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It's Time

Posted on Wed Jun 3rd, 2015 @ 10:00am by General Janice Fultian-Bremer & Lieutenant General Jewel 'M'lara' Dartt & Commander Tressa Brislan & Brigadier General David Hurd Sr

758 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Episode 88 - Memories Lost, Trouble Found
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: MD2 1230 hrs, Following 'Intel Briefing '

Jewel and David walked to sickbay as her contractions were getting worse, as they arrived she noticed Janice was there waiting. "Glad you can make it Janice," she smiled through her pain as she wanted her sister there.

Janice smiled. "I have Jo Anne watching Christopher til Mike is off duty. I wouldn't be missing this for anything!"

They all walked into sickbay and looked around, "Commander Brislan?" David asked as he looked and finally found the doctor. "I think it's time," David responded about nervous then anyone could be. Compared to Jewel, he was a nervous wreck.

Tressa smiled. "Major, General," she said as two nurses led the couple to a maternity room. "Computer, how far apart are the contractions?"

"Last uterine contractions were two point three minutes apart."

"Excellent," the doctor said as Jewel sat down on the low bed. The computer began to raise the bed as Tressa placed a small scanner just beneath the general's swollen belly.

"Eight centimeters, almost there," the doctor said. "What is your pain level, please?" she asked gently.

She laid there breathing through her contractions, "oh about a ten." She stated looking at the doctor and then her husband and sister. She closed her eyes concentrating on her breathing.

David stood by her looking about worried, he wondered how Jewel can be so calm at this time. He just stood by her and held her hand. Jewel could tell her husband was a nervous wreck. "Love you need to calm down, this isn't my first rodeo. I will be alright," Jewel said looking up at him with a small smile through the pain.

Janice tried to remain calm, but she knew fully well the pain Jewel was feeling right now. She tried to lend a warm smile and encouraging comment, but this was all on Jewel and the new baby that was about to make it's first appearance...

She was just glad to have her sister there, since she wasn't there for when her twins were born. "Janice, I am glad your here." She said with a tear rolling down her cheeks then a sharp pain radiated followed by a scream of pain.

Janice looked over at Doctor Brislan, "Is there anything you can give her for the pain?"

"I just did," the doctor said with a smile, moving her hand from Jewel's abdomen. "This localized anasthetic will mute the pain but still give her control of her muscles. I don't think you're going to be enjoying the hospitality of my Sickbay for very long, General, this one is coming quickly. Eight point eight centimeters dilated."

"Ya well, none of my children can wait very long." Jewel said as she chuckled a bit but not to much. She was feeling exhausted and after awhile she looked at the doctor. "Um doc, I think he's coming." She said as she has that feeling to push.

Janice smiled, "I see his head crowning...he's coming out!" She looked at Jewel again as she pushed. "You're doing great."

"Can you bear down one more time," Tressa asked, guiding the baby's shoulders through the birth canal. A moment later the doctor was thumping the newborn's feet gently and he started to cry... softly at first, then stronger. Tressa laid him on his mother's belly as Jewel pushed again.

"I think you've done this before," the doctor said with a wink as she cut the cord. "Now you are separate from Mother," she added as a nurse carefully wiped his face and swaddled him before placing him in Jewel's arms.

"He's beautiful, and he has all his fingers and toes." Janice smiled.

She looked at him and held him, he had his eyes closed for now. She noticed he had a small ridges on his forehead but also looked so much like his father. "David he is beautiful," She said as she looked at him.

"Yes he is dear, his name is going to be David Hurd Jr." David said and Jewel nodded. "David it is," Jewel said as she looked at Janice and held him out for her to hold. "Here you go Auntie," Jewel said with a smile.

Janice smiled as she held her nephew for the first time. She studied his face. After a moment, the baby flashed a cut newborn smile.

"Must be gas." David said with a smirk.

Janice gently handed the baby back to Jewel, then looked over at the Doctor. "Let's give the new parents a few moments alone with the new member of their family."



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