the house broke free and ran off.

“I noticed three of the reins were over lapping each other on the post. This way, they can’t make a break for their horses.” Mike replied.

Dillon smirked, “That’s some good eyes to see that from here. Good shooting.”

Just then gun fire erupted from the house. All around Mike and Matt branches were hit and bark from trees was torn off. One of the men tried to run out the front door toward the barn but bullets from Matt’s and Mike’s rifles cut him down. In the meantime K’Wor rushed from cover and made his way to the back of the house and hid behind a barrel beside the back door. One of the men, probably the one that tried to run out the back before, fired toward Festus and Chester. K’Wor saw him, stood, and shot him in the shoulder causing the man to fall. The other two men tried to make a break for the barn again out the front. Mike and Matt fired their rifles and dropped them with hits to their legs. Then they broke cover and ran toward the wounded men while Festus and Chester moved toward the back door. K’Wor waited, then entered to find the man he’d wounded trying to stop the bleeding in his shoulder. He made the man stand and walk out the front door. In the front yard Dillon rolled over the man he’d shot in the leg, it was Arles Jones. His brother was the man Mike shot in the leg and he rolled him over. Mike and Matt looked over at K’Wor as he brought the last man out. As they did, Arles Jones pulled a pistol from his pocket and aimed at Dillon. Mike, Matt, and K’Wor saw it and drew their pistols and fired. All three hit Jones, in each shoulder and his other leg.

“Ah, you’ve killed me!” Jones screamed out.

“You’re not killed, but you’re sure going to be hurtin for a while.” Dillon replied.

Chester and Festus went to get their horses while Matt thanked Mike and K’Wor. “I think we can take it from here, thank you both for your help.”

“It was our pleasure Marshall .” K’Wor replied.

“Will you guys make it back around Dodge sometime?” Dillon asked.

“If we do, we’ll stop in for a beer.” Mike replied with a smile as he shook Dillon’s hand. "Hopefully my Brother can join us too."

When Festus and Chester walked back, they also had two of the gunman’s horses that had run off before but returned and remained close to the others. Mike and K’Wor mounted this horses and rode off into the sunset.

A few minutes later they walked back toward Bremer’s quarters. “We’ll have to do that again when we get back after this semester.” K’Wor said.

“Defiantly, partner.” Mike said as he smiled, putting his arm around his son.



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