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Mystery Boxes and Headaches

Posted on Sat Jul 23rd, 2016 @ 6:44pm by Splendora Sage

490 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Episode 92 - More Questions than Answers
Location: Splendora's Quarters
Timeline: MD 02 2215 hours


Splendora left the bar and made her way home. By the time she hit her quarters she started feeling bad about how she judged the pretty Betazoid woman. She hated that she still had this hang up. She’d run away when she was 16 years old and she’d done fine. In fact she hadn’t seen neither hide nor hair of her family and that was good but part of her recalled the day she left and how she’d barely managed to make it off Betazed.

She shuddered at the memory. Feeling tired and bone weary she stripped her clothing and headed to the bathroom running the warm water into the tub. She added some bubbles and some lavender oils and got in. Leaning back she allowed the warm water to sooth her. She soaked a good hour before she rinsed off and slipped into her sweat pants and sweat shirt.

She decided that she would finish unpacking. She’d done little by little and there were four boxes left. Books, she knew. She opened the first and started sorting the books on the wall to wall shelf she’d pre ordered. She managed to fill two shelves with the first box, one each with box two and three.

Feeling tired and hungry she went over to the replicator. She ordered spaghetti and meatballs. Comfort food. Smiling she sat down on the sofa and ate her food. Once done she ordered mint tea and decided to tackle the 4th box.

When she opened it something seemed off. The books were moved around and the seal looked like it had been broken and stitched up.

As she started taking books out she noted that there were several missing and in the bottom was a rather heavy box approximately 12 inches by 12 inches. It was solid black with what looked like some sort of inscription she didn’t recognize.

She put it down and stared at it. “What are you?!” She didn’t pack that for sure. She was 100 percent sure. Plus some of her beloved books were missing.

She tried to open the box but nothing seemed to work.

Frustrated beyond belief she decided that she’d deal with the issue in the morning. Feeling tired she went to bed. Crawling beneath the sheet she suddenly had a headache. It was funny, she hadn’t had one until she’d unpacked the last of the books and found that box. She smiled at herself.

What a stupid thing to think. A box couldn’t give you headaches. She sighed. It had been the stress. Maybe she’d do some aromatherapy on herself.

It took a long time of tossing and turning for her to fall asleep. The headache seemed to get worse by the minute. When she was finally beyond exhausted she fell asleep.


Dr. Splendora Sage
Owner of Mind, Body, and Soul Healing Arts Centre
Starbase 400


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