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Intel Briefing

Posted on Wed Jun 3rd, 2015 @ 9:56am by Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer & La Ch'Tal Son of Ren'al & Major T'Lana & Fleet Admiral Sevlek & Admiral Deela T'Lar & Commodore Leon `Lee` Pike & Sergeant Maal son of Torg

1,027 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Episode 88 - Memories Lost, Trouble Found
Location: Tactical Operations, Starbase 400
Timeline: MD3 1145 hrs, Following 'A Summons From The Past...'

Mike had just received the word that Jewel was in labor and heading for Sick Bay. Janice was there waiting on her, but Mike couldn't be there yet...he had an Intel meeting to attend first. It would be a brief meeting, basically to go over relations and the new treaty with the Krazzle following their meeting aboard Starbase 400.

Mike arrived in Tactical Operations to find Admiral Sevlek already there, along with Lieutenant Commander Matthews was with him.

Matthews was saying as Bremer entered, "How many people know his identity?"

Sevlek acknowledged Bremer with a nod and responded, "Less than ten individuals know his true identity. It was requested to have a Top Secret-Classified seal." Sevlek watched as Bremer sat and then continued, "You were briefed because there are individuals that would see him dead to cause intentional harm to certain parties. Review the detailed files once this meeting is concluded and then begin your assignment."

Slade nodded, "Aye, sir."

Sevlek looked at Bremer, "My team has been informed we'll be returning to Earth. Admiral Nakamura attributed this to the successful signing of the treaty. I have a follow-up communication with Admiral Nechayev in approximately 5 hours."

Bremer nodded. In some ways he was kind of glad Sevlek was leaving, he didn't feel as if someone was watching over his shoulder anymore. Then again, he'd grown used to working with the Vulcan again that was once a member of the Pegasus crew many, many years ago.

“Understood.” Mike replied as the Station’s exchange officers assigned to the Intel Department entered and took their seats.

They waited for T'Lar, Pike, Silva, and Maal to arrive to continue.

T'Lar walked in and glanced around for a brief moment. She sat down without a word.

Mike looked over at T'Lar and gave a warm smile. She seemed to have something on her mind and he made a mental note to ask her about it.

Javier arrived for his first meeting since coming aboard. He had yet to officially meet any of the other officers besides Hoshi, so this would be his first impression amongst his peers. He quickly and quietly made his way to the closest available seat and waited for the briefing to begin.

Leon walked into the meeting with Maal walking behind him, both gave a nod to everyone then sat down with Maal leaning against the wall his arms folded across his chest.

Sevlek looked around the table and began, "The treaty between the Krazzle government and the Federation Alliance has been signed and ratified by the Federation Council and the C'hakilian Royal Parliament. No star systems will exchange ownership. Relief vessels will be permitted to provide support to former C'hakilian worlds now governed by the Krazzle. We will be assigning a picket force on the border, for an undetermined amount of time, to assure the Krazzle government of the Federation's resolute nature about their further expansionist policies."

"This is the summation of the current relations with the Krazzle government. Federation Diplomatic Corps officers will be assigned to Krazz to act as a permanent fixture for at least the next 10 years. Those individuals will have two companies of Marines with them on the planet. In turn, the Krazzle government will be sending a representative and a contingent of their security forces to Earth."

After Sevlek finished his briefing, Mike had more to added.

“Additional to what Admiral Sevlek has gone over, there are a few more things we need to monitor. First, the USS Houston has been sent to Sector 1372, open space beyond the Klingon Empire and the Federation’s Raeyan Expansion Area, to investigate some unknown subspace signals coming from there. Starfleet Command isn’t sure if it’s a new species or a natural phenomenon. Once the Houston identifies the source, they are to advise Starbase 400.”

Mike paused a moment while his Intel Staff made notes on their PADDs, then he continued. “Starfleet Command also wants Starbase 400 to increase its monitoring of the Romulan Neutral Zone and conduct additional long range intelligence scans of Romulan space and select systems Admiral Sevlek will provide. It’s believed there is more unrest among the Romulan population and members of its military. To what extent we don’t know yet.”

T’Lana gazed at Bremer for a moment before speaking, “Do they believe it’s another coup or a change in power?”

Mike shook his head before replying to the Romulan and former Tal Shiar operative that defected to the Federation a few years ago, following the Hobas event. “No one is sure. Empress Sela seems to have a firm grip on the Romulan Government and Imperial Navy.”

Javier raised his hand slightly to get the Admiral's attention. "Sir, have their been any rumblings or rumors floating around as to what the unrest could pertain to or do we have nothing to go on at this point?" He asked.

Lee looked at Bremer "What do you think the Romulans could be up to Admiral?"

Bremer replied, “Right now, we don't know. We'll just conduct the intel scans and increase patrols along the Neutral Zone with one or two ships. We don't want the Romulans to think we're being provocative, especially after just signing the treaty with the Krazzle.”

T'Lar was uncharacteristically distracted, finding it hard to concentrate on what was being discussed. Her mind was on one of her former crewmembers and a request that was made. She shifted in her chair as her attention went back to the issues at hand.

Javier thought of one of his contacts that might help get some info on what "unrest" was currently going on with the Romulans that may provide some light on what's going on, or at least give him a starting point to help in the investigaton.

“Lastly, I’ve received word from a trusted friend that a possible Section 31 Operative, code named ‘Cyrus’ was spotted on Starbase 349 last week. We're not sure of his plans, but let’s keep an eye out for him.” Mike looked around the room for a moment, “Questions?”

When no one spoke up, Bremer stood. "Alright, let's get to work. Dismissed."



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