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New Assignment

Posted on Wed Jun 3rd, 2015 @ 2:46pm by Fleet Admiral Sevlek & Fleet Admiral Alynna Nechayev

810 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Episode 88 - Memories Lost, Trouble Found
Location: Starbase 400; Deck 4, Admiral Sevlek's Office in Secured Office Suite
Timeline: MD3 1315 Hours


Sevlek was sitting at his desk finishing the final reports before he and his team left Starbase 400 for Earth. He had a Posting Exit Interview with Fleet Admiral Nechayev scheduled for 1630 hours, just 5 minutes from now.

He had been finishing reports and evaluations for the last 4 hours. Ever since the meeting with Bremer, where he informed the CO of Starbase 400 that he and his team were being recalled to Earth following the successful completion of the treaty process with the Krazzle government.

He stood and walked to the replicator, "Tea, chamomile, hot." The computer chirped and a second later the mug shimmered into existence. The Vulcan picked up the mug and drank. It was one of the more noticeable things Sevlek had picked up during his tenure in Starfleet. He had begun drinking many of the flavored or aromatic teas of Earth, unless he was on Vulcan or it was being served, since the days of his attendance at Starfleet Academy.

His roommate, Eric Bolgens, was from an island on Earth called England. Eric had introduced him to many varieties of tea. Since having it the first time, he had always had a preference for chamomile flavored hot and cold drinks. The flavor had a soothing or ordered affect. Something a logical Vulcan could appreciate.

As Sevlek was moving back to his desk, the comm channels flashed and chirped. It was time for his communication with Admiral Nechayev. He sat down and activated the comm, replacing the Federation seal with the face of a human woman, blond with some slight graying around her temples. He greeted her, "Admiral Nechayev."

The woman smiled, a genuine smile. Her and Sevlek had been, what humans would call, friends. They had worked together extensively during many of the Federation's most defining moments in the last 23 years. "Sevlek, I just wanna say you and your staff, along with the staff of Starbase 400, did some really good work concluding the treaty negotiations."

She paused as she looked to her right and up as a PADD was handed to her. Sevlek assumed it was an aide. She continued, "Mamoru told me that he's already informed you of your reassignment back to Earth." She paused again, "We've all discussed it and have decided to cancel that reassignment. Vice Admiral Ch'r'kk hasn't been replaced as Starfleet's Beta Quadrant Commander. We had a short list of potential replacements. You were on that list and how the Krazzle were handled pushed you to the top in a lot of the minds involved in this kind of decision."

Another pause, "With the position comes a promotion to Fleet Admiral and the ability for you to choose what station becomes your flagstation. The Gladiator will remain your flagship. You may choose your staff from the available pool of candidates or from other postings." She smiled again. A smile designed to put people at ease. It was a wasted gesture on most Vulcans. "You interested?"

Sevlek responded, "I have learned that requests from Admiral Alynna Nechayev are never truly requests."

Alynna Nechayev laughed, "Is that humor? I think we'll withdraw the offer and instead commit you to Starfleet Medical." She laughed again.

The Vulcan Admiral nodded, "I will accept the reassignment. I would also like to choose Starbase 400 as my flagstation. Before it is made official, however, I would like to speak with Admiral Bremer to ensure that he is agreeable to the decision."

Nechayev nodded, "You know you don't need his permission, right?"

Sevlek returned her nod, "I do. However, I have a great amount of respect for Admiral Bremer and his staff. I believe it would be logical to ensure that he is agreeable to my preference of Starbase 400."

"Alrighty. Well, I have another seven hundred more communications to make, along with 4 staff meetings. My office is preparing the announcement for the FNS and Federation Councilpersons offices. We'll also be forwarding a copy of your orders to all command level officers of outpost, colonies, ships and whatever else falls under your new jurisdiction." Nechayev nodded to someone off-screen.

"Understood. I will be keeping the majority of my current staff in my new role, as well. I will also be promoting Admiral Bremer officially to the position of Ares Regional Theater Commander. He has already been performing that role, unofficially, for several years."

The human woman nodded, "Understood. I'll be in touch in the next two weeks to schedule an in-house visit to Starbase 400 at some point in the future. I'm also reassigning the U.S.S. Stodola, a S.C.E. vessel, to your command purview as well. Anything else you need before I go?"

Sevlek nodded, "Very well, Admiral. There is nothing else of which I am aware. Good day."

The screen shifted from the other Admiral back to the Federation Seal. There were some things that needed doing now.


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