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Marriage and Loneliness

Posted on Sun Mar 6th, 2016 @ 2:29pm by

237 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Episode 90 - The Great Relink
Location: Lwazanda Ral's Apartment
Timeline: MD3, 0900Hours
Tags: Kon, Ral, Lwazanda, Betazoid, Betazed, Marriage

Since his arrival, Kon was used to waking up and not knowing where his wife had gone. She was always up before him, and gone soon after. He barely ever saw her.

The Betazoid man could not help but think of her with Stannis.The image of them kissing was engrained in his mind.

Despite the fact that Kon himself had many extramarital relations, it was a different matter to have it happen infront of your spouse. To allow the person you made a sacred vow with to see that sort of disrespect was unforgivable.

Kon had contemplated leaving Lwazanda countless times since his arrival. However, he decided to force her to hold her to her vow. Being married to the Fifth House of Betazed was a fantastic opportunity that Kon had no intention of letting go anytime soon.

He wandered about the large apartment, hoping that perhaps he would find Lwazanda. If he found her, he would suggest a walk through the Promenade. At this point, he was mostly concerned with preserving the outward portrayal of the marriage.

With his work, and the social station of the couple, the image of a happy marriage was paramount.

Stalking about his wife's vast apartment, Kon saw no sign of Lwazanda. Only the sounds of the help scurrying about let him know he was not alone.even if he had felt such for as long as he could remember.


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