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Posted on Sat Mar 5th, 2016 @ 1:32pm by General Janice Fultian-Bremer & Lieutenant Anandra Delair & Lwazanda Ral Daughter of the Fifth House of Betazed

491 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Episode 90 - The Great Relink
Location: Counselor's Office, Starbase 400
Timeline: MD3 1100hrs

Lwazanda slipped out of her apartment quietly With Kon around it was like walking on eggshells. Of course, Mirenna understood her bosses distance. Kon however, had noted his wifes disappearances.

Today the Betazoid woman was to meet with Counselor Delair, at Janice's request. But Lwazanda had a request of her own. She intended to have Janice come with her.

She certainly looked more herself as she strode up the hallway towards the Bremer Quarters. Today she was dressed in a Grey sarree with a beaded headwrap. Her eyes seemed brighter as she reached for the chime.

Janice was up early. Mike had woken up early and left for Ops just before 0700 hours. That gave Janice time to get Christopher up and ready for school before getting ready to meet Lwazanda. She was happy her friend had agreed to meet the Counselor, and she’d agreed to go with her.

Hearing the door chime, Janice opened the door, saw Lwazanda, and greeted her with a smile. “Ready to go?”

The Betazoid smiled at her friend, "I suppose so." She looked at Janice, directly in her eyes. "Thank you for doing this with me, I know you have better things to worry about. It means a lot to "

"It's no problem at all. Christopher is at school, Mike is on duty." Janice flashed a reassuring smile as she stepped into the corridor.

As the two headed for the turbolift, Janice looked over, "Just be honest with the Counselor, and she'll be able to give you better advise. Don't hold back."

"Honesty is not what I'm afraid of." Lwazanda said quietly. The lift lurched upwards

"What are you afraid of?" Janice asked, concerned.

"Reality." Lwazanda said without a second thought. She was staring straight ahead.

The lift opened and deposited the pair on the require deck.

Janice flashed a reassuring smile, but now she was more concerned that before.

A few minutes later the two entered the Counselor's Officer and took a seat.

Lwazanda crossed her legs as she sat, and absent-mindedly adjusted her head wrap."Where is this Counselor?" She asked nervously.

Counselor Delair had been in a private room just off of her main office, going over files. When the computerized chime indicated that someone had entered the counseling office, she screen-locked her console and moved to that room with a PADD in hand, greeting the ladies with her typical smile.

"How are you today?" She asked.

Janice looked over at Lwazanda, waiting for her answer. When one wasn't forth coming, she replied. "I'm doing good today Counselor." She looked back at Lwazanda.

Taking a breath in, Lwazanda said, "As well as expected."

"I understand that this appointment is for you Lwazanda, and I assume Janice is here upon your consent?" she asked, simply following official protocol before they could begin.

"Yes, I wouldn't be doing this if Janice weren't here." Lwazanda spoke with an urgency.

Janice gave a reassuring smile.



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