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Rorrke's Drift Or The Alamo PT 1

Posted on Tue Oct 4th, 2016 @ 10:05pm by 1st Lieutenant Klaus Gunther & 1st Lieutenant David Henry & Master Warrant Officer Gaius Aquila & Staff Sergeant Sam Hopper & Lieutenant General Jewel 'M'lara' Dartt & Brigadier General David Hurd Sr & Major Patrick McMichaels & Lieutenant Shrivol Thr'elanon & Major Edward Maxwell & Commander Jonathan Roebuck IV & Lieutenant Nick Archer & Colonel Danny Lennox & 1st Lieutenant Taz & Gunnery Sergeant Marcus Ermey & Gunnery Sergeant Agtx & Sergeant Maal son of Torg & Sergeant Calthier & Corporal Nas & Private 1st Class T'ork & First Ramata`tar
Edited on on Tue Oct 25th, 2016 @ 12:48pm

2,544 words; about a 13 minute read

Mission: Episode 93 - Warrior VS Warrior
Location: Arcanus IV
Timeline: MD2, 1143 hrs

Arcanus Government Center

Major George Cabello sat at the table, silently musing over the icy stares the two Klingon officers, who sat opposite of each other, were giving to each other. Both appeared to be ignoring both the Major's, and the two militiamen who stood at the door.

HoD Chu'moR, a Loyalist of the House of Martok, was almost content with the possibility that him and his crew might be stuck in the Federation for quite some time. His crew has been through much, from the Federation War, the Dominion War, Borg invasion, to the current civil war they were fighting. He would not mind being back into the fight either, but even warriors needed rest.

la'Hon Rodak was not as patient, even for a Klingon. He only had the final part of the Dominion War to fight on behalf of the House of Mo'Kai. Like any near fresh Klingon Commander, he was eager for battle, even if it was to spill Klingon blood.

All awaited the arrival of Jewel Hurd, the resident diplomat.

Jewel arrived along with Sasha, she decided to have her hair down completely and not up as it was giving her headaches at the moment. She looked around the room. "I see you both arrived here without incident," She stated looking at the two commanders.

Rodak grunted and crossed him arms. "What am I doing here? Release us." He glared at Chu'moR.

Chu'moR on the other hand smirked. "Generals, there's no reason to listen to this petaQ, as Humans say he's still wet behind the ears. He's also a maghwl'...a traitor and should be killed right here. If you'll allow me I'll do it now." He smirked at Rodak.

Rodak grunted. "Old man, you should be killed to save space and oxygen."

Major Cabello was silently entertained by the exchange of words between the Klingon officers. However, he would put his money on Chu'moR. There is an old saying, 'Be careful with the old soldier who walks a world where young soldiers die.'

Jewel Sternly looked at both of them, "Enough" She spoke in Klingon. "Their will be no fighting, or going after each other here is that clear." She stated almost annoyed. "Where here to talk not to fight." Jewel added looking at both Klingons.

Chu'moR gave a respectful nod and took a seat. "We will abide by Federation law, but we would...appreciate being returned to the Empire."

Rodak grunted again. "Look at him, he's so old he has to rest." When he realized no one was amused by his comments he became more arrogant. "If you do not release my crew and I, then you will be killed, this planet attacked, and the precious supplies and aid you've stockpiled here." He smirked. "Yes, we know about it."

"Enough Rodak!" She said, "No one is getting crew and ships back until we can reach a peaceful solution here! So making threats is not going to get you anywhere." She stated as she had a sharp pain in her stomach but didn't let it show. This was getting no where right at this point.

Rodak jumped to his feet. "My forces know where we are, and they'll be here soon, and you'll be the first one I kill, halfbreed." He stormed out of the room with two Security Officer behind him as he went back to the quarters he'd been given.

Chu'moR stood, "Impulsive fool." He looked over at Jewel. "He is right, his ship did send out a message before our ships crashed on this planet. The Squadron he's assigned to know where he is, and they will come for him. His ship was carrying information regarding our defensive formation around M'Para Station. They'll stop at nothing to get that information, and if that means attacking a Federation planet to get it, they will."

Cabello suddenly interrupted the meeting. "I think we are done here Lady and Gentlemen," He looked at one of the guards,"Soldier, please take HoD Chu'moR back to my office. Please feed him as he wishes. Sir, please be on your best behavior."

Chu'moR nodded before getting up, and leaving with the guard. Two other militiamen entered the room, one carrying a large case. "General, take a long walk, explore our beautiful city. Rodak and I have much to talk about."

Jewel felt a really bad vibe send chills through her body. But deep inside, she knew that these were desperate times. Without saying a word, she stepped out of the room.

The two militiamen stunned Rodak, and secured him in a restraint chair that was brought in. Cabello spoke to one of the men, "Well Doctor, he is all yours." The "doctor" smiled, as he unrolled a tool bag containing what resembled 17th century medical tools. Rodak woke up to the sight of them...

LZ Alpha

Second Lieutenant Henry was the first of the "senior officers" to arrive to the bunker known as Brigade HQ. He was currently the highest ranking officer for the 327th at LZ Charlie.

Giaus Aquila arrived a short time later to this brigade staff meeting. He was eager to get at least a decent patrol mission. He would not be surprised, however, if his team was placed on standby as part of the Quick Reaction Force, or QRF.

Braxton arrived shortly after Giaus with his medical equipment bag in tow. He walked in smiled at Henry and Giaus. "Hello." He dropped his bag and took one of the empty chairs.

Mitchell stepped in his sub waiting at the door.. The 3rd had landed well, found nothing of concern and were even now doing the Captains required circle of equals, working on there hand to hand skills while building comraderie.. He took a seat and nodded respectfully to the others there.. It was about time real info was shared, the 3rd was antsy enough without there leader as it was..

Walking in, Hurd said, ''Status?''

"Nothing out of the ordinary, Colonel. At least nothing we can detect" Patrick replied.

''Very well, carry on''.

Patrick gave the all clear and his battalion continued. This almost seemed to be just an exercise. He quickly cleared that thought. They wouldn't have been here unless something was going to happen. He loathed waiting.

Giaus spoke next, "Sir, MARSOC currently set up our CP next to this HQ. For now, I have the sections helping out with setting up defenses."

''Very well, speed it up, and by the way, what do we have in the way of Heavy Weaponry, because whatever we have i want it deployed ASAP evenly between here and a rapid response force''.

"Will do Sir."

Henry, who was understandably nervous, spoke next. "LZ Charlie's defenses are developing well Sir, including our shield generators. If you so order, I can have the 327th start their routine patrols." The young Lieutenant was praying that Colonel Hurd would not ask why he was at the meeting reporting his battalion's status

''At ease Lt, consider the order given, reinforced forces, understood?''

"Yes Sir."

The rest of the marines on LZ Alpha continued their work on their positions, and equipment.

Mitchell was sitting at the end of the 3rds makeshift main table, able to seat two squads at a time. they worked comfortably toward the end of lunch.. He'd been quit pleased and surprised, when the Captain had instituted a cook off competition.. It was a great idea, food brought people together.. They were always trying to make something better and sharing it.. It was like magic.. He was frustrated however, his repeated requests for an update on there downed leader were still going unanswered,, Something wasn't right...

Maal was getting his gear together and getting himself ready for anything that could and probably would happen.

Calthier was as ready as a sentient being could be. His senses didn't pick up anything. He did a sector scan and picked up zilch.

LZ Bravo

Taz had been working with his men to get defensive positions readied. Warner had placed mines around the perimeter while Nas took time to set a few trips. Agtx and T'ork worked on foxholes and other positions. They wanted to be ready for when Lennox returned.

"Ssshield generratorrsss arre in placcce Lieutenant." Agtx advised Taz.

LZ Charlie

Hopper walked his way up and down his platoon's defensive line, making sure that both their bunkers, and fighting positions were up to par. And up to par they were, with both overhead, and side cover. He was pleased to see his marines going through the effort to camo their positions. The low hum of a portable shield generator on standby behind their line was also reassuring.

Ermey finished helping a young Private set his rifle's sensor correctly then walked the line to make sure everyone else was ready.

USS Cairo

"Status?" Shran asked the duty officer. "We remain in high orbit. No new sensor contacts Sir."

Shran grinned at the news. In this situation, no news was good news.

Marcus sat their and looked at Shran, "Lets hope it stays that way," Marcus stated.

Outer Boundry of the Arcanus Star System

"Frogger to Eagle's Nest, Eagle 1102 and 2024 on station." 1st Lieutenant Gunther transmitted as their Combat Air Patrol approached system boundaries. "Eagle's Nest copies." The two Eagle Star Fighters commenced a patrol pattern. "Hey Frogger, check out your port sensor."

On Gunther's screen, a distortion could be barely seen. "I see it Drifter. Reads as a high neutrino reading." As they approached the area, a Klingon Bird Of Prey decloaked, and commenced firing on the pair of fighters. Drifter's fighter evaporated from a direct hit. "Frogger to Eagle's Nest, hostile D12 decloaked. Drifter is down. Engaging."

USS Cairo

"Colonel, we just picked up a transmission from one of the CAPS, they are engaged at system boundaries."

Shran stood up, "Red Alert!" The Cairo transitioned to Red Alert immediately.

Marcus spoke, "Cairo to Colonel Hurd, one of our fighter patrols in the outer system is engaged."

''Understood, engage with extreme prejudice''. Turning, Hurd said to those in the CP, ''We have engaged enemy vessels in system''.

In the meantime, Fighter Transport 1 launched her alert fighters, and the crews got the rest of the fighters prepped for launch.

USS Sutherland, Bridge

Receiving word from the Cairo and Tirpitz, the Nebula class ship also went to red alert.

"First, raise shields and bring our weapons to ready." Roebuck said as he took a seat in the Captain's Chair.

"It will be done."Ramata'tar replied.

"Archer, boost power to the shields and phasers. Shut down all non-essential systems." Roebuck added, then he tapped the comm. "Doctor Th'elanon, prepare Sick-Bay to receive casualties."

Th'elanon rushed around preparing the trauma tables for the influx of patients. "We are ready, Sir." He said 'more or less' to himself he said.

Roebuck took a breath, he hoped the Doctor wouldn't be needed...but he knew better. "Very good Doctor."

System Boundry

Gunther took out the forward section of the Bird Of Prey before more Klingon ships decloaked. "Frogger to Eagle's Nest, we have a big problem."

Twenty-five Klingon ships decloaked, mostly Bird of Preys but there were also a few Vorcha' and one massive Negh'Var. The three Federation ships, handful of Fighters, and Arcanus IV's defensive arrays were out gunned. As the Klingon fleet approached Arcanus IV the Klingon commander sent a message.

"Federation forces, this is Tragg Sa' of the IKS Qua'pa. We're not here to fight you. Return our ship and crew to us, as well as the criminals including Chu'moR HoD, and we will leave this system in peace and untouched." His gruff tone authoritative. He meant business.

Captain Ed Maxwell shook his head as he led the way to where he had a single pilot out on his own without a wingman. Luckily the Klingons weren't interested in one little fighter, it was bad enough they'd lost on pilot already. Twenty five Klingon ships, mainly Birds of Prey with a few others thrown in for good measure. All they had on their side was the fighters, three ships, and Arcanus' planetary defenses. To sum it up, in a straight up drag down knock out fight, the Federation troops were in for a first round knockout.

Ed shook his head. The Colonel down on the ground wanted the pilots to engage with extreme prejudice. That was all well and good on his end, but Ed was gonna be damned if he'd throw away pilots and craft in a suicide run that would make no significant impact on the overall fight that was coming. He wasn't charging in guns blazing with only 3 ships to back him up against 25 enemy vessels.

"All squadrons, this is Reaper, abort the attack run. Form up and pull back to the carrier. Wraith Six through 8, stick with me. We're not leaving Frogger out here on his own. We link up with him and then haul ass to the carrier."

Frogger monitored the transmission from his XO, and opened up his throttle toward their direction.

USS Sutherland, Bridge

Roebuck tapped a button on the chair arm and opened a separate, secure channel to the Tripitz and Cairo. "Captain Hannon, Colonel Hurd. I've heard of General Tragg. He's one of the highest ranking Officers in the Opposition forces against Chancellor Martok. He's a veteran of the Dominion War, the war with the Federation before that, both recent Klingon wars with the Krazzle, and many other engagements. He's an excellent commander and a cunning warrior."

''I know'', Hurd replied back through the link. ''Suggestions?''

Roebuck took a breath. "We know they're looking to land troops on the planet and the Marines are in position to protect the major cities. We pull back to the far side of the planet's moon, that should hide us from the Klingon sensors. When they start landing troops, we move in. It'll be their most venerable. I don't think they'll fire on the planet surface, especially not civilian areas. They don't want war with the Federation, they just want the data from their ship back." It was a risk, a heavy gamble, but the three Federation ships and their Fighters couldn't go toe to toe with twenty-five Klingon vessels. "We should also request the Saratoga get here as soon as she can from Starbase 400."

''Very well, pull back and get the Saratoga here as quick as you can'', Hurd replied snapping his helmet into place, fully enclosing his body in his jet black armor, ''We will handle things down here, Hurd out''. Turning to those around him, Hurd said, his voice sounding mechanical through his helmet, ''We will have enemy troop contact shortly, make ready''.

"Roger that, Colonel" Patrick replied. "Alpha battalion. Make ready for eminent incoming, quite probably hostile " he said.

"Aye Major" Calthier replied then pulled his squads to a halt.

Gius was already in a dead run for his CP, summoning his Raiders at the same time.

Henry did a site to site transport back to his LZ, and placed the battalion on Stand To. "Power up the shield generators, bring in the patrols!"



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