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Jobs to do

Posted on Sat Mar 5th, 2016 @ 11:39am by Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer & Lieutenant Commander Holly Gillo & Lieutenant Commander Croesus & Lieutenant Nuala Takabe

669 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Episode 90 - The Great Relink
Location: Starbase 400, Ops
Timeline: MD3, 1050hrs, Following 'More Changes'



Croesus had been many things in his career. Chief Science Officer, Xo, and even an operative once. He had even been to a reach of the universe seldom never reportably seen my man. But he had never been an assist operations officer.

Oh sure , he knew the job and all it had to Intel but he had never truly felt the inner pulse of a system the size of the starbase. With the tap of a pad he could re-route power or at the touch of another create power where non had ever been.

If this was not a powerful position surely there was none anywhere.

Croesus ran his diagnostic report that was to be done every watch and studied it for any irregular power fluctuations. Seeing ones formerly addressed, and spotting a few of,the own, Croesus sent the work orders to the Chief Engineers officer, via requisition protocols.

Holly was one to arrive on time to work if not early. The marine side of her made sure of it. Not to mention she had made it a habit to be like that. With the new officer under her and his skills not yet known to her in practice she was going to keep an eye on him just to make sure he settled in well. Seamed to be doing so as he was sending reports in on time and doing his best to keep up with the station. His report in her hand she reviewed it in an office to attempt to figure out what was going on with the station that might hinder any missions that might come up.

Bremer came out of his office following his meeting with Solomon and T'Lar. He had a little time before his meeting with Captain Ro of the USS Ashalla arrived.

Mike walked over to one of the open Operations/Engineering stations and tapped in a few buttons. With Clifford departure, he wanted to make sure all of the upgrades to the USS Princeton were finished and the ship was ready for more than just in-system missions. The old Constitution Refit already had a special place in the Fleet Admiral's heart.

According to Clifford's last report on her, the only thing left was to make minor adjustments to the ship's secondary power distribution grid and lateral sensor arrays.

Mike closed out of the console then looked around, seeing Croesus, he walked over to the new Officer.

"Commander, if you don't have an assignment right now I have a job for you. The USS Princeton is at docking bay fourteen. She's recently finished major upgrades following years in the reserve fleet. She needs some adjustments to her secondary power distribution grid and lateral sensor arrays. Can you take care of that please?" Mike said to the new Operations Officer. "You also might want to ask Lieutenant Takabe to assist you."

Croesus stood up at the Admirals arrival.

" Thank you sir. I would be honored to do some dirty work for a change. I'll send a link to Lt Takabe to assist me." Croesus replied.

Mike nodded, "Thank you." Before he could say anything else he was handed a PADD. Glancing, he read '...returning to duty...'.

"Commander, excuse me." Mike said as he walked away.

Nodding to a replacment peer at ops, Croesus gathered some tools and headed to the hall leading to bay 14. Tapping his comm badge he called, " Lt Takabe this is Commander Croesus, please report to docking bay 14."

"On my way, Commander." Takabe replied.

Arriving to that docking bay Croesus showed his duty ID via padd, and then entered the air lock to board the Princeton, making sure to inform the duty officer of Lt Takabe imminent arrival to assist.

"Take me to your broken toys, " Croesus jokes.

"You're an oddity, a Klingon with a sense of humor." Takabe remarked. "Don't think the kids have broken them yet. They just need calibration. Then the bridge children brake them at their leisure."



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