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Civilians Night Out

Posted on Fri Jul 22nd, 2016 @ 1:10pm by Lwazanda Ral Daughter of the Fifth House of Betazed & Tom Vercetti & Splendora Sage

2,345 words; about a 12 minute read

Mission: Episode 92 - More Questions than Answers
Location: Good Fella's Bar and Grille
Timeline: MD2, 2140hrs
Tags: Lwazanda


*Well this place is quaint*, thought Merah upon entering the bar. *I can see why being prefer it*

Since arriving on the station, Merah hadn't really had time to get out and explore much. Her restaurant / lounge was just down the Promenade from Good Fellas and her main priority for the last couple of month was to get clientele in and build a solid base of economy. So 5 nights a week, she was at the lounge, entertaining with the customers, flirting and generally keeping the riff raff out.

Now it was paying off as profits were increasing, while not at an impressive rate, steadily.

And that didn't include her other business ventures that were not as legit...

Still, being the business woman that she was, Merah could see the benefits to Good Fellas. It was always busy and loud, the perfect cover for more "clandestine exchanges".

Tonight though, work was not really on her mind. She was here to get out and enjoy herself... and she dressed to match. Sporting a deep cut baby blue dress that accentuated her skin, she made sure it was tight in the right areas and short.

She approached the bar, catching the bartender's eye. She smiled. "May I please have a Bajoran Springwine?"

This was her second visit to Good Fellas. She was really excited about it. Things had been going well at work, she had two clients and she wanted to celebrate. She walked into to good fellows and sat down at the bar.

Smiling at the bartender she ordered a glass of champagne. She looked next to her and smiled at the woman. "Hi! sorry to bug you but can you please pass the pretzels?"

Tom came out of his office as he put his jacket back on. Getting it adjusted he looked around, business was good tonight at the tables, but a little slow at the bar. Walking over he noticed the beer nuts and pretzel bowls low. "Anthony, the bowls."

The younger of the two bartenders on duty looked up and realized what his boss was talking about and started to refill them.

Tom then walked behind the ladies at the bar to apologize and to make sure they had everything they needed. He couldn't see their faces so he wanted to make sure whoever they were, they were well taken care of.

"I hope you both have everything you need." Tom asked.

Splendora smiled. "Hello again Mr. Vercetti!" He'd opened up for lunch for her. "Your food was so great I came back!"

Tom smiled, "Miss Sage it's nice to see you again."

Tom took a step closer then called for his senior bartender, "Marco, drinks on the house for these ladies tonight."

Splendora smiled. "You are such a sweetheart! Please call me Splendora."

Both bartenders looked up at Tom being called a 'sweetheart'. 'If she only knew' they thought. Tom himself even left out a little chuck. "Thank you Splendora." Tom had been many things in his life, and many of those things were sealed by order of Starfleet Command. He'd been called many things in his life too...but sweetheart wasn't usually one of those things.

He nodded to the ladies then stepped away. He wanted to make sure his other guests were doing well, why table seven hadn't been cleaned yet, and why Dean Martian's 'Ain't That A Kick In The Head' was playing for the third time in a row.

Splendora turned to the young lady next to her. "He's so sweet. I'm Splendora. New business owner. And you are?" She extended her hand.

Merah had watched the exchange go down with interest. The owner had seemed nice enough, but, being in the business, she knew that a successful owner would need to put on that "Face" in an instance. Plus it was obvious that he was just a bit interested in her. Splendora seemed to be a bit naïve, but again, games were being played here every night... and she wasn't talking about Dabo. Merah took another sip of her springwine. She was appreciative of the free drinks and logged it down to repay the gesture should he ever come into her lounge.

"He certainly seems that way. It is good to meet you Splendora. I'm Merah. I run the Sparrow Lounge just down the Promenade a ways. What business do you run?" Merah reached out and shook Splendora's hand. She turned her chair to face Splendora. She might be a fun diversion.

She smiled. "Ohhh Sparrow Lounge. I saw it. I'll for sure stop by. I own Mind, Body, and Soul Healing Arts Centre. We specialize in Sound Therapy, Crystal Healing, Counseling, Meditation and Naturopathy." She sipped her drink and wrinkled her nose at the bubbles "I love champagne but it always makes me sneeze. So Merah tell me bout the Sparrow Lounge. And you've got to tell me where you got that dress!"

As she saw Tom pass by she smiled and when he went to the tables behind where they were sitting she blushed and turned back to Merah. "Sorry I missed that...that is can you please repeat what you said Ms. Merah?" She smiled genuinely sorry for being distracted.

Merah smiled and patted Splendora's hand. "That's okay love, I was saying that it was a more upscale lounge that serves a variety of cuisine with a quieter atmosphere. The dress actually, I designed it. I have a tailor and a seamstress that work for me to help me bring my designs to life. If you want I would be happy to create one for you." Merah evaluated Splendora's body for a moment. "Nice figure, very flattering, your height works well for you and the red highlights in your hair will do nicely." Merah tapped her right pointer finger against her mouth in concentration. Then she closed her eyes for a moment. After a few seconds, she opened them again and smiled. "Yes, I think I have something that would fit you nicely."

"Oh my!" She smiled. "You are so talented. That dress looks so good on you." She took Merah's hand. "You are so kind!" She blushed a bit and smiled. "I would love to buy one of your original creations."

"Oh, let's just keep it among friends shall we? No charge, just stop by the shop later this week and I'll have you sized up for something. We can select fabrics and textures and then look at color palettes. It will be fun", said Merah, finishing off her springwine. She smiled at the bartender and ordered another. She made a note to tip very well. Just because her drinks were free, didn't mean that she could be rude.

With so much happening lately, Lwazanda was hungry for gossip. She decided she would try Good Fella's again, although she hadn't been in since her lunch with Stannis. Stepping off the Promenade and into the Grille she stopped dead, unsure whether or not she wanted to proceed.

Tom was walking back out of the kitchen area when he saw Lwazanda entering. He recognized the woman immediately. Who wouldn't?

"Good evening, welcome back." Tom said, looking to see if she's brought anyone with her this time. "Care for a seat at the bar, or are you expecting someone else to join you?"

Lwazanda smiled at the greeting. "Mister Vercetti, good to see you." She looked around and noted a few people seated at the bar. Smiling wider, "The bar will be lovely." She stepped further into the establishment.

Tom motioned and smiled. "First drink is on the house. Enjoy your evening."

"Thank you" Ral smiled and gracefully made her way to the bar.

Splendora sensed the presence of another Betazoid. She slammed up her mental guards. She'd learned long ago how to protect herself from other telepaths. It had been a habit since she'd left home. It was a precaution. She looked up at the pretty woman who slid into the seat by her and Merah. "Hello." She said cautiously.

Merah watched as other beautiful lady slid into the chair beside Splendora. She was an older woman with chestnut hair, but her features were striking and she was very pretty. Merah also noticed that Splendora tensed up with the approach of the woman. Either they had a history together, or she sensed something that Merah was missing. Anyway, the lady sat down and not to be rude, Merah smiled and nodded.

"Hello there." She also noticed that three beautiful ladies were catching the attention of several of the male species in the bar... just the way that Tom probably wanted it. Attention equals profit.

Splendora forced herself to relax. Not every Betazoid was a spy for her family. Jarro was but not everyone was. She smiled this time at the woman genuinely but still keeping her mental block in place. "I'm Splendora and this is Merah and you are?" She extended her hand.

Lwazanda sat straight, she turned to face the women who greeted her so quickly and without thinking she began to rhyme off her extensive title. "My name is Lawazanda Ral, Daughter of the Fifth House of Betazed. Guardian of the Holy Sceptre of Betazed and Protector of the Diadem of Jelarra." He finished wit a brilliant smile. "It's good to meet you both." She said, gesturing for a drink which arrived promptly. A double Bajoran Martini.

"It is very nice to meet you Ms. Ral", said Merah. She was, for once in her life, slightly grateful for her Cardassian heritage and training. Before her father passed, he taught her how to have a holographic memory and also to block off mental intrusions. While she wasn't up to the level of someone in the Obsidian Order, she could deflect casual scans. Within her hand appeared two business cards, which she handed over to Lwazanda, the other to Splendora. "I own the Sparrow Lounge just down the way. I think I would like to have both of you in sometime as my honored guests. I think it would make for a most 'interesting' night."

"Do you own a business on the station as well?" Splendora asked.

Choking on her drink as she sipped, Lwazanda laughed. She caught a glimpse of the reaction of the other two and stopped. "Oh, you were serious?" She quickly sipped her Bajoran Martini for a bit of courage and answered their question. "I don't own a business actually. I used to be a Federation Diplomat, but I've taken early retirement." She said finally.

"I see. Well retirement is good. It can give you some time to reflect and to do the things that work doesn't allow for." She looked at Merah and then turned to Lwaznda, "Ms. Ral, Merah if you'll excuse me I'll be right back." She got up and headed towards the powder room.

Well that was awkward, thought Merah. There was something definitely at play between Splendora and Lwazanda. The better part of Merah chose not to get involved. Instead, she watched Splendora make her exit. Oh she said that she would be coming back, but Merah was a master people watcher and her demeanor and gait spoke that she was getting out of here.

Splendor had excused herself to go to the ladies room. There she'd splashed cold water on her face. "Fifth House." She said miserably. It was a well known house for sure but so was hers. Her mother was an ambassador what if this Lwazanda knew her? What if she accidentally let it slip that Splendora was here? She'd avoided her parent for 11 years. She sighed. 'Okay calm down you gave her a first name only and chances are she doesn't even know who your parents are. Maybe this Fifth House Daughter had nothing to do with the Diplomatic corps on Betazed. ' She felt steady now, Calm.

She left the bathroom and just as she was rounding a corner she bumped into a solid chest. She felt arms reach out to steady her. "I'm so sorry I...." She looked up. "Mr. Vercetti. I'm so sorry I wasn't looking."

Tom smiled, "It's alright. Everything okay?"

She tried to smile but it didn't reach her eyes. "Shadows of the past Mr. Vercetti. I should go." She looked up at him. "Thank you for the free drink. You are very kind."

Tom nodded, he could tell something was wrong, but it didn't seem to be the time to ask.

Merah downed the last of her wine. It was very good, the real thing, not some of the replicated trash that she had been served at other establishments. She made note of it and promised to come back here again in the future.

"Well, Ms. Ral, I too have to see to my business affairs. Please, come visit me at Sparrow's Lounge. I would love to hear more about your life as a diplomat. I'm sure you have a most unique perspective on things."

Merah tossed an ample amount of credits on the bar top. This served two functions. First it rewarded the staff for their bosses generosity, which led to the 2nd function... they would remember her and she was always looking for new contacts and people who could introduce her to other people.

On her way out the door, she made it a point to talk to Tom. "I must say you run a very nice establishment here. I will definitely be back and might even refer some of my clientele over here. If you fancy coming to my place, I run the Sparrow's Lounge just down the Promenade. Thank you for a wonderful evening."

Lwazanda watched as Merah departed. She sighed and took a long sip from her glass. Within just a few minute she managed to scare off two seemingly lovely women and to top it off, she hadn't heard one shred of gossip. Shaking her head, she finished her drink, and waved to the bartender for another. It seemed it would be a long lonely night.



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