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Liberty Call

Posted on Thu Jul 21st, 2016 @ 4:12pm by Staff Sergeant Sam Hopper

220 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Episode 92 - More Questions than Answers
Location: Herb's Beach, Karvis Bay, Kaleb IV
Timeline: MD2, 1430 hrs

Sam was stuffed. As he sat back in his lounge chair on the beach, he only half regretted eating the largest amount of non-replicated seafood he has eaten in his life. He wasted no time getting to this spot after the memorial service back up on the star base. But General's orders were General's orders, and his whole Platoon went on liberty pass as soon as they could. Most of his marines stayed in New Hampton to enjoy the metropolitan life style, including its nightlife. A few felt adventurous enough to do some mountaineering up north. Sam was more content on the beach, without an officer, another marine, or fleeter to be seen.

His skin has a pinkish color after only a couple of hours, and the color almost clashed with his tropical themed swim trunks. He reached over to the small table next to him. When he picked up his commbadge, he immediately set it back down. His hand continued to search until it found Sam's fourth margarita. He was starting to feel pretty good mentally. Considering his experience just days before, including combat evaluations, and actual combat against pirates, he deserved this break.

A bikini clad server walked up to him, holding a tray. From it, she handed Sam another Margarita. Sam just smiled, "Damn life is good!"


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